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复习,Unit 1-6,Unit 1 1. 去滑板 2. 锻炼 3. 几乎不曾 4. 一周两次 5. 一个月一次 6. 一年三次 7. 一周三或四次 8. 网上冲浪 9. 多久(一次) 10.的结果 11.活动调查 12. 有某物给某人 13.在周末,go skateboarding,exercise = do / take exercise,hardly ever,twice a week,once a month,three times a year,surf the Internet,How often,three or four times a week,the result of,activity survey,Here is/are sth for sb.,on weekends,14.活跃的;积极的 15.至于;关于 16.垃圾食品 17.想要(某人)做某事 18.对有好处 / 坏处 19.健康的,20.每晚你睡几个小时?21.九个小时 22.从学校放学回家 23.饮食习惯,24.尽(最大)努力/试着做,be active,as for,junk food,want (sb) to do sth,be good / bad for,be healthy,How many hours do you sleep every night?,come home from school,eating habits,try (ones best )to do sth,for nine hours,25.大量,许多 26.当然 27.注意健康 28.有健康的生活方式 29.帮助某人做某事 30.取得好成绩 31.学得好/更好/最好 32.为什么不做某事?33.与相同 34.与不同 35. (和 )的不同点36.有几分/一点不健康,a lot of = lots of,of course =sure = certainly,look after my health,have a healthy lifestyle,help sb (to) do/with sth,get good grades,study well / better / best,be the same as,be different from,be kind of unhealthy,why not do sth?= why dont you /we do sth?,the differences (betweenand ),39.提高英语,37.保持健康38.少吃肉,keep in good health = keep/stay healthy,eat less meat,improve English,句子大练兵,1、你多久吃一次蔬菜?我每天都吃,How often do you eat vegetables ?,I eat them every day .,2、她周末干什么? 她经常在家看电视。,What does she do on weekends ?,She often watches TV at home .,3、至于家庭作业,大部分学生一周做3到4次作业,As for homework , most students do homework three or four times a week .,4、一些学生一周上一两次网。,5、你每天晚上睡几个小时?,6、因此我可能有几分不健康,尽管我有一个健康的习惯。,7、吃水果对我们的健康有好处。,8、我尽量每天都做运动。,Some students surf the Internet once or twice a week.,How many hours do you sleep every night ?,So maybe Im kind of unhealthy , although I have a healthy habit .,Eating fruit is good for our health .,I try to do exercise every day .,10、他每天晚上睡9个小时。,9、我的健康的生活方式帮我取得好成绩。,11、她的饮食习惯和你的一样吗?,My healthy lifestyle helps me get good grades .,He sleeps for nine hours every night .,Are her eating habits the same as yours ?,一、根据句意和首字母完成单词 1、He is very strong because he often e . 2、Do you like s the Internet ? 3、Here are the r of his survey . 4、We wash our hair t a week . 5、I like the TV p on CCTV-10 . 6、I dont think junk food is good for our h . 7、My eating h are pretty good . 8、Dont worry . M he can help you . 9、Its important to keep h . 10、Can you tell me the d between the two words ? 11、My grandpa is still healthy , a he is over 80 . 12、Jim goes to see his parents o a month .,xercises,urfing,esults,wice,rogram,ealth,abits,aybe,ealthy,ifferences,lthough,nce,二、用所给词的正确形式填空 1、I look after my and I am .(health) 2、My teacher wants me (write) a letterto you . 3、They (hard) go out of this small town . 4、The boy is trying (climb) up the tree . 5、This word is (difference) from the other . 6、We must do eye (exercise) every day . 7、My mother (have) a healthy lifestyle . She eats (little) junk food but more vegetables . 8、I practice (speak) English every day . 9、What can I do (improve) my math? 10、Jim often (play) computer games .,health,healthy,to write,hardly,to climb,different,exercises,has,less,speaking,to improve,plays,选用方框里的字,用其适当形式填空,help, make, a lot of, want, early , exercise, try, and, give, take,1. I have _ toy cars in my room. 2. I eat fruit _ drink milk every day. 3. My parents often _ me to the park on Sundays. 4. He usually comes to school_. 5 Jim, _ this book to Ann. 6. Mum _ me to get up at 6:00 and run with her. 7. You must _ to eat less meat. 8. Does it _ a big difference if you eat fruit every day? 9. A lot of vegetables_ you to keep in good health. 10.Grandma is pretty healthy because she _ every day .,U1,a lot of,and,take,early,give,wants,try,make,help,exercises,句型转换: 1. Anns mother shops once a month.2. He is writing on the blackboard now.3. Jim goes to see Uncle Li in the evening.(否定句)4. There are some beautiful flowers in the garden (一般疑问句)5. She only eats junk food once a week because junk food isnt good for health.,U1,How often does Anns mother shop?,What is he doing on the blackboard now?,Jim doesnt go to see Uncle Li in the evening.,Are there any beautiful flowers in the garden?,Why does she only eat junk food once a week?,Unit 2 1.怎么了?得什么病了?2. (重)感冒 3. 发(高)烧,4. 胃痛 5. 牙痛 6. 头痛 7. 喉咙痛 8. 背痛 9. 躺下休息 10. 加蜂蜜的热茶 11. 看病 12. 看牙医 13.多喝水 14.应该/不该做某事,=whats up,Whats the matter/trouble (with sb)?,= Whats wrong (with sb)?,have/get a (bad) cold,have a (high) fever,have a stomachache,have a toothache,have a headache,have a sore throat,have a sore back,lie down and rest/have a rest,hot tea with honey,see a doctor,see a dentist,drink lots of water,should / shouldnt do sth,=have a backache,15.好主意。 16.我感觉不舒服。17.太糟了。 18.我(不)是这样认为的。 19.我希望你能尽快好起来。20.疲劳 21.压力大 22.早上床睡觉 23.听音乐 24.参加派对 25.需要阴和阳的平衡来保持健康26.此刻;现在,
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