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TheThe StrengthStrength ofof trusttrust 中英文演讲稿中英文演讲稿 对照对照boys and girls,good afternoon.the content that i will give a lecture today is still about the subject thats unchanged since ancient times to now days, which is friendship. there have been thousands of explanations as for the word “friend“. but i resolutely think that there is the best definition to explain it, which is trust. the story that i read recently makes my idea firm.it happened in italy four centuries young man named pi sia was sentenced to death, because of having offended the tyrant. pi sia was a filial son, and he asked to see his old mother before death. the king promised him , but set down the condition that he must find another person to be in prison instead of him. the condition was so critical that it was almost impossible to be realized. but pi sia did find such a man, who was his friend named dameng. then pi sia went home to bid farewell with mother as he wished.days passed quickly, and the term of imprisonment was near at hand, but pi sia had not turned back yet. most people ascertained that pi sia had deceived his friend.it was a rainy day. when demeng was sent to the execution ground, all persons watching around laughed at him, but demeng himself was not worried at all. the rope was hanging on his neck, and just at the critical moment, one person ran quickly through the rain shouting loudly, “please wait, im coming!“ it was pi sia who turned back in time.this was the most moving curtain in the world. demeng took no care of himself in order to help his friend realize the duty, whose kind of spirit was moved one to tears. while pi sia did not hesitate to take life as the price for performing the promise, whose kind of courage was also rare to meet. my dear friends, do you know why demeng was so calm before death? the reason was that he believed his friend pi sia would not do such despicable thing as deceiving friends. this depended on the strength of trust.this is a true story that is enough to shock everyone. especially to contemporary people who are surrounded by the benefit of themselves, it is more worth of pondering. friendship is the precious deposits of the human world and the coordinate of life, and it may keep the flowers of heart fresh and sweet forever. a true friend is large treasure of your whole life. when you are downhearted, they may encourage you to do all to catch up with the others, and when you are proud of yourself, they may remind you of keeping a clear head with sincere advice. 1 2 3however, in the modern society that regards the real interest as the most supreme power , friendship becomes fragile and stingy .it is common that good friends known several years fall out to become enemies, and the friendship also becomes the chip of business.in fact friendship will not die out, but people do not know to value it .the famous writer bi shumin once said in a piece of paper, “ there is only one fruit in the tree of friendship, which is trust.“ friendship is a kind of nutrition for people that is the most simple and the most luxurious at the same time, which needs irrigating with trust and true feelings. it is just like the flower living in the comfortable hothouse. only with the attentive care, can it become more and more beautiful. in the modern and changeable age, we should abide by the ancient rule, which is trust. friendship is so hard that it may exist forever as long as you treat it with heart.trust is one kind of precious feeling in the world. no one can buy it with money, and no one can get it by cheating or force. it comes from the innermost soul of people. just like clean spring, it washes away the dirt of common customs and makes you pure and self-confident. moreover, it can clear away the obstacles in your heart and help you gain more friendship.in the real life, what will be kept in the history is not material wealth, but mutual affection being loyal-hearted. let us abandon suspicion, hate out of jealousy, and deal with friends in all sincerity. believing that our eyes will brighten, and there will be even more happy laughter and cheerful voices in our world.译文:信任的力量同学们:下午好!今天我所要演讲的内容仍然围绕着人类的一个亘古不变的话题进行,那就是友情。千百年来,世人对于“朋友”的阐释有千种万种,但我一直坚决地认为,对这一定义的最好解释只需两个字,那就是信任。前不久,读了一篇久远而真实的故事,更坚定了我这一看法。那是在公元前四世纪的意大利,有一个名叫皮斯阿司的年轻人因触犯了暴君而被判处绞刑。皮斯阿司是个孝子,临死之前,他希望能与远在百里之外的母亲见最后一面。国王感其诚孝,决定让他回家与母亲相见,但条件是必须找到一个人来代替他。这是一个看似简单其实近乎不可能实现的条件。要知道,有谁肯冒着被杀头的危险来替别人坐牢?但世界上真的有这样的人,他就是皮斯阿司的朋友达蒙。于是,皮斯阿司如愿以偿回家与母亲诀别。日子如水,眼看刑期在即,可皮斯阿司却丝毫没有回来的迹象。人们议论纷纷,都说达蒙上了皮斯阿司的当。行刑日是个雨天,当达蒙被押赴刑场之时,围观的人都在嘲笑他,但刑车上的达蒙却面无惧色。绞索已经挂在达蒙的脖子上,就在这千钧一发之际,淋漓的风雨中一人飞奔而来,高呼着:“等等,我来了!”是皮斯阿司回来了。这是人世间最最感人的一幕。达蒙为顾全朋友的孝心置自身安危于度外,这种精神可歌可泣;皮斯阿司为履行诺言不惜以生命为代价,这种勇气世间又有几人能具备?同学们,面对死刑,达蒙之所以坦然,就在于他相信皮斯阿司不是那种言而无信、出卖朋友的小人,这就是信任的力量。这是一个真实的震撼人的灵魂的故事,尤其对于尊崇自我中心化的现代人而言,它更是发人深省。友情是人间的宝藏,是人生的坐标,是保持心灵之花永不枯萎的甘露。真正的朋友会在你消沉时以微笑激励你奋起直追,会在你得意时以忠言提醒你保持清醒。可是,在当今现实利益具有无上威力的社会里,友情却变得脆弱而吝啬,数年的好友可能一夜间反目成仇,友情也可能成为交易的筹码其实,友情不会泯灭,只是人们不懂得珍惜。著名作家毕淑敏在一篇文章中提到:“友情:这棵树上只结一个果子,叫做信任。 ”友谊是最简朴同时也是最奢侈的营
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