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如何灵活使用NSEC教材 教学教法建议,人民教育出版社 2008年8月,一、实验区教师关注的问题,1 如何备课?备课过程中会遇到哪些困难?应注意哪些问题? 是否熟悉课标? 是否熟悉教材?是否了解教材的优点和缺陷? 学生的水平和接受能力如何? 教师自身的能力如何? 教学环境如何?教学资源如何? ,教科书的优点和不足 (摘自Lee & Adamson 1993),2 如何处理教材? 课时如何安排? 教材内容如何整合? 各个课型该如何把握? 一节课的容量和深度? 教学目的是否明确? 教学的重点? 如何设计教学活动?如何写教案? ,3 如何评价学生的学习? 形成性评价? 终结性评价?,二、教材使用建议(1),1 通览全书,把握主脉,明确教学内容 主题(话题呼应,人物) 词汇(复现) 语法(反复) 功能项目 写作,2 充分利用教学资源,灵活使用教材 如: 英语听说 英语评价手册 同步解析和测评 课件 投影片 修订版SEFC,深入研究新课标、新教材,不断探索行之有效的教学方法 如: 任务型语言教学 探究式学习、自主学习、合作学习 学习策略 教学观:个性化教学,分层教学,Tell me and Ill forget Show me and I may remember Involve me and Ill understand,师师合作,互通互补,共同发展 集体备课,共享资源 教研网络、论坛 研讨观摩课 科研课题 总结反思 教学日志人教网地址:www.pep.com.cn 网页:高中英语教学设计,5 不仅要为“教”而设计,还要为“学”而设计各种课型:听、说、读、写、词汇、语法等 培养学生的综合语言运用能力“教材千变,考试万变,但能力培养是教学的永恒主线”,1 对教材的内容进行适当的补充和删减 2 替换教学内容和活动 3 扩展教学内容或活动步骤 4 调整教学顺序 5 调整教学方法 6 总结教材的使用情况,教材使用建议(2),三、如何重组教材 以Book 1 Unit 1为例,Book 1 Unit 1 Friendship 单元整体设计思路,第一课时 听说课 Warming Up (p. 1); Listening (p. 41) and speaking 第二课时 阅读课 Pre-reading (p. 2); Reading (p. 2); Comprehending (p. 3) 第三课时 语法课 Discovering useful structures (p. 5); Using structures (p. 42-43) 第四课时 语言学习课 Discovering useful words and expressions (p. 4); Using words and expressions (p. 41-42) 第五课时 综合语言练习课 Reading and listening (p. 6); Speaking (p.6); Listening task (p. 43) 第六课时 写作课 Reading and writing (p. 7) 第七课时 综合评价练习课 Reading task (p. 44); Self-evaluation, Summing up and self-test/exercises,一、教学内容:Warming Up (p. 1); Listening (p. 41) and speaking 二、教学目标: 1能力目标在本节课结束时,学生能够: 就“朋友应具备什么品质”这一话题表达自己的看法,使用适当的形容词并通过简单举例来描述人的品质。 在与其他人交流观点时使用同意或不同意的交际用语。 理解听力材料中主人公对交友问题的看法,在教师的提示和帮助下简明扼要地归纳中心内容。 在提供的语境中猜测新词汇的含义,并根据朋友应具有的品质这一话题,通过联想记忆扩展词汇量。,第一课时 听说课,2目标语言重点词汇和短语upset, loose, ignore, add up, walk the dog,重点句型结构calm down, have got to, be concerned about, cheat in the exam 3文化目标领会友谊和朋友的真正内涵,懂得正确处理与朋友之间的问题。,三、教学步骤,Step 1 Lead in 导入 Activity: brainstorming Ss: active, brave, careful, clever, honest, helpful, humorous, kind, smart, wise, hard-working generous, selfless, easy-going, reliable, considerate, patient, sincere, responsible (Preparation for Book 1 Unit 5),T: (Summing up Ss answers, presenting new words) Its lucky to have good friends. When you feel upset or unhappy, a humorous friend can cheer you up. When you are angry or nervous about something, a considerate friend will listen to you and help you calm down. A kind-hearted friend will care about you at all times. He/she will be concerned about you and want to see you are always happy. An honest friend will tell you the truth when you make a mistake. In addition, an honest friend wont help you cheat in the exam. A helpful friend will be ready to offer help when you need it. A helpful friend wont add up what he/she does for you. (listing the new words on Bb),Step 2 Warming Up 热身 Activity: do the survey in the Warming Up section and finish the matching exercise(form and meaning: words and phrases) Summary: Q1: A friend should be helpful. Q2: A friend should be generous. Q3: A friend should be kind-hearted and concerned about you. Q4: A friend should be responsible. Q5: A friend should be honest.,Step 3 Listening 听力 Activity 1: listen to what Joy says about her friends (words and expressions used to describe a friends qualities) Activity 2: listen to what Leslie says about friends (the importance of pre-listening),Step 4 Speaking 说 Activity: discuss whether animals or other things can be your friends (Think about: the purpose of this activity)Step 5 Summary 总结 Words and expressions to describe qualities Agreement & DisagreementStep 6 Homework 作业,教师应该在课堂上用多长时间处理热身?时间不宜过长,一般建议控制在510分钟之内,否则可能喧宾夺主,冲淡主要的教学内容。 在整合单元教学时,应如何处理“热身”?两种处理办法:作为阅读部分的“热身”;作为单元主题的热身。 “热身”部分有新词汇怎么办?热身部分的词汇,教师不必在教学“热身”时花大力气来讲,可以引导学生用猜词的方法根据上下语境来判断词汇的意思。凭借语境无法猜出意思的单词或短语,教师可以直接告诉他们词汇的含义,以扫清理解障碍,因为本单元后面有专门的词汇板块来重新再现这些单词。 “热身”中的问题学生回答不出来或讨论起来有困难怎么办?从实际出发,根据学生的兴趣爱好和知识水平,结合当时本地情况,使教学情景化。,How to teach listening in class?,Here are some general steps for teachers to follow: Listen for the accent: This is optional if your class have good listening skills and good pronunciation. Listen all the way through without stopping. Your purpose is to concentrate on the accent of the speaker rather than the content. It will help students “tune in” and understand the content better. Listen for the main idea: This stage is necessary for all listeners. Let the students listen to the whole text and ask them for the main idea. Encourage them to use their own words to talk about it. Do not tell them the answer or stop the tape before the end of the listening. Listen for the detailed information: Do the same for each part if the listening text is divided into several parts. Let the students read the exercises first and listen to the tape. Ask them to take notes while listening so as to catch the important information that may help them complete the exercises.Listen and check: Play the whole tape again and check the answers to the exercises. If the students have difficulty, let them listen again.Listen for the pronunciation: This is optional. The students can listen again to the tape to improve their pronunciation and / or intonation.,
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