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Unit 15,Section A period1,Were trying to save the manatees!,Lets enjoy a song!,Hi! What do you think of them?,chimpanzees,furry,playful,noisy,Polar bears,furry,aggressive,Hi! What do you think of them?,cheetahs,spotted,fast,aggressive,Hi! What do you think of them?,Africanelephants,enormous,gentle,Hi! What do you think of them?,Manatees,gentle,gray,shy,Hi! What do you think of them?,kangaroos,playful,cute,Hi! What do you think of them?,1a,Read and write,African elephants,chimpanzees,cheetahs,Polar bears,manatees,kangaroos,Hi, baby! Lets listen carefully !,1b,Listen and circle,1b,Group work,A: I am like this animal because Iam strong and intelligent. I like water and I like to eat vegetables. B: Youre like an elephant. A: No. C: Youre like a manatee. A: Yes!,2a,Listen and match,1.endangered,2.mangrove swamps,3. habitat,4. aquaticfeed,The place where something lives,b. there arent very many of them,c. underwater plants and vegetation,d. a place where trees grow in water,2b,Listen again. Complete the chart.,2500,The water under the trees inmangrove swamps,Some of swamps have become polluted, there sometimes isnt enough food,Large, ten feet long and about 1000 pounds,2c,Pair work,A: How big are manatees? B: Theyre about 19feet long and they weigh about 1,000pounds. A: . B: .,Homework,Copy the new words and remember them. 2.Read the listening materials of 1b, 2a. 3. Read Grammar Focus.,
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