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lesson20,Cars and Trucks,What is he doing? He is _.,reading,What is she doing? She is _.,drawing,He is driving a car.,bicycle,ride a bicycle,She is riding a bicycle.,bus,They are taking a school bus.,truck,What is missing?你能看出哪个消失了吗?,1.What is Jennys father doing?2.Is Jenny driving a car?3.Who is taking a taxi?,Jennys father is driving a car.,No.Jenny is riding a bicycle.,The woman is taking a taxi.,singing,driving,1.They are .,playing,用所给单词正确形式填空。,sing drive ride play take jump,3.He is a car .,4.He is _a bicycle.,riding,5.She is _a taxi.,taking,2.He is .,1.,2.,3.,4.,5.,Lets sing a song,Homework,1.Read the words and text five times.2. Write the words on P74.,Goodbye,Thank you !,
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