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重要词汇的英文缩写,ECOTECH Economic and Technical Cooperation 经济技术合作 EDI Electronic Data Interchange 电子数据交换 EDFOR Education Forum 教育论坛 EDNET Education Network 教育网络 EMC Electromagnetic Compatibility 电磁兼容 EPG Eminent Persons Group 名人小组 ESC Sub-Committee on ECOTECH 经济技术合作分委会 ESCAP Economic and Social Commission for Asiaand Pacific 亚太经济社会理事会,EVSL Early Voluntary Sectoral Liberalization 部门自愿提前自由 EWG Energy Working Group 能源工作组 FACTS Facilitation,Accoumtability,Consistency,Trandparencyand Simplification 便利化、责任性、一致性、透明性和简单化 FEEEP Impact of Expanding Population and EconomicGrowth on Food, Energy and the Environment 人口和经济持续增长对粮食、能源和环境的冲击 FDI Foreign Direct Investment 外国直接投资 FWG Fisheries Working Group 渔业工作组 GP Government Procurement 政府采购,GPEG Government Procurement Experts Group 政府采购专家组 HRD Human Resources Development 人力资源开发 HRDWG Human Resources Development Working Group 人力资源开发工作组 HURDIT HRD Network for Industrial Technology 工业技术人力资源开发网 IAP Individual Action Plan 单边行动计划 IEG Investment Experts Group 投资专家组 IST Industrial Science and Technology 产业科技工作组 ABAC APEC Business Advisory Council APEC 工商咨询理事会 ABF APEC Business Forum 亚太经合组织商业论坛,ACDS APEC Communications and Database System APEC 交流与数据库系统 ACE Automatic Commercial Environment 自动商务环境 ACTETSME APEC Center for Technology and Trainingfor Small and Medium Enterprises 亚太中心企业技术交流与培训中心 AELM APEC Economic Leaders Meeting 亚太经合组织经济领导人会议 AES Automated Export System 自动出口制度 AFTA ASEAN Free Trade Area 东盟自由贸易区 AMM APEC Ministerial Meeting 亚太经合组织部长会议,ANZCERTA Australia-New Zealand Closer Economic Relationsand Trade Agreement 澳新紧密经济关系和贸易协定 APB-Net Asia Pacific Business Network 亚太工商网 APEC Asia-Pacific Ecomomic Cooperation 亚太经济合作组织 APERC Asia-Pacific Energy Research Center 亚太能源中心 APII Asia Pacific Information Infrastructure 亚太信息基础设施 APLAC Asia-Pacific Laboratory Accreditation Conference 亚太实验室认证会议 APLMF Asia-Pacific Legal Metrology Forum 亚太实验室认证会议,APLMF Asia-Pacific Legal Mrtrology Forum 亚太法定计量论坛 APMA Asia-Pacific Metrology Program 亚太计量方案 ASEAM Association of South-East Asian Nations 东南亚国家联盟 ATC Agricultural Technical Cooperation ExpertsGroup 农业技术合作专家组 ATL Accelerated Tariff Liberalization 加速关税自由化 BAC Budget and Administrative Committee 行政和预算委员会 BMC Budget and Management Committee 预算管理委员会,CAP Collective Action Plans 集体行动计划 CBN Capacity Building Network 能力建设网络 CTI Committee on Trade and Investment 贸易投资委员会 CUA Concerted Unilateral Action 协调的单边行动 DMEG Dispute Mediation Experts Group 争端调解专家组 EC Economic Committee 经济委员会 ITA Information Technology Agreemrent 信息技术协定 ISTWG Industrial science and Technology WorkingGroup 产业科技工作组,
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