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英语句子概论,He has no hands, but feet. He has no hands, but dreams. He has no hands, but spirit. He has no hands, but achievements. He has no hands, but miracles. He has no hands, but youth, who is determined to give sunshine to the people around him,He has done what normal people cannot do. He has achieved what normal people cannot achieve.,He persists while others cannot persist. He hopes while others have lost their hopes. He practices while others are complaining. He believes while others are doubting. He studies while others are sleeping. He decides while others are hesitating. He prepares while others are daydreaming. He smiles while others are frowning(皱眉). He compliments while others are criticizing. He persists while others are quitting.,What he has achieved results from what he has been keeping doing.,Where there is a dream, there is a hope.,Never underestimate your power to change yourself.,Action speaks much louder than words.,Interest is found when you are totally engaged in what you are doing.,Lets be members of the team who are spreading love around the world.,How much you desire to reach your goal decides how soon you achieve it.,渴望的程度决定达成目标的速度。,一、基础篇,全面学习,把握重点,突破难点。,英语句子概论,基本成分附属成分独立成分省略成分连接成分,简单句并列句复合句,1) 主语 不及物动词 2) 主语 及物动词 宾语 3) 主语 系动词 表 4) 主语双宾动词+间宾+直宾 5) 主语 宾补动词 宾语 宾语补语 6) There + be / stand/ lie / live. 主要成分:主 +谓 + 宾 附属成分:定、状、补,简单句的五种基本句型,主语、动词(不及物动词、及物动词、双宾动词、系动词、宾补动词)、宾语及补语可以称为基本句子成分。 完整的句子一般至少包含2个基本成分。,简单句,由一个主语和一个或多个谓语动词构成, 它是最小的句子单位。 主要起下列四种作用中的一种。作一种陈述提出一个问题发出一种命令或请求表示一种感叹,Examples: 1. The boy hit the dog. / The dog bit the boy. 2. The girl read the books. / The books pleased the girl. 3. Stephen apologized at once. 4. Does the shop close at 7 tonight? 5. Shut the door. 6. What a slow train this is!,简单句的四个种类: 1. 陈述句 凡是说明一件事情,指出看法,或者表达一种心情的句子是陈述句。陈述句分为肯定句和否定句。尤其注意由否定词构成的否定句;两者全部否定用neither或nor;两者的部分否定用not+ both;三者以上的否定用none, nothing, nobody, no one等。 2. 疑问句 疑问句用以提出问题,按结构分为四类:一般疑问句,特殊疑问句,反义疑问句和选择疑问句。 (1) 一般疑问句:对某一情况是否属实提出疑问,一般用yes或no来回答,有两种形式: be/have+主语+其他? 助动词(情态动词)+主语+行为动词+其他?,(2) 特殊疑问句:用疑问词(what, who, how, why, when, where .)提问,一般有两种结构:疑问词+一般疑问句型结构。 What are you doing? 你正在做什么? 疑问词作主语或主语的定语时用陈述语序。 What is your name? 你叫什么名字。 (3) 反意疑问句:表示提问者有一定的主观看法,但没有把握,希望对方来证实;有四种形式:前肯定后否定、前否定后肯定、前后都肯定、前后都否定,较为常用的有两种:前肯定后否定、前否定后肯定。,注意: 反意疑问句的回答应该以事实为依据,而不能依照中文的习惯回答。 He isnt a student, is he? 他不是一名学生,是吗? No. He isnt.(是啊,他不是学生。) /Yes. He is.(不,他是个学生。) 注意反意疑问句否定提前时的情况。 I dont think he is honest, is he? 我认为他不诚实,是吗? 一般来说句子里包含表示否定的副词,反意疑问部分选用肯定式; 如果包含的是表示否定的动词则不遵循此规则。 He has never been to the US, has he? 他从来没到过美国,是吗? He dislikes such a man, doesnt he? 他不喜欢像这样的人,是不是?,在并列句中,反意疑问句部分要和第二个分句保持一致。 She isnt a diligent student, for it is the third time that she has been late for school, isnt it? 她不是一个勤奋的学生,因为这是她第三次迟到了,是不是? 反意疑问句的构成形式为:主语+表示想法的状态动词+宾语从句,如果主句主语为第一人称,反意疑问的为宾语从句的主语;如果主句的主语为二、三人称,那么反意疑问的为主句的主语。 I dont think he is lazy, is he? 我认为他不懒惰,是吗?,You all know that he is honest, dont you? 你们都知道他诚实,是不是? 注意:英语口语中常用句型: (主语)祈使句 .等+will you?往往表示一种建议、命令、恳求等,与反意疑问句有点相似。 You clean the floor today, will you? 今天你擦地,好吗? Those boys over there please come here, will you? 那边的那些男孩来这里,好吗? (4) 选择疑问句:形式上与一般疑问句相似,但里面包含两个答案,用“or”连接,不能简单地用yes/no回答。Are you from Scotland or England? 你是来自苏格兰还是英格兰?,3. 祈使句 祈使句表示请求、命令、叮嘱、号召等,谓语动词用原形。当说话对象是第二人称时,一般省略主语,但如果要特别强调对方或表达某种情绪时可以有主语或加称呼语。若说话对象是第一人称或第三人称时,常用“Let+宾语+动词原形”。 Dont be careless! 别粗心大意! You be quiet! 你给我安静点! Lets go now, shall we?让我们现在走吧,好吗? Let us go now, will you?我们现在走吧,怎么样?,4. 感叹句 感叹句表示喜怒哀乐等情绪,句末用“!”;多用what或how引起:what用来修饰名词;how用来修饰形容词、副词或动词。 What a beautiful day it is! 今天多么美好呀! How beautiful the park is! 那个公园多美呀!,noun adj. / adv. infinitive V-ing V-ed etc.,主语,谓语,宾语,表语,Vt,V-l,Vi,Noun / Pronoun The + adj V-ing / Clause Infinitive,Noun / Pronoun /The + adj V-ing / Clause / Infinitive,英语句子基本成分示意图,be / feel / seem / look appear / stand / lie become /get / grow / turn go / come / remain/ keep taste / smell etc.,noun pronoun adj. / adv. infinitive V-ing / V-ed clause etc.,1. 主语 不及物动词Craziness will never disappear in my soul. 2. 主语 及物动词 宾语We all like crazy English. 3. 主语 系动词 表语She is crazy about crazy English 4. 主语 双宾动词 间接宾语 直接宾语She teaches us English responsibalyAlice taught herself Chinese. 5. 主语 宾补动词 宾语 宾语补语Craziness will make us successful. 6. There +be + 主语There are many people learning English with crazy spirit.,简单句基本句型实例,附属成分,基本成分的修饰语。可以是:定语:即用来修饰名词的单词、短语或从句状语:即用来修饰名词或代词以外的词的单词、短语或从句。,定 语 1. Poor John tottered(踉跄)toward a hospital nearby 2. Mary likes oranges imported from the China. 3. John gave Mary many books,which are full of illustrations. 4. Have you seen the book on the desk? 5. The boy playing over there is my brother. 6. People there like sports.,1. John often came to chat with me 2. John likes oranges very much 3. Whenever he gets drunk,John makes Mary very angry 4. Hearing the news, he jumped with joy. 5. As he was ill, he didnt come to class yesterday. 6. She is sitting at the desk, doing her homework. 7. My father worked in this school ten years ago. 8. Youd better stay here.,
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