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Text leading-in,Global reading,Language learning,Detailed reading,Exercise,Text leading-in,The original of Thanksgiving Day,It was 1620 that some worshippers carried by the Mayflowers sailed to American, hunting for their religious freedom. After pitched and rolled for two months at sea, they finally landed at in icy November, which is now called Plymouth, Massachusetts.,the Mayflowers,During the first winter, over half of settlers died of hunger and illness. The survived sowed in the first winters. During the whole summer, they were eager to the harvest, knowing that their survival and the settlement all depended on the coming harvest. Finally, the corn got an incredible harvest. In order to express their gratitude to the god, they hold a feast lasting for three days.,famine,bumper harvest,It was from then that this tradition took over, and become popular around the world. In 1863, the American president Lincoln declared the fourth Thursday of November to be the Thanksgiving Day.,The pattern of the Thanksgiving celebration has never changed through the years. The big family dinner is planned months ahead. On the dinner table, people will find apples, oranges, chestnuts, walnuts and grapes. There will be plum pudding, mince pie, other varieties of food and cranberry juice and squash. The best and most attractive among them are roast turkey and pumpkin pie. They have been the most traditional and favorite food on Thanksgiving Day throughout the years.,Thanksgiving Day is a day when American of all background and faiths join in to express their gratitude to anyone. It is a day full of love.,Global reading,Part One: Paragraphs 1-9 On Thanksgiving day 1943, as a young Coast Guard at sea, the author proposed to express his thanks for the people who had helped him beforePart Two: Paragraphs10-16 The author decided to write three thank-you letters to the people he was most eager to thank .He write to his father his grandmother and the Rev. his grammar school principal. Part Three: Paragraphs 17-23 The writer got three letters in reply. Part Four: Paragraphs 24-26 According to that letter, the author notices that people should find the good and praise it.,1、What do you think of this sentence “Finally, I thanked her simply for having sprinkled my life with stardust.”? (in the 15th paragraph) Answer: Grandmother was so kind and gentle that taught me a lot of things about the good qualities such as forgiving and considerate. Let me have a pure childhood full of stardust, and contracted with the truth, the good, and the beauty. 2、What does the author intend to express in the sentence “as the days became weeks, my little personal experience receded.”? What refers to “personal experience”? (in the 17th paragraph) Experience of the three letters he wrote to give thanks.,Detailed reading,3、Reread paragraph 5-10, why does the author describe the mental activity in such detail? Answer: He wrote the whole thought process to express the fact that it difficult to think about the people to thank. We seldom think of giving thanks to them who helped us, always take all of it for granted. 4、Lets return to the title. “Writing three thank-you letters”, what do you think of the relation between the title and the text? All of the text is talking about the three thank-you letters, from the background (including the time and place), the beginning of the idea, to the reply of the three people, the feeling and wish of Thanksgiving Day this year. It can be said that the title and the text are quite well connected.,Specific adj.Cf: specific, special, especial and particular Specific:具体的,特定的,明确的eg: He gave us a specific statement of the case. Special:特殊的,专门的,强调某事物的特殊性或特殊用途。eg: This is a special case, deserving special treatment. Particular: 特殊的,特别的,强调事物的独特性、突出性。eg: This particular case is an exception to the rule. Especial: 用于强调。eg: We have an especial need of the help at this time.,Language learning,humble adj.(1)low in positioneg: Im humble clerk in a big company.He was born with a humble origin.(2)having a modest opinion of oneselfeg: In my humble opinion, your Majesty, we should take immediate action now.,swift adj.CF: swift, prompt, rapid & quick这几个词均有“快的、迅速的”的意思。 swift 是指速度很快,运动平稳或轻捷灵巧而毫不费力。e.g. Eagles are swift in flight. 鹰飞得很快。 prompt指迅速及时,常含快得令人愉悦的意味。e.g. Thanks for your prompt payment. 谢谢你迅速地付款。 rapid 用以描绘运动本身的速度,表示速度惊人。e.g. The youth is making rapid progress. 这位青年进步很快。 quick指即刻发生,常用来表示反应敏捷,也可指速度的快。e.g. Quick thinking saved him from the trap. 机警使他免入圈套。 .,Put into each gap one of the above words. Change the form where necessary.,1. What you need to do is just give your suit a quick brush. 2. This mechanic is always prompt in his duties. 3. He jumped high and swift, like a swallow.4. The boat overturned in the rapid current,1. My ship, the USS Murzim , had been under way for several days. (PARA 1)Q: What does USS stand for? A: It stands for “ United States Ship” (美国军舰) 2. this Thanksgiving morning had seen us busily preparing a traditional dinner featuring roast turkey. (PARA 2)Paraphrase: On the morning of this Thanksgiving, we had been busy preparing a traditional dinner, in which the roast turkey is the typical food. See : (personification) 目睹,经历(某事的)发生Others like “witness,speak,tell etc.” can also function as seeeg: The blood-stained glove told of the bandits crime. 血迹斑斑的手套 就 是匪徒的罪证。,
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