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1Unit4.Unit4. whywhy dontdont youyou talktalk toto youryour parents?parents?Period4 SectionB2a-selfcheck【教学目标】知识与技能知识与技能(1)熟练掌握下列词汇: pressure compete opinion skill typical football quick continue compare crazy push development cause usual perhaps,although, until(2)熟练掌握下列短语: so that, notuntil, cut out, compare A with B, be good for,in my opinion(3)掌握下列句型:归纳征求意见,给出建议的常用句型What should I do? You could You shouldWhy not do? Why dont you do?Although, you shouldYou could so thatYou shouldnt dountilWould you mind doing?You should dobecauseYou should learn to relax.过程与方法过程与方法阅读理解训练,写作练习情感、态度与价值观情感、态度与价值观要学会放松、缓解压力【教学重难点】重点:重点:1) 能运用所学的语言知识来简单地表达自己对某一困难问题的看法和建议。2)总结本单元所学到的重点词组及句型。3)复习总结 unless, as soon as, so that 等词的用法,并能完成相关练习题。难点:难点:2运用所学的语言知识来写一封简短的信,表达自己对学生上课外辅导班这一社会现象的看法。【导学过程】一新课预习一新课预习1.give one s opinion 某人的观点2.in ones opinion_3._学习应试技巧4._竞争而获胜5._一个典型的美国家庭6._橄榄球训练7._删除;删去8.notuntil_9._=have dinner quickly10. compare A with B_11. _孩子的发展12. _造成许多压力二二. . 情景导入情景导入Review the expressions and sentences.1. 一个典型的美国家庭 a typical American family2. 足球训练 football training3. 删除 cut out4. 比较;对比 comparewith5. 逼得太紧 pushso hard6. 一个儿童的成长 a kids development7. 疲惫的孩子们直到晚上七点钟后才到家。The tired children dont get home until after 7:00 p.m.8. 他们总是将自己的孩子与其他的孩子相比较。They always compare their children with other children.9. 他们为什么不让孩子们顺其自然呢?Why dont they let their kids be kids?310. 所有这些活动会给孩子们导致很大的压力。All these activities can cause a lot of stress for children. 三合作探究三合作探究1. Thinking T: There are some after-school activities. What activities do you and your classmates usually do? Check them. Ss check the activities they usually do. Ask some Ss say their choices. 2. Warming upWhat did you do after school?Do you have stress in your life?How do you relax yourself?3.Fast ReadingT: Now lets work on 2b. First, lets read the questions and make sure we know the meanings of all the questions. Then read the passage quickly and find the answers to the questions. 1) What is the common problem for Chinese and American families?2) Who gives their opinions about the problems?Ss read the letter quickly and try to find the answers to the two questions. Check the answers with the class. 4.Careful Reading T: Now lets read these sentences about the letter. Read the passage again. Judge if the sentences are True or False. Please underline under the main sentences. 1) Chinese children have to take so many after-school classes on weekends these days. 2) Cathy Taylor really wants her three children to be successful, so she believes theseafter-school activities are important for them.3) Linda Miller thinks parents should send their small kids to all kinds of 4classes. 4) Linda thinks some parents push their kids too much. 5) Alice thinks kids shouldnt have time to relax and think for themselves5.Post readingWork on 2c Work on 2d. Tell Ss to read the passage again and answer these questions below. Work on 3a:6. Asking and answering Ss say if they agree or disagree with the views above. Then give their reasons. Let some Ss say their reasons:S1: I disagree. Many factors may influence in ones life. Even though one goes to a good university, he may still not be successful. S2: I agree. Many great people learn things from a very young age. If the child is gifted in some area, its helpful to learn it from a young age. S3: I disagree. People shouldnt push their kids so hard. Parents shouldnt send their small kids to all kinds of classes. They shouldnt always compare their children with other children. I believe its better to let the kids be kids.7. Writing .Work on 3b: Ask Ss whats the common problem for Chinese and American families? Ss: They have to go to many after-school classes.OK. Whats your opinion about after-school classes? Now think about it and write a short article about to a magazine. 8. Self check 四点拨总结四点拨总结1.In some families, competition starts very young and continues until the kids get older.在一些家庭中,竞争从孩子很小的时候就开始了并且一直持续到孩子长大。continue verb 持续;继续存在;不断发生The exhibition continues until 25 July.展览要持续到 7 月 25 日。5continue to do = continue doing这场雨整整一下午都下个不停。The rain continued to fall all afternoon.=The rain_ _ all afternoon.continue verb 继续做;不停地干她想要继续工作到 60 岁。She wanted to continue _ until she was 60.continue verb(中断后)继续,再开始她抬头看了一下,然后继续画画。She looked up for a moment, then _drawing. 他捡起书继续看起来。He picked up his book and _ _. 2.And they are always comparing them with other children.他们总是把自己的孩子与其他孩子相比较compare verb 比较;对比 compared; compares; comparing A with B We compared the two reports carefully.我们仔细地比较了两个报告。我们仔细比较了第一份报告和第二份报告。We carefully _the first report _ the second.3.Doctors say too much pressure is not good for childs development.医生们说太多的压力对孩子们的成长不利。development noun 发展;发育;成长;healthy growth and deve
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