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,1.Imagine your home begins to shake and you must leave it right away.假设你的家开始晃动,你必须立刻离开,Shake(shook,shaken) v.摇动, 摇, 颤抖, 震动 n.摇动, 摇, 颤抖, 震动,翻译:服药前请摇动瓶子,Please shake the bottle before taking the medicine.,当火车经过时大地在剧烈地震动,When the train passed by,the earth shook seriously,这个可怜的孩子正冻得发抖,The poor child was shaking with cold.,联想记忆:shake hands with sb. shake sb by the hand= shake ones hand shake ones head/ nod ones head shake ones fist at sb,right away : at once ; in no time ; immediately right now : at this very moment Make up your mind_. Ill return the book_.,right now,right away,We must be off right away/right now.Its eight .,请立刻把这篇文章打出来,Please type this article out right away/right now,right away不可用于进行时态,right now还相当于at this very moment;at present在此刻,此时,可用于 进行时态,他们正在录制唱片,They are making the record right now,2 What do you think may happen before an earthquake?,疑问词 + do you think/suppose + 陈述句语序的句子? When do you think he will arrive here? 你认为他什么时候能到这里?,Happen to sb./sth发生在某人/某物上 Happen to do sth. Happen & take place: Happen是指事件的偶然发生;后者是有计划,有准备的发生,有“举行”之意。 1.Great changes _in my town since 1998 2.The May Fourth Movement _in 1919.,happened,took place,3 .For three days the water in the village wells rose and fell, rose and fell.三天来,村子的水井中的水位 升升落落不停.*rise- - 上升,升起,上涨,rose,risen,rise against反抗,They all rose against the king.,*rise和raise的区别: rise vi. 指继续上升,常用于日,月,云,雾,烟,物价,温度,河水,潮水及人的职位等。 raise vt. 表示举起,提出,提升,提高(例如水平等级,程度等)种植,饲养,用作“举起”时,往往有使物体达到应有的高度的含义,可用于具体或抽象的事物。,(1) 两者都可表示“升起”之意,这时rise是不及物动词,而raise是及物动词。 The price of meat has risen sharply lately. 最近肉价上涨很快。 The butchers will raise the price of meat in a few weeks. 肉商几个星期内将提高肉价。,Raise a box Raise money Raise a child Raise the price Raise salaries,Everyone knows that the sun rises in the east.,每个人都知道太阳东升西落,4. A smelly gas came out of the cracks. 发臭的气体从裂缝中冒出来。,smelly adj.有臭味的 smelly : smell+ y = adj. smell n./v (smelt/ smelled)eg:The food was smelly. n. 气味 (of) There was a smell of burning. 有一股烧焦的气味。,They were all hungry and the food _good. I can _something burning in the kitchen. Please throw the _fish away.,smelt,smell,smelly,4. In the farmyards, the chickens and even the pigs were too nervous to eat.tooto so that(如此以至于) This book is too difficult for me to read. =This book is so difficult that I can not read. ,too还因此形成一类特殊而重要的用法,具体如下: cannot(或can never). too. 表示“怎么也不会过分”、“越越好”的含义。如: One can never be too careful in ones work 工作越细越好。,You cannot praise the play too highly 这出戏你无论怎样称赞都不会过分。,One cannot be too careful in making the decision as it was such a critical case,因为这是一个如此重要的问题,所以 在做出决定时无论怎样谨慎都不过分。,5. In the city,the water pipes in some buildings cracked and burst.在城市里,有些建筑物里的水管出现裂缝或者破裂.,crack vi. 使开裂,破裂,The mirror cracked.,镜子破裂了,n. 裂缝,裂纹,墙上有个裂缝,There is a crack in the wall,burst (burst,burst;bursting),The balloon burst suddenly.,气球突然爆炸了,水管在寒冷的天气里经常冻裂。,Water-pipes often burst in cold weather.,河水冲毁了堤岸,淹没了村子,The river burst its banks and floodedthe town.,burst into 闯入,The police burst into the house and arrested him.,a burst of applause/anger/tears 一阵,He burst into laughter. = He burst out laughing He burst into tears. = He burst out crying.,burst into+ n. burst out + doing,Burst & Crack,burst v. (使)破裂;(使)爆炸 crack v. (使)裂开; n. 裂缝 The windows was cracked but not broken. 窗下的玻璃裂了但没有碎。 2. The balloon burst . 气球吹炸了。,6. But one million people of the city, who thought little of these events, went to bed as usual that night. think little of 不重视;认为没价值 She thought little of my work. 她不看重我的工作。,Event 事件 That was an important historical event. 那是一个重大的历史事件。 In any event/ at all events无论如何,7. It seemed as if the world was at an end.似乎世界末日来临,at an end (=finished) 结束; 终结The war was at an end. 战争结束了,at the end of 在的尽头/最后 At the end of the road youll find a shop. come to an end 结束 The meeting came to an end at midnight.,by the end of 直到末,到结束的时候,主句一般用完成时 By the end of last year, we had learned 1500 English words. in the end 最后;终于; 不与of 连用 He tried various jobs and in the end became a teacher.,as if 好像; 似乎; 仿佛 She was sitting there as if nothing had happened.,她坐在那儿,一副若无其事的样子。,8.In fifteen terrible seconds a large city lay in ruins 在可怕的十五秒钟内,一座大城市变为废墟.,ruin n. 毁灭;废墟 v.毁灭;使破产in ruins 荒芜的,成为废墟,一般用作表语,这座古代建筑已成了废墟。,This old building has been in ruins,战争给这个国家带来了毁灭,The war brought _to the country.,ruin,暴风雨摧毁了农作物,The storm _the crops.,ruined,lie 与lay的区别,口诀:规则的“撒谎”,不规则的“躺”,躺过就“下蛋”。 (lie当“说谎”用,它的过去式和过去分词都为lied,而当“躺”用时,它的过去式为“下蛋”即lay),destroy:完全的毁坏,无法修复 ruin:非暴力的,对美好事物的毁坏 damage局部损伤使整体变得无价值 e.g. (1)The car _in the accident is being repaired. (2)-What happened to the priceless works of art? -The earthquake _ them(3) She poured water all over my painting, and _it.,damaged,
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