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人教版小学英语五年级上册,Unit 1 My New Teachers part B Lets learn,说课人:齐丽芳,流程,五年级上册,Unit 1 B Lets learn,说 教 材,编排体例,主情景图,Part A,Part B,Part C,单元教材,教学目标,知识目标,能力目标,情感目标,单元教学目标,能够听说读写四会单词和句子,理解回话内容,并根据提示填充句子或回答问题。,能够简单描述自己的教师的体貌特征及性格特点,能够积极主动地进行英语学习,了解中西方国家在称呼人名上的不同习惯,能够听懂、询问并介绍学校里教师的情况。完成A、B部分Lets try的听力练习。,Unit 1 B Lets learn,五年级上册,流程,说学情,在三年级下册Unit 2 My family,Unit 6 At the zoo和四年级下册Unit 3 My friends ,Unit 6 Meet my family中,学生已经学过部分有关描述和询问外貌特征的单词和句型,如:tall , short, long , strong Who is he? Its so big. Its so funny. He is strong. He has short black hair.本单元第一课时Lets learn部分也学习了描述人物特征和个性的8个单词:tall,short,long, strong ,thin , kind ,funny ,old和初步感知了句型Whos your art teacher”, Whats he like?的询问与回答。本课时教材是对前几册教材中所学有关特征描述的句型的扩充和拓展。其内容紧密联系,贴近实际生活,使每个学生都能做到有话可说,操作起来非常方便。,五年级上册,说 模 式,流程,Unit 1 B Lets learn,1,热身铺垫 温故知新。,2.出示目标 明确任务。,3、情景呈现 学习新知。,4、趣味操练 合作互动。,5、巩固检测 运用拓展。,说模式,目标引领,情景呈现,精讲多练。,6、归纳总结 布置作业。,五年级上册,说 设 计,流程,说 教 材,天津市西青区实验小学,Unit 1 B Lets learn,教学设计,Warming up,Learning aims,Presentation,Practice,Consolidation,Summing up Homework,教学设计,Warming up,Learning aims,Presentation,Practice,Consolidation,Summing up Homework,5,1. 听音跟唱。播放本单元歌曲”My New Teacher”,师生齐唱。2. Free talk.A: Whos your Chinese teacher? Is she quiet/short?B: Miss Liu is our Chinese teacher.Shes quiet/ short.C: Whats your science teacher like?,教学设计,Warming up,Learning aims,Presentation,Practice,Consolidation,Summing up Homework,5,1,Learning aims,1.能够听、说、读、写单词kind,funny, young,smart,active,并能听、说、读、写strict,principal,university student.2. 能够在不同情境中理解并运用单词和短语进行会话。3. 了解中西方国家在称呼人名上的不同习惯。,教学设计,Warming up,Learning aims,Presentation,Practice,Consodation,Summing up Homework,5,1,15,The teacher shows the picture of principle.T: Whos this lady/man?Ss: T: She/He is our principal.(Learn the word)T: She/He is strict.(Learn the word) Teach the words : university , student.强调发音。 3. Work in pairs.,教学设计,Warming up,Learning aims,Presentation,Practice,Consolidation,Summing up Homework,5,1,15,8,1、读一读,并写出其汉语意思。2、 听录音,选出你所听到的句子。 ( ) A. No, hes strict. ( ) B. No, shes strict. ( ) C. No, he strict. 3、 读短文,判断正误。I have a new friend. His name is Kim. Hes 18. Hes from Canada. Hes a university student. Hes tall. Hes smart and Funny. I like to play with him. ( ) Kim is my friend. ( ) Hes from America.,principal_. strict_smart _. active_,教学设计,Warming up,Learning aims,Presentation,Practice,Consolidation,Summing up Homework,5,1,15,8,8,听Lets learn部分的录音,读给伙伴听。根据自己科目教师的不同个性特点,改编歌曲, 并唱歌同伴听。,教学设计,Warming up,Learning aims,Presentation,Practice,Consodation,Summing up Homework,5,1,15,8,8,3,Summing up:,本节课的收获:本节课的不足:,默写单词5遍。2.将改编的歌曲唱给家人朋友听。,说 评 价,流程,说 教 材,说 设 计,说 板 书,五年级上册,Unit 1 B Lets learn,说板书,Unit 1 My New Teachers,-Who s your principle?,-Miss Lin.,-Is she young?,-No, shes old. Shes very kind.,kind smart young funny strict active,设计意图:,简洁、美观,让学生更清晰地掌握本节课,重点内容.而且对一节课起到总结的作用。,五年级上册,说 板 书,说 评 价,流程,说 教 材,说 设 计,Unit 1 B Lets learn,学习兴趣 学习积极性,说评价,对学生自主学习的评价。,对学生学习效果的评价。,对学生语言运用能力的评价。,评价目的,评价过程,说 板 书,说 评 价,说 开 发,流程,说 教 材,说 设 计,五年级上册,Unit 1 B Lets learn,开展丰富的实践活动,利用多媒体课件进行有效教学,积极开发课外资源,从教材着手, 深入挖掘, 有效利用,资源开发,Thank you for listening!,
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