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2009合肥模拟Every country has its own dining customs. Americans feel that the firstrule of being a 1 guest is to be on time. If a person is invited to dinner at six thirty, the hostess 2 him to be there at six thirty or 3 a few minutes after. Because she usually does the cooking, she has to time the meal 4 the hot rolls and the coffee and the meat can be at their best when the guests come. If they are late, the food will not be so 5 ,and the hostess will be 6 . 7 the guest cannot come on time, he should call his host or hostess on the phone, give the reason, and tell 8 what time he can come. 9 the situations, guests sometimes bring a box of candy, a bottle of wine or a bunch of flowers to give to the hostess as a 10 of appreciation.As guests continue to arrive, it is usually considered polite for the 11 in the group to 12 when a woman enters the room and continue to stand until she is seated. 13 ,most young people and some groups of elder people 14 stress equality of the sexes no longer observe the custom. A visitor should be 15 to each situation and follow the lead of the Americans present.,When the guests sit down at a dinner table, it is a 16 for the men to help the ladies by pushing their chairs under them .However, some Americans 17 do this, so the visitors must notice what others do and do the 18 . 19 the meal is under way and if the dinner is in a private home, a guest 20 avoid embarrassment by leaving talking to someone else. 【文章大意】本文介绍了美国人的用餐习俗。,1.A.polite B.elegant C.honored D.serious 【解析】选A。根据常识及下文If they are late,the food will not be so5可知准时是礼貌的,故选A。 2.A.tells B.expects C.asks D.hopes 【解析】选B。根据上文Americans feel that the first rule of being a 1 guest is to be on time.可知主人期望他在六点半或超过六点半至多几分钟到。,3.A.at most B.less than C.at least D.more than 【解析】选A。上文Americans feel that the first rule of being a1guest is to be on time.暗示出主人期望客人只能超过六点半几分钟到,故选A。 4.A.in case B.as long as C.so that D.on condition that 【解析】选C。分析上下文语境可知主人必须按时做饭目的是当客人到时饭菜是最可口的时候,故选C。,5.A.tender B.nutritious C.good D.enough 【解析】选C。结合上句的.the hot rolls and the coffee and the meat can be at their best when the guests come.可知,如果客人晚到,食物就不会那么可口了,故选C。 6.A.angry B.nervous C.shameful D.disappointed 【解析】选D。上文的.she has to time the meal4the hot rolls and the coffee and the meat can be at their best when the guests come.暗示出如果客人晚到主人就达不到预期的目的,当然就会失望,故选D。,7.A.If B.Unless C.Whether D.Although 【解析】选A。从下文的he should call his host or hostess on the phone,give the reason,and tell8 what time he can come.可看出从句意为:如果客人不能按时到达。 8.A.at B.in C.on D.about 【解析】选A。在什么时刻应用介词at。,9.A.Looking at B.Combined with C.Depending on D.Related to 【解析】选C。根据下文的bring a box of candy,a bottle of wine or a bunch of flowers暗示此处意为依情形而定,depend on 取决于,依而定。 10.A.matter B.heart C.sense D.sign 【解析】选D。客人带礼物到主人家是表示感谢,故选D,sign符号,标记,信号。,11.A.host B.men C.hostess D.women 【解析】选B。根据下文的when a woman enters the room及常识可知选B。 12.A.smile B.stand C.applaud D.nod 【解析】选B。下文的continue to stand表明此空选B。 13.A.As a result B.Moreover C.In addition D.However 【解析】选D。结合上文语境及下文的stress equality of the sexes可知上下文为转折关系,故选D。,14.A.whose B.what C.who D.which 【解析】选C。此处为定语从句,从句缺少主语且指人,故选C。 15.A.aware B.similar C.active D.sensitive 【解析】选D。结合下文的follow the lead of the Americans present 可推知来访者应对不同的情况做出及时的反应,即要敏感些,故选D。,16.A.custom B.regulation C.habit D.principle 【解析】选A。根据常识可知这种做法是他们的习俗,故选A。 17.A.even B.no longer C.still D.no more 【解析】选B。However转折词暗示出下文为转折意,故选B。,18.A.following B.same C.deed D.example 【解析】选B。结合常识“入乡随俗”可知选B。 19.A.Unless B.Until C.While D.After 【解析】选C。结合本文按时间为序的说明顺序,上文的When the guests sit down at a dinner table及该空后的the meal is under way可知是在吃饭时,故选C。,20.A.shouldnt B.must C.neednt D.may 【解析】选D。客人可能会用和其他人谈话的方式避免尴尬。 【思路点拨】做这篇文章时要注意结合美国文化常识,且要注意文章是以时间为序进行说明的。,Passage 1The purpose of a letter of application is to help you to “sell” yourself. It should state 1 the job you want, and should tell what your abilities are and what you have 2 . It should be simple, human, personal andbrief without 3 out any necessary fact.In writing a letter of application, keep in4 that the things a possible employer is most,5 to want to know about are your qualifications(条件), your achievements and your aims. The opening paragraph is perhaps the most important part. 6 the first few sentences fail to 7 the readers attention, the rest of the letter may not be 8 at all. Try to key your opening remarks to the needs or interests of the employer not 9 your own need or desires. For example, instead of beginning with “I saw your 10 in todays paper. ”you might say“I have made a careful 11 of your advertising during the past six months” or “I have made a survey in my neighbourhood to find out how many housewives 12 your product and why they like it.”,Try to 13 generalities. Be clear about the kind of job for which you are now 14 . College graduates looking for their first positions often ask “What can I 15 in a letter? Employers want experience, which, naturally, no 16 has.” The answer is that everything you have ever done is 17 .It is important to write a good strong closing for your letter. 18 a specific request for an interview or give the possible employer something definite to do or expect. An excellent 19 is to enclose(内附)a stamped, self-addressed envelope with your letter. That makes it 20 for a possible employer to get in touch with you. 【文章大意】本文向读者介绍了如何写好求职信。,
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