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第20课时 Units 1112,Book 9,第20课时 基础过关,restroom,department,fresh,order,offend,wonder,bow,wipe,stick,point,第20课时 基础过关,gradually,toast,rubbish,symbol,mark,riddle,experiment,proper,normally,beside,第20课时 基础过关,uncrowded,lent,lent,certainly,stuck,stuck,fill,unfamiliar,shook,shaken,magical,第20课时 基础过关,dress up,hand in,go out of ones way to do sth,be/ get used to,hang out,shake hands with sb,drop by,after all,pick up,第20课时 基础过关,make sb feel at home,make money,point out,learnby oneself,lend sb sth/ lend sth to sb,be supposed to,betweenand,such as,in a way,the way to,make noise,第20课时 基础过关,how,get to,it at,both,and,better,any other,第20课时 基础过关,learning,behave,supposed to,for,词汇点睛1 crowd v拥挤;充满 n群;人群 点拨 crowd为动词,其形容词为crowded,意为“拥挤的”,常用短语为:be crowded with 充满了;装满了;a crowd of people 一群人。 They crowed through the door. 他们挤过大门。,第20课时 重点突破,2 make v制造;制作 点拨 (1)make n. make food 做饭 make a plane 制作飞机 make the bed 铺床 make money 赚钱 (2)make sb/sth adj.意为“使某人(感到),使处于某种状态”。make的宾语之后可跟名词、形容词或分词来充当宾语补足语。 The soft music makes Tina sleepy. 轻柔的音乐使蒂娜昏昏欲睡。,第20课时 重点突破,(3)make sbdo 让某人做某事(不能带不定式符号to) The red color makes people want to eat faster. 红色使人们吃得更快些。 注意:当make 用于被动语态时,必须带不定式符号to。 We were made to work all night.我们被迫整夜工作。 (4)make it 是习惯用语,意为“及时赶到,到达目的地”。 I just made it to my class. 我恰好赶到班里。(arrived in time),第20课时 重点突破,3 suppose v认定,假定 搭配 be supposed to do应该做 Let us suppose that the news is true. 让我们假定这消息是真实的。 Is he supposed to clean the outside of the window? 他应该把窗户外面擦干净吗?,第20课时 重点突破,4 point v指向,指着 n小数点;得分 We won by 5 points.我们赢了5分。 拓展 (1)point at 意为“指向”,强调指向比较近的事物。 Dont point at me with your finger. 别用你的手指指着我。 (2)point to意为“指着”,强调指向比较远的事物。 He pointed to the mountains far away. 他指着远处的群山。 (3)point out 意为“指出”。 My math teacher often points out my mistakes. 我的数学老师经常指出我的错误。,第20课时 重点突破,5 wonder v想知道 n奇迹 点拨 wonder作动词时,意为“想知道”,相当于want to know后接if或whether引导的从句。 I wonder whether they will arrive on time. 我想知道他们能不能准时到。 The Great Wall is one of the wonders in the world. 长城是世界奇观之一。,第20课时 重点突破,巧辩异同1 relax, relaxing与relaxed (1)relax 是动词, 意为“放松, 轻松”, 后接某人, 意为“使某人放松”。 These pills will relax you and make you sleep. 这些药丸有镇静催眠的作用。 (2)relaxing是形容词, 意为“令人轻松的”, 常以物作主语或修饰物。relaxed也是形容词, 意为“放松的, 轻松的”, 常以人作主语。,第20课时 重点突破,This is a great place for a relaxing holiday. 这是一个休假放松的好地方。 Take a deep breath, and then you may feel relaxed. 深深地吸一口气, 那样你会觉得轻松的。,第20课时 重点突破,2 above all, after all, first of all与in all (1)above all意为“尤其是;最重要的是”,强调需特别对待。 We must work, above all we must believe in ourselves.我们必须工作,最重要的是我们必须相信自己。 (2)after all意为“毕竟;终究;到底”,表示一种让步语气。 So she has come after all. 她到底还是来了。 (3)first of all意为“首先”,表示次序。 First of all, let me introduce myself. 首先让我作一下自我介绍。 (4)in all意为“总共;总计”。 We have 1,000 students in all. 我们总共有1000名学生。,第20课时 重点突破,经典例题 (1)Please remember the following things when you are in the museum. _, dont touch the things.Second, dont make much noise. AFirst of all BBy the way CIn fact DSo far (2)Id like to buy a big and modern house. _, I hope its in a quiet neighborhood. AAfter all BAbove all CAs a result DAt that moment 答案 (1) A (2) B,第20课时 重点突破,句型透视 1 Excuse me.Could you please tell me where I can get a dictionary? Sure.There is a bookstore on River Road. “打扰一下,你能告诉我在哪儿能买到词典吗?”“当然可以,江河大路上有一家书店。” 点拨 此问句是问路的句型之一。常见问路句型还有:Could you please tell me whereis? Could you please tell me how to get to? Could you please tell me how I can get to? Where is,please? Could you please tell me the way to?,第20课时 重点突破,2 You should have asked what you weresupposed to wear. 你应该问问你应该穿什么。 点拨 “should have过去分词”表示“过去本应做某事(但没做)”,其否定式“过去不该做某事(但做了)”。该句式含有不满或责备之意。 Youre right. I should have thought of that.你说得对。我应当想到那点(但没想到)。,第20课时 重点突破,拓展 “should have过去分词”还可表示“可能、揣测、推断”,常译成“应该已经” 。 Tom has done the work for three hours, so he should have finished it already.汤姆已经工作了3个小时了,他应该已经做完了。,第20课时 重点突破,
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