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1二、日常生活和学校生活二、日常生活和学校生活(Daily(Daily routinesroutines andand schoolschool life)life)【考纲要求考纲要求】 1、 日常活动(Daily routines) (1)家庭生活(Life at home) (2)学校生活(School life) (3)周末活动(Weekend activities) 2、 学校(School) (1)学校设施(School facilities) (2)学校人员(People at school) (3)学习科目(School subjects) (4)学校活动(School activities) 【学习目标学习目标】 1掌握描述日常生活和学校生活的基本词汇。 2掌握表述日常生活和学校生活的具体活动和时间等的基本方式。 3掌握一些基本句型:(1)Could you please do? (2)Would you mind doing? (3)一般现在时与一般过去时的灵活使用。 4听: 能听懂表述和询问相关情况的问题。 5说: 能简单介绍日常生活和学校生活的情况。 6读写综合: 能读懂介绍日常生活和学校生活的文章,并能用 80 个词左右写一篇介 绍日常生活的小短文。内容可如下:学习科目,时间安排,兴趣爱好,学校活动,课后活 动,周末安排等等。重点词汇重点词汇 1School life(学校生活) 语文 Chinese 数学 math 地理 geography 历史 history 科学 science 化学chemistry 教室 classroom 办公室 office 图书馆 library 教学楼 teaching building 课堂 上 in class 课后 after class 努力学习 study hard 做早操 do morning exercises 上课 have a class 阅读 do some reading 2Daily routines(日常生活) (户外)活动 outdoor activities 旅游 have a trip 休息 have a rest 在 7 点 at 7 oclock 在 8 点 10 分 at ten past eight 在 4 点 50 分 at ten to five 在 2 点 30 分 at half past two 每天 every day 隔天 every other day 一天一次 once a day 在早上/下午/晚上 in the morning/afternoon/evening 在中午/晚上 at noon/night 在下雨的晚上 on a rainy evening 起床 get up 刷牙 brush teeth 洗脸 wash face 吃早餐 have breakfast 穿衣服 get dressed 洗澡 take a bath/shower 扫地 sweep the floor 洗碗 wash dishes 做饭 do some cooking 洗衣服 do some washing 闲逛 hang out 看电视 watch TV 与某人聊天 chat with sb 做运动 do some sports/exercise 散步 have/take Daily routines and school life(日常生活和学校生活)Time schedual(日常生活的时间安排)School subjects (学习科目)Weekend activities(周末活动)After-school activities(课后活动)School activities(学校活动)2a walk 对感兴趣 be interested in 重点句型重点句型 1Its time to do sth. 是上课的时间了。_ 2how often 你多久运动一次?_ 一周三次。_ 3havefor breakfast/lunch/supper 我通常吃些面包和牛奶作早餐。_ 4be good for 每天运动对我们身体好。_ 5be interested in 我对学习很感兴趣。_ 6mind doing sth. 我不介意做家务。_ 7sb. spend some time (in) doing sth./on sth. 我每天花一个小时的时间锻炼。_ 8It takes sb. some time to do sth. 我每天花一个半小时做作业。_一、 短文填空Mary is 15 years old. She _1_ in No. 1 Middle School. She is a good student, and she is never late for class.She studies very hard, and her teachers _2_ her very much. She likes reading, and she also likes _3_. Every morning, she _4_ up early and goes for a run in a park near her home. The air is fresh there; she enjoys it a lot. After that she has breakfast and goes to _5_Today is Sunday; there are no _6_. This afternoon, she is going to school on foot. Why is she going to school today? She has made an appointment with her friends to play _7_ in their school. She is a good _8_. After playing basketball for one hour, Mary wont go home. Instead, she will go swimming with her little brother. They will have a good _9_! Without doubt, Mary is a highenergy sort of person. She thinks that taking exercise is _10_ for her health, so whenever she has time, she would take all kinds of 3exercises. 1_ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._ 6_ 7._ 8._ 9._ 10._ 二、 读写综合 A)信息归纳。阅读下面短文,完成信息卡。Recently, our school has done a research on students afterclass activities. Chart 1 shows the daily average amount of time the students of the school spend on different afterclass activities. The students put the most time93 minutesinto their homework, and next in line is watching TV, which takes up 46 minutes. They put in about the same amount of time listening to music and working on the computer, 34 minutes and 30 minutes each. While 25 minutes is spent on sports, only 12 minutes goes into doing housework. As is shown on Chart 2, most of the time is spent in doing homework, 19% in watching TV, but only 10% of the time is taken up with sports, and only 5% is taken up with housework. Instead of spending most of the time doing homework,I think the school should also encourage the students to do some other activities as well after class. As is known to all, doing exercise is good for us to be healthier and more energetic, and it is also important for us to do our best in school. Information CardThe things that the research is about1. The thing that students put the most time into2.The thing that students put the least time into 3.The time students spend doing exercise 4.The time that housework takes up students according to ch
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