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专四英语作文历年考题及类型,三段式作文写作手法,专四作文模板,引出话题。提出(给定、个人)观点。 支持论点的理由1、2、3。证明1、2、3。 总结观点。提出建议。,给定观点型 (证明一个给定观点),1. In recent years, 引出话题(转述问题)has become a hot topic both on and off campus.In my opinion, 提出给定论点. Firstly, 支持论点的理由1. 证明理由1.Secondly, 支持论点的理由2.证明理由2. Thirdly,支持论点的理由3.证明理由3.In a word, 重申主题.,2. I totally agree with 提出给定论点, and I will explain why this is the case.The first and most important reason is that it is human nature to 支持论点的理由1. If you just look around, you will always see 理由1带来的这正面效果. For instance, 例证理由1. Another reason why I agree with 论点 is that 支持论点的理由2. In fact ,a good example of this is that 例证理由2. Moving on to wider themes, 支持论点的理由3.It is very clear that 总结观点. There is no question in my mind that 重申观点.,3. A common ground has been reached that,引出话题(转述问题)。提出给定论点。For one thing,支持论点的理由1。证明理由1. For another,支持论点的理由2。证明理由2. So from what has been discussed, one can reach only this conclusion 重述论点。,范文,The Importance of Keeping a Good Mood In recent years, people find themselves under more and more pressure from education, career, or family. We often hear cases of going mad or committing suicide by those who cannot handle their stress well. So its become a hot topic how to manage ones pressure. Regarding this, I argue that it is really important to keep a good mood.,For one thing, it helps you to get along well with others. If you could maintain a good mood, you would take an optimistic and positive attitude towards life. You treat your classmates or colleagues as friends rather than rivals. Thus, you cooperate with others well and are popular in your circle. As a result, you spend everyday in a harmonious atmosphere. For another, your health benefits from your good mood. When in good mood, you would not often get angry. Life is full of ups and downs. When you are in trouble or frustration, you would take it in a reasonable way and overcome it in a short time.,All in all, we must be fully aware of the importance of keeping a good mood in order to face the pressures or stresses of modern society.,自由发挥型 (基于特定话题提出自己的观点看法),Nowadays, its a heated discussed topic to many people that引出话题(转述问题)。 As for me,提出论点. Of course there are many benefits of this, but generally they come down to two major ones. First of all,支持论点的理由1. 证明理由1.Secondly, 支持论点的理由2.证明理由2. In conclusion,重申观点.So 提出意见.,These days, we often hear about引出话题(转述问题)。 Peoples attitude towards it vary greatly. From my point of view, its a good way to提出论点.To begin with,支持论点的理由1. 证明理由1. On the other hand,支持论点的理由2.证明理由2. All in all,重申观点has more advantages than disadvantages. We should take into account 需要注意的地方.,The Best Way to Stay HealthyNowadays, its a heated discussed topic to many people that what is the best way to stay healthy. As far as I am concerned, the best way is to develop a good quality of mind.Firstly, a good quality of mind is a basic requirement for a normal and happy life. Many patients, for instance, are mentally troubled rather than physically sick. These people are very sensitive and fragile, thus often put themselves in anxieties. Once they are under pressure, they cant easily get out of the shadow of depression and sadness. They should learn how to relax and release their tensed nerves.,Beside, If you have developed a good quality of mind, you are likely to get along well with others, willing to play your part in the society. Enrolling for some keep-fit clubs or joining some travel agency, which by themselves are various of physical exercises, will benefit you a lot.As a poem says, youth is not a period of time; its a state of mind. In order to have a young heart and enjoy passion for life, lets try to keep a good quality of psychology.,对比选择型 (从A、B两种不同(对立或相关)的观点中选一种论述),Some people believe A. Other people take the view of B. In my opinion, the advantages of B are more than those of A because B fits me better in two ways.First,支持论点的理由1. 证明理由1.Second, 支持论点的理由2.证明理由2. From the above, I think B has a lot of advantages comparing with A. So重申观点.,便条的基本格式,日期: a. 月 日 例如:June 8, Sept. 23, May 11 b. 日 月 例如:8th June 或 8 June, 23rd Sept. 或 23 Sept. ,11th May 或 11 May c. 星期 月 日 例如:Tues. July 12,Sat. Oct. 24,Sun. May 11 d. 星期 日 月 例如:Tues. 12th July 或 Tues. 12 July,Sat. 24th Oct. 或 Sat. 24 Oct.,Sun. 11th May 或 Sun. 11 May,称呼 非正式化 正文 简单明了,中心突出 署名 姓、名、全姓名便条特点 简单句 主动语态 口语化,邀请,时间 XXX,邀请原因。附加信息(时间、地点等)。确认方式。希望。署名,Sample,Sept. 8 Ming Ming,Sam and I will visit the Summer Palace tomorrow morning. We should be very glad if you could join us at the gate of the university at 7:00 a.m. Please call me or Sam whether you will join us or not.Lana,道歉,时间 XXX,Im sorry to/that道歉内容。说明理由。补救措施(时间、地点)。With many apologies.署名,Sample,July 12 Greece,Im sorry I failed to meet you at the gate of the school this morning. Professor Smiths lecture lasted longer than I expected. I will come over to your apartment at 5 oclock this afternoon if its convenient for you. With many apologies.Yours sincerely,Mary,约会、安排,时间 XXX,约会目的。提出建议(约会时间、地点等)。附加说明信息。征求对方意见(若不合适)。署名,
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