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主旨题: 概括性强,广义归纳为正确答案,太笼统太具体太片面为干扰项 注:从作者角度出发,分析文章结构,了解写作意图细节题:同义词,参照词,代词推理题: 言外之意,态度观点,写作意图,未知内容 注:考虑文章形式,写作特点,具体内容,词义题: 1根据定义或解释说明A mosquito is a small flying pest that thrust the skin and then drink blood. 2同位语His uncle is a zoologist, an expert who does research on animals. 3对比关系Though Toms face has been washed quite clean, his neck still remain grubby.,4因果关系She wanted the hairdresser to trim her hair a bit because it was too long. 5同等关系At forty-two he was in his prime and always full of energy. 6列举的事例You can take any of the periodicals, the World of English, English Learning or Readers Digest.,7构词法指示:词根,前缀,后缀 unforgettable 8生活常识Birds fly with their wings, and they pick up their foods, and then eat them with their beaks and they use their claws for tearing, seizing, pulling or holding objects.识图题:确定地理位置,记叙文一看图写话记叙文六要素:时间,地点,事件,原因,结果,人物组词成句,组句成文二文字提示短文要包含全部提示,切忌逐字逐句翻译,围绕题意,添加必要的叙述和描写三 改写和缩写四人物经历,说明文(事物,地点,图表及其他) 一事物1客观 2简练 3全面 4常用一般现在时 二地点:空间顺序 1学校设施:the school gateclassroom buildinglaboratory building 2表方位 on the left ofon the right ofnear 3表位于某处lie, be located, stand 三 图表及其他:叙述类,说明类,议论类,应用文 一书信格式信封书信:信头,称谓 ,正文, 结束语和谦称, 签名 二 书信类别 : 普通信 , 请求信, 邀请信, 感谢信, 应聘信 1普通信:开头语: 结束语: 2请求信: 3邀请信: 4感谢信: 5应聘信: 三 便条:简单扼要, 语气比较随便,日期 称呼 署名 四通知 1书面:正中Notice,右下角写发通知的人,单位,日期在左下角,语言简练,准确。 2口头套语:Ladies and gentleman,May I have your attention please?,五 日记:一般用过去时1 星期 日期 天气情况 Thursday March 4, Fine2发生的事情, 写一点事情 六 指路1会看交通图2说清向左(右)转,第几路口,乘那路车,找何参照物3通常用祈使句4时态常用一般现在时5常用词语: 说明距离远近: It is only fifteen minutes walk. Its very far from here. Youd better take a bus. 告诉别人怎样坐车 The bus stop was on the other side of the road. It will take you thirty minutes to get there by bus.,往前走go down the streetwalk along this road 沿着光明大街往前走go along Bright Road 过桥go across the bridge 怎么转弯take the first turning on your rightturn right at the first crossingturn left at the cinema 找参照物 It is between the park and library. Theres a hotel opposite to the shopping center. Theres a bank across the street.,议论文一发言稿Ladies and gentleman , may I have your attention?Warmly welcome to visit our school. 二表明观点as we know,Its known thatIts true that, butin my opinion,My uncle is in hospital now, which owed to his driving after drinking. Yesterday, he , along with two friends of his, had a dinner at a friends home. After drinking, it was deep night. My uncle left with a red face. He drank so much that he couldnt stand steadily. His friend asked him not to leave, but he said there was no problem. At last, he left. On his way home, he knocked into a tree. The car broke down.Worse still, my uncle hurt badly. He was sent to the hospital in time so that there was nothing serious with him. The next day, he was revoked a drinking license. According to the accident, my uncle got a good class.张洪莲,During those days without my parents, how happy I was! Although no one looked after me, Id rather live a free life than be controlled by them. In the mornings I didnt get up until the sun rose. Then I did cooking myself. After that I did what I wanted to. Of course, most of the time, I did homework. Generally speaking, I wont forget those days forever. After all, I can take care of myself. I think I have grown up.张洪莲,Yesterday, my uncle attended a small party at his friendss home. They were drinking and chatting. He didnt stop drinking until midnight. His friend was anxious about him and wanted to send him home.But he said, “ No problem.” Unfortunately, when he drove home without clear mind, he hit a big tree, and then lost consciousness.In the hospital, the policeman revoked his driving license.Everyone should remember that thing and avoid it happening again.郑雪冰,Because I was left alone, I went to my uncles home by train.They lived in Shanghai. They treated me very well. I had seen the beach, the sea, wind blowing my face, birds flying over my head. I really wanted to go there a second time. 郑雪冰,My uncle went to meet some of his friends yesterday afternoon. They were all happy so they went to drink. They didnt finish drinking until mid-night. My uncle drank too much. His friend advised him to take a taxi, but he refused. He insisted on driving by himself. On his way home, he couldnt control the car so that the car hit on a big tree. My Uncle was badly hurt. At last, the police went to the hospital, which my uncle was in and revoked his driving license.I think my uncle is very poor.李爽,In those days, I was very happy. Because every day, I could watch the TV program which I liked. Though I was left home alone,l I didnt feel lonely. My neighbours often came to my home and played with me. I enjoyed staying with them. So, I was happy during those days.,I didnt feel lonely those days. Every morning, I did exercises, and went to school early. And I bought a lot of books. In my spare time, I always read them. The most important thing is that I learned how to cook meals so that I cooked a delicious meal for my parents when they came back.吴佳莉,
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