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初高中英语读写教学的 几个可能的课题,浙江外国语学院 赵 伐,问题一:,为什么中考、高考中学生的阅读理解得分较高,但作文得分却普遍较低?,如何评判这三篇作文?,One thing Im proud ofOne thing I am proud of is that I hadnt cried out when you died. Hanging oppressively low in the sky, clouds were curved and accomplished by the ruthless winds. You left me in such a dull and dark day. Irresistably, our old golden time hit me. The first Chinese character you taught me. The same dishes you cooked for me out of a casual word from me. The tears welling up in your eyes when hearing I caught the disease before this exam. The ever-lasting promise that you were going to see me the next day. But I have no chance to cry. I need to comfort my mother and her mother. I have to stand on my own feet to face the challenging exam. I bear in mind that you were the one expecting my decent result most desperately. Reality leaves no room for regrets.Tough time does no last. Tough people do. One thing Im proud of is that I had not cried out when you died. You finally witnessed my mature, cruel but hopeful.,问题二:,阅读教学与写作教学有无联系?什么联系?现在的阅读和写作教学是否脱节?,英语阅读教什么?,Read for what?,Read for details (cause Read to understand the structure of a text.,读细节、读主旨、读结构、读语气、读态度、读言外之意 阅读理解的六个目标,写作 (微观、中观、宏观层面),有何联系?,有无联系?,英语写作教什么?,用词、词组和词块(using words, phrases and chunks) 造句(making sentences) 连句(linking sentences) 成段(writing paragraphs) 组篇(organizing a discourse),用词、词组和词块 造句 连句 成段 组篇学生的写作问题在以上5个层面均有表现, 而在阅读教学中,教师是否在关注这些问题, 是否在考虑如何结合阅读教学来解决这些问题呢?,Grammar-focused(微观层面),Discourse-focused(中观层面),Discourse-focused(宏观层面),an always-time;the frequent defeat by illness;the only feature telling me from other young babies;a regulation of an all-day parents company;an easy tone;faced with feeling the heat of water;tapping on my face;has been distinguished by gracefully embraced all the laughter and tears of my own;, which reveals caring parents enduring love for their kids (the enduring love of caring parents for their kids) The frequent defeat by illness is the only feature telling me from other young babies. (Being often sick makes me a difficult child,unlike other babies.) The uncertainty of my health condition made it a regulation of an all-day parents company during a time when I could not even let out a cry to comfort them. (The uncertainty of my health condition made it a routine for my parents to look after me,day in and day out, when I could not even utter/make a sound that could bring them any comfort.), my dad simply occupied himself in feeling the heat of water, feeding the medicine to me, tapping on my face and holding me in his arm, humming songs and walking around. (occupied himself, putting his hand in the water to make sure its not too hot, feeding me the medicine, tapping me on the face and holding me in his arms) My whole life has been distinguished by the very man, gracefully embraced all the laughter and tears of my own. (My whole life has been made remarkable by this very man who accepts gracefully all my laughter, and all my tears as well.),On the one hand, On the other handThe more the more So it is a good way The last but not least,One thing Im proud ofOne thing I am proud of is that I hadnt cried out when you died. Hanging oppressively low in the sky, clouds were curved and accomplished by the ruthless winds. You left me in such a dull and dark day. Irresistably, our old golden time hit me. The first Chinese character you taught me. The same dishes you cooked for me out of a casual word from me. The tears welling up in your eyes when hearing I caught the disease before this exam. The ever-lasting promise that you were going to see me the next day. But I have no chance to cry. I need to comfort my mother and her mother. I have to stand on my own feet to face the challenging exam. I bear in mind that you were the one expecting my decent result most desperately. Reality leaves no room for regrets.Tough time does no last. Tough people do. One thing Im proud of is that I had not cried out when you died. You finally witnessed my mature, cruel but hopeful.,以词、词组、词块层面为例,存在哪些问题? Hanging oppressively low in the sky, clouds were curved and accomplished by the ruthless winds. (用词不准确,汉语味) Irresistably, our old golden time hit me. (拼写错误,汉语思维) The first Chinese character you taught me. The same dishes you cooked for me out of a casual word from me. (汉语思维) I bear in mind that you were the one expecting my decent result most desperately. (汉语思维,用词不准确) You finally witnessed my mature, cruel but hopeful. (对词性掌握不好,对形容词词组掌握不当),以句子层面为例,存在哪些问题? One thing I am proud of is that I hadnt cried out when you died. (时态问题:动作发生先后次序不清) The tears welling up in your eyes when hearing I caught the disease before this exam.(语法问题:现在分词与逻辑主语不符) My whole life, brief as it was, has been distinguished by the very man, gracefully embraced all the laughter and tears of my own. (插入语、非谓语动词、介词词组的问题),问题三:,读写教学有哪些值得实验和研究的课题? 如何开展这些实验和研究?,可能的课题之一:,读写教学中的词块教学(什么是词块?如何识别、提取、训练?),什么是词块?有关文献,Nattinger, J. R. & J. S. DeCarrico. Lexical Phrases and Language Teaching, Oxford University Press 1992 Lewis, M. A Lexical Approach, Cambridge University Press 1994 王立非等,“国外二语预制语块习得研究的方法进展与启示” 邓樊,“关于词块理论的文献综述”,
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