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Unit 12 英语定语从句的翻译 (P103),Part I 前置法 Few people do business well who do nothing else. 什么也不做的人是做不好生意的。 They reviewed the international situation in which important changes and great upheavals are taking place and expounded their respective positions and attitudes. 他们回顾了正在发生重大变化和动荡的国际形势, 并阐明了各自的立场和态度。,Mr. Taylor, who had been silent before, spoke out suddenly. 刚才一直沉默不语的Taylor先生突然开口了。 This is the place where the workers and peasants Red Army made the crossing in 1934. 这就是工农红军1934年渡江的地方。,Part II 后置法 A spirited discussion springs up between a young girl who insists that women have outgrown the jumping-on-the-chair-at-the-sight-of-a-mouse era, and a colonel who says that they havent. 一位年轻的姑娘和一位上校展开了一场热烈的争论。姑娘坚持认为妇女已有进步, 看见老鼠就吓得跳上椅子的时代已经一去不复还了, 而上校则认为没有。(重复先行词, 译成独立句),(省略先行词, 译成并列句) He said that this was a good suggestion, which he would look into. 他说这是个很好的建议, 一定要加以研究。 Toward evening, we stopped at an inn, where we passed the night. 傍晚, 我们停留在一家旅馆, 在那里过了夜。,The relations between China and the United States of America have been improved, which will contribute to our four modernizations and world peace. 中美两国关系已经得到改善,这将有利于我们的四个现代化和世界和平。 Last week I saw Modern Times with Charles Chaplin playing the leading role, which I think one of the most amusing films. (= and I think it) 上周我看了Charles Chaplin 主演的摩登时代, 我认为这是最有趣的影片之一。,Westminster Abbey, which is one of the oldest churches in Great Britain, contains the graves of many famous Englishmen. Westminster教堂, 大不列颠最古老的教堂之一, 里面有许多知名英国人士的坟墓。,Part III 融合法 (P105),It was a hope which reflected the conviction expressed some years earlier by the then British Minister. 这个希望反映了若干年前当时在任的英国首相表达过的信念。 There has never been a man around me who wrote so many memos. 在我周围的人中, 从没有一个像他那样写过那么多的备忘录。,“We are a nation that must beg to stay alive, ” said a foreign economist.一位外国经济学家说道, “我们这个国家一天不讨饭就活不下去。”,Part IV 译成状语从句,Our teacher, who is getting old, will soon retire. (cause) 我们的老师, 越来越老, 不久就要退休了。 Envoys were sent who should strengthen our international position. (purpose) 派了使节, 以便加强我们的国际地位。,The prime minister who was busy all day long never knew what fatigue was (concession) 总理虽然整天很忙, 却从不知疲倦。 Anybody who should do that would be laughed at. (condition) 无论是谁, 只要做那种事情, 就一定会受到嘲笑。,All the while, George Bush, who was ultimately to benefit from the try that failed, sat silently by, a nearly forgotten spectator. 在此期间,George Bush一言不发地坐在一边, 几乎成了一个被遗忘的旁观者, 然而他将最终从一场失败的试探中获得好处。(译成转折并列句, 与主句形成对比) He passes in the middle of the garden, exercising his fingers, which are slightly numbed by her greeting. (cause) 他走到园子当中, 活动活动手指头, 因为被她刚才一捏有点发麻。,Part V 由关系代词as引导的定语从句的汉译方法,It is absolutely wrong to think foreign languages useless, as quite a few people did before. 认为外语无用是绝对错误的, 而不少人过去确有这种想法。 Spiders are not insects, as many people think, nor even nearly related to them. 蜘蛛不是昆虫, 尽管许多人这么认为。 它甚至与昆虫几乎没有联系。,To write a dull book, as any poor writer could do, was unworthy of him. 写一本枯燥无味的书, 这是任何一个蹩脚的作家都会做的。他却对此不屑一顾。 Now many young people wish to be scientists, as (=scientists) it is possible for them to be on condition that they work hard. 现在许多青年都想当科学家, 在自己刻苦努力的条件下, 这是大有可能如愿以偿的。,His grandfather was a simple-mannered man, as the large-hearted and large-minded men are apt to be. 他祖父质朴大方, 慷慨而心胸开阔的人也往往是这样的。 He was not sick, as some of the other passengers were. 他没有晕车, 倒是其余乘客中的有些了晕车了。 He thinks her answer incorrect, as it probably is. 他认为她的回答不正确, 她的回答大概也是不正确的。,Greenland was not a continent, as people thought. Greenland并不象人们所想的那样是一个大陆。 The British are not so familiar with different cultures and other ways of doing things, as is often the case in other countries. 英国人对于与其不同的文化和行为方式不大熟悉, 而在其他国家却往往不是这样。,Part VI 其他特殊定语从句的汉译方法,In short, we are for a world in which every people, rooted in their national cultural values, will be receptive to the abundant benefits of other nations. 一句话, 我们赞成这样的世界:每个国家的人民都扎根于自己的民族文化宝库之中, 乐于汲取其他国家的丰富的滋养。,He liked his sister, who was warm and pleasant, but he did not like his brother, who was aloof and arrogant. 他喜欢热情愉快的妹妹, 而不喜欢冷漠高傲的哥哥。 But his laugh, which was very infectious, broke the silence. 但他富有感染力的笑声打破了沉默。 We are peoples that have inherited ancient wisdom, that know the worth of biding ones time and recognized opportunity for combat. 我们的人民继承了古代的智慧, 懂得如何等待并善于抓住战机。,We live in a world where relations between states are relations of forces. 在我们所处的世界上, 国家之间的关系是力量对比的关系。 In a word, a true revolution is one that is devoted to human progress in all domains and that makes human progress the supreme and final object. 总之, 真正的革命, 致力于人的全面发展, 并以此作为行动的最高指标。,He had talked to vice-president Nixon, who assured him that everything that could be done would be done. 他同副总统Nixon谈过话。副总统向他担保, 凡是能够做到的都将竭尽全力去做。 He is with his youngest son, who is accompanying him on his lecture tour in China. 他带着小儿子。小儿子陪他在中国进行巡回演讲。,
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