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,Key Factors of Googles Success,Development Process,How the Share of Search Business Will Be,Where Should Google Do,Catalog,Development process,1996,1997,1998,1999,Larry and Sergey meet at Stanford.,A search engine called Back-Rub.,The search engine needs a new name.,Google company was set up,Sequoia Capital and Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers,1995,year in here,The content in here,2000,Yahoo use Google search technology,2002,2003,Google AdWords.,Google AdSense.,Development process,2005,2006,2007,2008,2004,year in here,The content in here,2010,Google Gmail ; Yahoo ;The stock exchange,Google set up r&d center in china,Google purchase the YouTube,Android,Google Earth .,Google Instant; Google withdraw from the Chinese market,Key Factors of Googles Success,Google believes in its Corporate ValuesImprove the business model of Google,Corporate Values,we make our own rules,Dont be evil,Technology mattes,The philosophy,Key Factors of Googles Success,Being committed to leveraging leading-edgetechnology: invent new search algorithms.Bettered Overtures policy of ranking paid listing solely on CPC by also considering listing relevancy(CTR)Managing innovationGoogles ten golden rules. Pay attention to cooperation both outside and inside.,Key Factors of Googles Success,How the share of search business will be,As the two pictures show below,the search business is to become more concentrated .,How the share of search business will be,Duopoly market -cost advantages-products advantages-Technology Mature &quik updateMarket niche-personalization needs- low switching cost -local needs,Market niche and Duopoly will coexist in the future market,Insert text here,Network effects are positive and strong -for companies: the value of the network will increase through attracting more users-for users: more companies can add values to the network by offering more information.-switching cost : the switching cost seems to be nothing and may be lowest for online service.,Search business will never be a winner-take-all business.,But why?,Multi-homing cost -time: or both sides,it will spend much more time to get what they want-money:almost free for users ,more expensive for advertiser,How the share of search business will be,Key Factors of Googles Success,It can not meet all demands of the business-new markets : mobile search-personalization: general search engine is evolving to vertical search , for example, RSS、Job Search-customization : it can meet demands of some specific customers-LIJIT -pecs: politics、culture、economics、society-technology: it will be a disaster for one company to offer all kinds of technology,How the share of search business will be,Insert text here,search engine business will not be a winner-take-all business,How the share of search business will be,We can conclude:,What Should Google Do,Google vs. Yahoo!, Traditional Portal can only view its own website Google PortalIntegrate internet information broader cyberspace more freedom,What Should Google Do,Portal is not a good new arena for Google,What Should Google Do,Google vs. Microsoft, Microsofts desktop software hegemony is threatened by Google,What Should Google Do, Google can contend against Microsoft in desktop software,but Office and Windows OS will always dominate Microsofts software is more compatible Googles R&D capability no more powerful than Microsoft Deviate from the mission of Google,we are in the business of making all the worlds information accessible and useful,What Should Google Do,Google vs. eBay E-commerce is rapidly developing,Google,eBay,Optimize transaction search system,Benefit from advertising,What Should Google Do,Personalized home page,Personalized home page, Different from Portal User stickiness Customized servicedirection of Internet in the future,Headlines,Email,Weather,Stock,Memo,Magazine,RSS,music,Radio,Notes,Books,Search,MicroBlog? Renren?,History Review,Jun. 2009 CIIRC(China Illegal Information Reporting Centre) exposed “strong condemnation“ on Google for statements that a large amount of pornographical links existed on the search results of Google.cn . Jan. 2010 Google announced its termination of “content filtering“ and possible withdrawing of searching services from Chinas mainland Market. Feb. 2010 Meetings between Chinas government and Google held declaring that Google would still be welcome if abiding by Chinas laws. If Google insisted on withdrawing searching services from China, relevant damages caused must be settled down correctly by Google. Mar.2010 Google terminated the “content filtering” on mainland market and shifted searching servers from mainland to Hong Kong,We usually see the description of this event as “Google quit Chinese mainland market ” from websites or newspapers. These statements are exaggerated. Googles services, such as Adwords, Adsence, Gmail, Google Earth, etc. have been serving mainland Chinese, let along support Andriod system to Chinese telephone manufacturers or selling G2, G3, Nexus One to Chinese. Consequence:1. Great loss of searching service users.2. Deterioration of relationship between government and Google.,
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