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1江西省樟树市江西省樟树市2016-20172016-2017学年高一英语下学期周练试题(学年高一英语下学期周练试题(1 1)()(4-84-8,14-14-1818班)班)第一卷第一卷 英语知识运用(共两节,满分英语知识运用(共两节,满分2626分)分)第一节(共第一节(共8 8小题;每小题小题;每小题2 2分,满分分,满分1616分)分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A.(A.、B B、C C和和D)D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。项涂黑。 A ADear daughter,You are a wonderful person and your mother and I think the world of you. It will not be long before you leave home to make your way in the world. Can I please give you some friendly advice? Here are some things that you should never do.1.1. NeverNever LookLook DownDown UponUpon YourselfYourselfYou are great and able to achieve great things so believe in yourself. When things go badly, never stop believing. Some girls get upset, blame themselves and lose self-esteem (自尊). All kinds of problems can follow.2.2. NeverNever GetGet ObsessedObsessed ( (迷恋迷恋) ) WithWith YourYour appearance.appearance.We think you look great (though some of the clothes you wear worry us!). Please be happy with the person you are and the body you have. Eat reasonably, take exercise and be healthy. Some girls show too much concern about losing weight or getting the perfect shape. You look fine.3.3. NeverNever ForgetForget YourYour PersonalPersonal Safety.Safety.Never put yourself at serious risk. This means that you cannot trust people until you really know them and that sometimes you have to avoid things that look like fun. Never get drunk or take drugs. Unluckily there are some bad people out there and it is best not to take risks. 24.4. NeverNever GiveGive LessLess ThanThan YourYour Best.Best.We are very proud of what you have achieved so far. You should be proud too. Keep doing well. Keep trying your hardest at everything you do. No one can ask for more than that.5.5. ApartApart formform that,that, pleaseplease keepkeep inin mindmind thatthat youryour parentsparents lovelove you.you.Whatever happens in life, your family will still be your family. Whatever difficulties you meet with, you can always talk to us and we will try to help. We are here for you.1. Why has the father written the letter to his daughter?A. To express his love for her. B. To give her some advice.C. To tell her what she should do. D. To help solve her problems.2. What does the father think of his daughters appearance?A. He thinks she looks fine although she is unhealthy. B. He is satisfied with the clothes his daughter wears.C. He thinks his daughter should be happy with her appearance. D. He thinks his daughter should lose weight to get the perfect shape.3. The father advises his daughter not to _.A. ask her parents for help B. be proud of what she has achieved C. believe in herself when things go badD. stop trying her hardest at everything she does4. How many pieces of advice does the father give to his daughter?A. Four B. Five C. Six D. SevenB BResearchers found that a “name pronunciation effect” played an important role in how people were perceived (感知) by others. They concluded that the easier a persons 3name was to say, the better their success was in the workplace and the quicker career advancement (提升) they enjoyed. Their study also found that a simple name improved peoples ability to make new friends. Dr. Simon Laham, who led the study, said people with simple names were generally judged more positively (积极地). “The effect is not because of the length of a name or how foreign-sounding or unusual it is, but rather how easy it is to pronounce,” he said. In their study the team studied the way names can influence a persons impressions and decision making. They looked at lots of names of 500 university student volunteers from British, Asian, and European backgrounds and a field of 500 lawyers in America. The team found that people with more pronounceable names were more likely to achieve success. They found that American lawyers with easier sounding names got career advancement faster within their law firms (公司). Names including Sherman, Jenkins, Benson, and Angus ranked among the easiest to pronounce, while Farquharson and Loughnane and European names such as Leszczynska were found to be difficult to pronounce. They concluded that a simple name was the key to success. Dr. Laham said the results could have important implications (意义) for how managers dealt with bias(偏见). “Its important to treat the biases that shape our choices and judgments about others,” he said. “It may help remove bias, leading to fairer, more objective treatment of others.” 5. What factor of a name plays the key role in deciding its effect?A. The length of the name. B. The pronunciation of the name.C. The meaning of the name. D. Whether the name is unusual or not.6. The underlined part “pronounceable names” in Para. 3 refers to names that_.A. can be pronounced without difficulty B. cant be pronounced easilyC. sound like foreign names
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