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http:/www.xwp.cn/,初一英语,http:/www.xwp.cn/,一、教材分析,教学内容分析:本课的第一部分是“参观小岛”故事的延续,但没有结束。第二部分听力练习交代了故事的结尾。第三部分是听、写、画相结合的活动。第四部分是写作练习。第五部分是一首小诗。根据学生情况和各部分内容的特点,在课堂上完成第一部分和第二部分,第四部分写作练习作为第一课时的课后作业,第三部分作为单元复习时的听力练习。第五部分选做。,http:/www.xwp.cn/,二、教学对象分析,1、初一学生普遍对故事感兴趣,他们经过几年的 英语学习,有一定的英语基础,能在老师的引导下 讲述故事。 2、前面几课已对故事的发展做了介绍,本设计主 要面向中等程度的学生,以单元整体教学模式,通 过利用学生的好奇心,引导学生讲故事,猜故事结 局的形式,力争让多数学生通过阅读和复述故事, 提高读和说的能力。,http:/www.xwp.cn/,三、教学目标,(一)认知目标:1、掌握新单词drop,run away,as,eat up2、读懂、听懂课文。 (二)能力发展目标。通过复述故事,对故事情节发展作出推测,培养学生归纳、分析、推理的能力和运用语言的能力。 (三)情感目标通过对课文的学习和讨论,培养学生自我保护 意识和应急能力。,http:/www.xwp.cn/,四、教学重点,1. as(因为,由于),or(否则)的用法。 2. 理解课文,复述故事,并对故事情节发展作出推测。五、教学难点:复述故事,并对故事情节发展作出推测并表演,http:/www.xwp.cn/,六、教学策略 1、考虑故事的连续性和完整性,采用单元整体教学模式,引导学生借助图片和key words 复述已学的故事,温故知新从而自然导入新课。 2、以学生为主体,以任务为驱动,以小组合作为形式,让学生在活动中学习语言。 3、针对本课单词和知识点不多的特点,不强调在学生阅读过程中的进行语言形式的分析。 4、“兴趣是学习的动力”,通过设计猜测故事结尾的活动,使学生的好奇心得到满足,从而保证学生的学习热情。,七、教学过程,http:/www.xwp.cn/,1、 Revision: Please retell the story with the help of the key words.,http:/www.xwp.cn/,one day visit an island bring food for a picnic go to the farther one too far away nearer one,http:/www.xwp.cn/,land on pull the boat up,http:/www.xwp.cn/,talk and laugh pick bananas missing,http:/www.xwp.cn/,bring the picnic basket afraid alone by themselves start to walk around,http:/www.xwp.cn/,2. Presentation:Look at the pictures and seewhat happened.,look for, behind the trees,run after, drop, run away, get back, eat up, missing,http:/www.xwp.cn/,3.Read the story and answer the following questions :,Who stole(偷了) the basket? 2) How did the children get the basket back?3) Why was all the food still in the basket?4) Why did they eat up all the food very soon?5) What was missing then?,The monkeys.,They ran after the monkeys and the monkeys dropped the basket and ran away, so they could get the basket back.,Because the monkeys couldnt open the basket.,Because they were very hungry.,The boat.,http:/www.xwp.cn/,4.Play the tape for the students to listen and repeat. 5.Language points : A. Please tell the meaning of the underlined words. The children began to look for their picnic basket.2) The monkey dropped their basket and ran away.3)As they were very hungry, they ate up all the foodvery soon.4) Its time to go home now, or we will be late.,http:/www.xwp.cn/,Think about it: Does the underlined words have the same meaningin the sentences?1) As they were very hungry, they ate up all the foodvery soon. 2)Is it as difficult as the third lesson? 3)I saw him as he was getting off the bus.1)Its time to go home now, or we will be late.2)Which do you like better, coffee or tea?,由于,像一样,当时候,否则,或者,http:/www.xwp.cn/,6. Discuss the ending of the story in groups and act it out,Who took their boat? Did they get the boat back? Where? How ? Could they go home in the end?,http:/www.xwp.cn/,7. Listen to the end of the story and answer the questions:,Where did the children find the boat?Who took the boat away?Who was in the boat?How did they get the boat back?5)What did the monkeys do when they saw the children?6)What did Betty think of their trip?,In the sea.,The monkeys.,A little monkeys.,They swam to it and pulled it back to land.,They ran.,She thought it was exciting.,http:/www.xwp.cn/,8. Improvement: Discuss in groups:,1.If you are going to have a picnic, where would you like to go ? 2.How will you go ? What will you take with you? 3.If there is an accident(意外事故), what should you do?,
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