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Module 5 Unit 3 Language study,Life in the Future,1. impression n. 印象对的印象impression of sth.给某人留下的印象leave/ make a(n) impression on/ that他的演说给观众留下了深刻的印象。His speech made a deep impression on the audience.,你对我们学校的第一印象如何? What is your first impression of our school?,v.,impress,给以印象,使铭记,adj.,impressive,给人印象深刻的,2. take upJohn _ while he was at college.(开始喜欢上表演)Attending to a husband and six children _(占用了她大部分时间)Are you willing to _ (接受这个挑战吗)?我会从昨天故事结束的地方继续讲下去。Ill _ where I finished yesterday.,took up acting,takes up most of her time,take up the challenge,take up the story,3. constant (adj.)continually happening or repeated连续不断的争吵constant arguments 4. previous (adj.)前一天 前总统the previous day the previous president_(在来这儿之前), I worked in London.,Previous to coming here,constantly (adv.),previously (adv.),5. Lack 缺乏;没有1) not have enough of; be short of (vi./ vt.) 缺乏信心 缺钱lack confidence lack money应有尽有lack for nothinglacking (adj.)be lacking in缺乏(某种品质、特点);不够他缺乏幽默感(热情)。He is lacking in humour/ enthusiasm.,2) n. (一般作不可数名词)I cannot buy it because of _ (我缺钱).The plants died _(因为缺水).Ive got dark rings under my eyes _ _(因为缺乏睡眠).周杰伦不缺乏支持者。Jay-chow has no lack of supporters.注: 有时前面可加 aA lack of food caused her to grow weak.,my lack of money,for lack of water,for lack,of sleep,6. remind: to cause someone to remember; make somebody think of使想起;提醒1) remind sb. of sth. The old picture always _ (使我想起那些日子)I spent in the countryside.2) remind sb. to do sth.请提醒我今晚写信给妈妈。Please remind me to write to Mother tonight.3) remind sb. thatThe sight of the clock _ _(使我想起我迟到了).,reminds me of the days,was late,reminded me that I,7. similar: adj. almost the same but not exactly the same.珍妮跟她姐姐长得很像。Jenny and her sister look very similar.与类似be similar to猫和老虎在很多方面相似。A cat is similar to a tiger in many respects.,8. opening: n. (出入的)通道,开口,开端开幕式opening ceremony开始营业时间opening time开场白opening words,9. catch sight of: 发现,突然看到,看到(prep. phrase) 看不见 初次看到时,乍一看 在视野内,看得见 看不见(prep. phrase) 眼不见,心不烦。,at the sight of lose sight of at first sight in sight out of sight,Out of sight, out of mind.,10. transport: vt. to take goods, people etc.from one place to another in a vehicle. 运输,运送transport sth /sb to 把运往You will be transported to the resort by coach. 开放思维: public transport 公共运输 air transport 空运 rail transport 铁路运输 water transport 水运 ocean transport 海运,11. surrounding adj. in surrounding area surroundings n. 只用复数 surroundings 影响生活质素的,某地人身边的一切事物 The house is situated in very pleasant surroundings. environment 人们所在的影响其感觉及发展的物质、社会环境;自然环境 new laws to prevent the pollution of the environment,Find out the words and phrases in the passage according to the expressions: 1.A machine usually with wheels and an engine which is used for transporting people or goods on land, particularly on roads. = 2.To make use of (the prize)= 3.To be carried away =,vehicle,to take up,to be swept up,4.To see = 5.To be unable to see= 6.You have travelled through many time zones. So you feel very tired. The feeling of this kind of tiredness is called _.7. A shortage of oxygen =,to catch sight of,to lose sight of,jet lag,lack of fresh air,8. all the time, very often =9.to make sb. remember sth. =10.happening or existing before the one mentioned =11.rapidly, quickly =,constantly,remind,previous,swiftly,12. Tired =13. To take goods or people from one place to another in a vehicle=,exhausted,transport,14. To learn a skill or a language so well that you understand it completely and have no difficulty with it =15. Not sure or feeling doubt =,master,uncertain,Translation: (P56) This parcel of books is 250 yuan including postage and packing. Please write down the receivers address and dont forget the postcode. Decades ago, people used typewriters for formal documents, but now we use computers and printers to do the same work. Although it has a long shelf life, instant coffee may go solid if it is not kept dry. One thousand years in the future, citizens of the earth may be able to dispose of their rubbish using an ecological system.,Translation: (P56) 5. The snake was so greedy that it swallowed up the rat in one bite. 6. Dealing with people is one important aspect of a businessmans work. 7. When we came home from our walk across the fields, we had mud all over our boots. 8. After six weeks in hospital, he was back on his feet and ready to work.,Homework: 1. P20 Ex. 2&3 2. P56 Ex. 1&2,
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