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UNIT 2,Section A Charlie Chaplin,Charlie Chaplin,tail coat,huge pants,bowler hat,cane,moustaches,Charlie Chaplin,Charlie Chaplin,On April 16, 1889, Charlie Chaplin, the world famous movie artist, was born in London, Britain.,actordirectorwriter,Career,He acted in, directed, scripted, produced, and eventually even scored his own films,Q2: Can you list some of his films?,City Lights,Modern Times,The Circus,The Gold Rush,The Great Dictator,Monsieur Verdoux,The tramp,Part I (Paras. 1-2),A general introduction to Charlie Chaplin,Part II (Paras. 3-6),Charlie Chaplins artistic achievement,Part III (Para. 7-8),Charlie Chaplins emotional life,Part IV (Para. 9),Incident after Charlie Chaplins death,Structure Analysis,I. Brief Introduction (para. 1-2),Place of birth: _,Parents: _,Fame: a Hollywood comic star1. _2. _,Winning reputation in other countries.,A poor area of south London,Mother temporarily declared mad,Receiving permanent fame for the comic character of “the Tramp”.,Biography of Charlie Chaplin,II. Professional Accomplishments (para. 3-6),In the time of silent movies The huge success: _,The Tramp,In the time of sound movies The success: e.g. _,Modern Times,Secrets of great success Why?,immensely talented man; the urge to explore and extend his talent. His transformation of lifeless objects into other kinds of objects, plus the skill with which he executed again and again.,. Emotional Life (para. 7-8),Chaplins emotional collision:,Chaplins stable happiness in his later years:,need to be loved & fear of being betrayed,Personal disaster; The collision found its way into his comic creations.,In love with Oona ONeil.,Oona ONeil gave him the love he needed.,. Chaplins Death,Time: _,On Christmas Day 1977.,The strange incident after his death:_,His body was stolen and held for money.,Sentence Analysis,Paraphrase,Translation,IV. Glossary,喜剧,comedy,表演,演出,星探,观众,act,talent scout,audience,character/role,角色,talking movie,有声电影,script,剧本,电影大片 event movie 好莱坞大片 Hollywood blockbuster 宽银幕式 letter boxing 文艺片 literary film 宽银幕 panoramic screen ( wide-screen) 闹剧 farce 默片 silent film 悲剧 tragedy 喜剧 comedy 情景喜剧 situation comedy/sitcom,Words about movies,音乐片 musicals 卡通片 cartoon 西部片 western movie 恐怖片 horror movie 科幻片 science fiction movie 惊险片 thriller 灾难片 disaster film 战争片 war movie 武侠片 swordsmen film 侦探片 detective film/ martial arts film 伦理片 ethical film 爱情片 romance/romantic film/affectionate film 前卫片 film davant-grade 禁映影片 banned film 黄色电影 erotic film /adult film/skin flick 预告片 trailer 首映式 premiere,布景 set 片场 studio 影棚 sound stage 制片主任 producer 导演 director 发行人 distributor 摄影师 photographer 脚本作者 scriptwriter 舞台工作人员 stagehand 化妆师 make-up artist 票房 box office 导演版 directors cut 片段 clip 影评人 critic 配乐 score 原声带 soundtrack,拍摄 shooting 剪辑 montage 配音 dubbing 特写 close shot/close-up 字幕 subtitle 演员阵容 cast 替身演员 double/stand-in 特技动作替身 stunt man 配角 supporting actor/actress 临时演员 extras,
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