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be 动词与人称代词的搭配一、be 动词与人称代词的搭配1、基本形式: am 、are 、is am第一人称 I+am (注意:“ I ”无论何时都要大写,不管位于句首还是句中 ) 例:I am a beautiful girl. I am twenty. are第二人称 you+are; 一人称复数 we+are;三人称复数they+are 其他复数名词 +are (注意:第二人称单复数同形, 都为you) 例:You are my good friend. We are in the same class. They are on the road. The books are on the desk. (3 is第三人称 he(男) +is ; she(女)+is; it(不是人 )+is; 其他单数名词+is 例:HeShe is a good student. It is a white cat. A dog is on that street. 2、肯定、否定、疑问(等于号后是简写)肯定否定 be动词后加 not 一般疑问 be 动 词移到主 语前一般疑问否定一般疑问回答肯定 和否定I am,=Im,.I am not,=I m not Am I,?Am not I,?Yes,I m. No,I m not. You are,=youreYou are not,=Youarent,Are you, ? Are not you. ? =Arentyou,?Yes,you are. No,you are not. SheHeIt is,=SheHeIt is not, =SheHeI t isn t,Is shehe it,?Is not sheheit ,?=Isnt sheh it,?Yes,sheheIt is. No,sheheIt is n ot. We are=We reWe are not,=Wearent,Are we,? Are not we,? =Arentwe,?Yes,we are. No,we are not. They are=TheyreThey are not,=Theyarent Are they ,?Are not they,? =Arentthey,?Yes,they are. No,they are not. 例:I am(not) from . My eyes are(not) small. My hair is(not) long. Am I a Chniese? 回答:肯定: Yes, you are. 否定:No, you arent.Is the cat fat? 回答:肯定:Yes, it is. 否定:No, it isn t.注意:在一般疑问回答中, 肯定回答除 I m不可简写 , 否定回答均可简写。另:特殊疑问句中: wherehowwhowhatwhy+be 动词+人称代词或名词?例:What is your name? My name is GaoBuHan. Where are you? I m in the classroom. 3总结: Be的用法口诀I用 am ;you、we 、they 都用 are ;is 连着 he,she,it ;单数名词用 is, 复数名词全用 are。变疑问,往前提,句末问号莫丢弃。变否定,更容易, be 后 not 莫忘记。疑问否定任你变,句首大写莫迟疑。一.英汉互译1 我家里有四口人 . _ _ _ _ in my family. 2 这是 Mike 的书包 . _ _ _ _. .3 在星期天 ,我经常和我的姐姐去购物. _ _ , _ usually go shopping _ _ _. .4 这本故事书是我的 . _ story book _ _. .5 我最喜欢的运动是游泳(swim). _ _ _ _ _. .6 Linda 喜欢以一些牛奶和两个鸡蛋作为早餐. Linda likes _ _ _ _ _ _ _. .7 我有两个哥哥 ,他们是 Jack 和 Nick. I have two brothers,_ _ _ _ _. 二.句型转换.8 My name is Amy.( 改为一般疑问句 ) _. .9 I like tennis best.( 改为一般疑问句 ) _. .10 I like playing basketball.(将句中的 playing 改为其原型 ) _. .11 I often do my homework in the evening.(改为一般疑问句 ;提示:do homework 是固定词组 ) _. .12 My fathers birthday is on January.(改为一般疑问句 ) _. .13 John and Jim go to work together.(改为同义句 ;提示:with) _. .14 That cats name is MiMi.(改为同义句 ;提示:of,名词所有格的另一种形式) _. 三.适当形式填空 . .15 September 10th is _(teacher)day. .16 My pencil is black,what about _ (your)? .17 _(do) your mother love them? .18 My favorite vegetable _(am) carrots and tomatoes. .19 These are nine _(potato). .20 This is some _(milk). .21 There _(is) many photos of my family. Be动词练习题一用 be 动词适当的词填空。1. I _ from Australia. 2. She _ a student. 3.Jane and Tom _ my friends. 4. My parents _ very busy every day. 6.I _ an English teacher now. 7.Where _ you from? 10.The light _ green. 11.My name is _ Li Dong.I _ twelve. 12._ they your new friends? 13. I _ a boy. _ you a boy? No, I _ not. 14. The girl_ Jacks sister. 15. The dog _ tall and fat. 16. _ your brother in the classroom? 17. Where _ your mother? She _ at home. 18. Whose dress _ this? 19.That _ my red skirt. 20.Who _ I? 21. Some tea _ in the glass. 22.Gao shans shirt _ over there. 23. My sisters name _Nancy. 24. This _ not Wang Fangs pencil. 25. _ David and Helen from England? 26. We _ friends. 27. She _ a teacher. 28. I _ a girl. 29. Many ants _ in my house. 30.His mother _ fat. 31.He _ in Class 4, Grade 1. 32.What _ your name? 33. These _ buses. 34. What class _ you in? 35.It_ a car. 36.Helen_ a student 37.This _my book. 38.My father_a cook. 39.Jack s friend_in Class One. 40.You _ a doctor. 41. They _ cars. 42.That_her dog. 43.The cat_on the desk. 44.The books_under the table. 二.选择1.She _ Miss Hen. A.be B.am C.is 2.I _ sorry. A./ B.am C.are 3.Here _ my ball. A.is B.are C.am 4.You _ number eight. A.are B.is C.am 5.What_this?A.is B.are C.be 6.Helen_ a student. A.be B.am C.is 7.Those _oranges. A.is B.are C.am 8.How old _your teacher? A.be B.am C.is 9. Where _ _ her mother? A.are B.is C.am 10.The two cups of milk _ for me. A.is B.are C.be 11. Eric and Kathy _ my students. A.are B.is C.am 12. Your books _ not good. A.is B.are C.be 13. He_ a boy. A.be B.am C.is 14. It _ my dog. A.is B.are C.be 15.Whose socks _
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