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welcome,Integrated skilled,Unit5 Integrated skills (Part A),cartoon film,film using pictures or models thatappear to move,documentary,Tiger watch,film that gives facts about something,horror film,film that makes people feel scared,science fiction film,film based on imaginative story about the past or the future,western,film about life in the western USA, usually with cowboys,action film,film about exciting or dangerous events usually with fights,romantic film,film telling beautiful love story,comedy,film that makes people laugh,Task1:Look at the film guide and write down the names of the cinemas and their locations in Sandys notes.,Olympic Cinema Olympic Road Now showing Tales of Old Beijing Suitable for all ages Ticket price:¥10,Film Festival Cinema Guide,Film Festival Cinema Guide,Sunshine Cinema Sunshine Road Now showing The World of Dinosaurs Suitable for all ages Ticket price :¥10,Film Festival Cinema Guide,ABC Cinema Forest Road Now showing Love Ship Not suitable for children Ticket price:¥15 (¥9 on Tuesdays and before 6.00p.m. on Fridays),Task 2: Listen to the tape for the first time, try your best to get as much information as possible.,1. What type of film is it?2.At which cinema is it shown?3. Whom is it suitable for?4. What is it about?,Think about these questions:,Tales of Old Beijing Type of film: a (1)_ documentary that shows you what Beijing was like(2)_ ago. Name of cinema: (3)_ on(4)_ Story : the story of (5)_,Task 3: Listen to the tape again. Fill in the blanks according to the information.,3-hour,many years,Olympic Cinema,Olympic Road,a family that lived in the hutongs,The world of Dinosaurs Type of film: a(6)_about (7)_ Name of cinema: (8)_on(9)_ Story : (10)_ is chosen to bethe (11)_of thedinosaur family.,science fiction film,dinosaurs,Sunshine Cinema,Sunshine Road,a baby dinosaur,future king,Love Ship Type of film: a (12)_ film Name of cinema: (13)_on(14)_ Story: a woman falls in love with a man when she travels(15)_,but when they start to (16)_together, something terrible happens,romantic,ABC Cinema,Forest Road,on a ship,plan their future,Report: Whats on at cinemas Here is some information about the three films now showing at cinemas. Tales of Old Beijing is now showing at (1)_ Cinema on (2)_. It is a (3)_ which is suitable for (4)_. It tells the story of (5)_ that once lived in (6)_.,Task 3: Complete the report using given information.,Olympic,Olympic Road,documentary,all ages,a family,the hutongs,Sunshine Cinema on (7)_is now showing a film called The World of Dinosaurs .It is an(8) _ film ,which brings (9)_ alive on screen. A (10)_ is chosen to be the (11)_ of the dinosaur family. This film is suitable for (12)_.,Sunshine Road,amazing,dinosaurs,baby dinosaur,future king,all ages,Love Ship is shown at (13)_ on (14)_. It is a (15)_ film that is not suitable for(16) _. It is about a woman who falls in love with a man, when she travels (17)_, but something terrible happens when they start to(18)_ together.The ticket price is (19)_ but there is a special offer on(20)_ and before (21)_ on Fridays.,ABC Cinema,Forest Road,romantic,children,on a ship,plan their future,6:00 p.m.,¥15,Tuesdays,Conclusion: useful words and phrases:,alive:adj. 常作表语,但偶尔也作后置定语。 bring dinosaurs alive on screen keep alive stay alive living:adj. 活着的,常作定语,也可作表语。 作表语时与alive相同 be alive / livingliving animals lively:adj.活泼的,有生气的,既可作定语, 又可作表语. She is a lively girl. / be lively,Exercises: 选用所给词组的正确形式完成下列句子,1.be chosen to be 2.be suitable for 3.fall in love with 4.the ticket price 5.a special offer 6.bring sth alive on screen,1.Tales of Old Beijing _ all ages. 2.The film is about a woman who _a man. 3.He _ our monitor last term. 4.There is_ ( 特价)on Tuesday. 5. _ (票价) is ¥15. 6.The World of Dinosaurs _ dinosaurs_on screen.,is suitable for,falls in love with,a special offer,The ticket price,was chosen to be,brings,alive,Translations 工人电影院正在上映英雄。(show)2. 我回来时将把照片给你看。(show sb. sth)3. 地图向你指明到阳光公园如何走。,Consolidations:,Hero is shown in the workers cinema.,I will show you the photos when I come back.,The map shows you how to go to the Sunshine Park.,4. Daniel 很聪明,但他从不炫耀自己。,Daniel is clever ,but he never shows off.,5.他们打算下星期六组织一场慈善演出。,They are going to organize a charity show next Saturday.,Homework: 1. Read the report at least 3 times. 2. Finish the exercises in WB. 3.Write a report on your own favourite film.,
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