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Most powerful woman,Issue.1026 October 16, 2013,By students, for students,Most powerful woman,Background Information,The Federal Reserve System (also known as the Federal Reserve, and informally as the Fed) is the central banking system of the United States. It was created on December 23, 1913, with the enactment of the Federal Reserve Act, largely in response to a series of financial panics, particularly a severe panic in 1907.Over time, the roles and responsibilities of the Federal Reserve System have expanded and its structure has evolved. Events such as the Great Depression were major factors leading to changes in the system.,Background Information,Janet Louise Yellen (born August 13, 1946) is an American ecomist and professor who is the Vice Chair of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. Previously, she was President and Chief Executive Officer of the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, Chair of the White House Council of Economic Advisers under President Bill Clinton, and Professor Emerita at the University of California, Berkeleys Haas School of Business. On October 9, 2013, President Barack Obama nominated Yellen to be Chair of the Federal Reserve. If confirmed, Yellen would be the first woman to hold the position.,Skimming and scanning: Find the answers to the following quesitons as quickly as possible.,Instruction,1.Why is Yellen considered as the most powerful woman in the world? 2.Why do people believe Yellen is the most qualified nominee ever?,She chaired president Bill Clintons Council of Economic Advisers, taught at Harvard and Berkeley, and was president of the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco. She is currently the Feds vice chair.,Yellen was nominated by President Obama to serve as the next US Federal Reserve (Fed) chair. If confirmed by the Senate, Yellen will become the first woman to serve in the top spot.,General Questions,3.What challenges are Yellen faced with now?4.Why does the CNN piece say Yellen is unusual?,First, to bring interest rates back to more normal levels without triggering a new recession. Second, to reduce the US unemployment rate, which remains at historically high levels.,General Questions,“She has kept her eyes on whats critical the people. Her research has centered on unemployment, on the best way to modulate government policies to benefit the people.”,5. Why does the author say the Fed has a unique position ?6. Why is the Fed chairperson so influential?,First of all, the Fed is independent. The decisions made by the organization are not subject to approval by anyone in the government. And the chair alone sets the agenda.,General Questions,The Fed chairperson holds huge sway in monetary policy and financial regulation because the Fed controls the money supply in the worlds largest economy. The Feds interest rate decisions dont just set the course for the US economy, its decisions set the course for the world economy, too.,Detailed Study,Read the passage closely and find out the following sentences. Translate the sentences into Chinese.,Instruction,Obama nominated Yellen to serve as the next US Federal Reserve (Fed) chair. If confirmed by the Senate,Nominate v. 推荐,提名 Confirm v. 确认,证实,Detailed Study,1.安全理事会可以提名任何人为秘书长。 2.该发言人证实该地区现在处于反叛者的控制之中。,1.The Security Council can nominate anyone for secretary-general. 2.The spokesman confirmed that the area was now in rebel hands.,Aged 67, silver-haired and petite, Yellen is said to be the most qualified nominee ever.,Detailed Study,Petite adj. 娇小的,小个子的 Qualified adj. 有资格的,有限度的,有保留的,1.你有资格担任这项工作吗? 2.政府过去对加强立法的观点给予了有保留的支持。,Are you qualified for this job? The government has in the past given qualified support to the idea of tightening the legislation.,First, to bring interest rates back to more normal levels without triggering a new recession. Second, to reduce the US unemployment rate, which remains at historically high levels.,Detailed Study,1. Stress may act as a trigger for these illnesses. 2. The oil price increases sent Europe into deep recession.,Trigger v. 引发,触发; 引发的原因 Recession n. 经济衰退,萧条,1.压力也许是引发这些疾病的一个原因。 2.石油价格的上涨使欧洲陷入严重的经济衰退。,Her research has centered on unemployment, on the best way to modulate government policies to benefit the people.,Detailed Study,1.有些人能根据房间大小调节自己讲话的声音。 2.双方都从会谈中获益。,1.Some people are able to modulate their voices according to the size of the room in which they speak. 2. Both sides have benefited from the talks.,Modulate v. 调整,调节 Benefit v. 有益于;对有益,Past records also show that Yellen is exceptionally good at predicting where the economy is headedwarning about the subprime crisis and the ensuing recession.,Detailed Study,The two companies grew tenfold in the ensuing ten years.,Predict v.预报,预言 Subprime adj. 次级的 subprime crisis 次贷危机 Ensuing adj. 接着发生的,这两家公司在随后10年里增长了10倍。,the decisions made by the organization Yellen will lead next year are not subject to approval by anyone in the government.,Detailed Study,
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