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tied to ones apron strings 受某人支配all hat, no cattle 光说不练be all mouth and trousers 同义at the drop of a hat 立刻belt and braces 双重保险a big girls blouse 像女孩子一样软弱或胆小的男人the boot is on the other foot 此一时,彼一时as bright as a button 机灵活泼bless ones little cotton socks 因某人的善行而表示感谢catch somebody with their trousers down 出其不备cut your coat according to your cloth 量入为出dressed to kill 衣着很惹眼dressed up to the nines 衣着华丽fill ones shoes 顶替工作fit like a glove 完全合身fly by the seat of ones pants 凭直觉办事go cap in hand 谦卑地索取give sb a dressing down 严加训斥做错事的人hand in glove 串通,勾结have ac ace in the hole 暗中存有王牌have ants in ones pants 坐立不安hot under the collar 生气,心烦意乱,紧张Ill eat my hat 我不相信If the cap fits, wear it 有则改之无则加勉in ones pocket 受人控制keep sth under ones hat 保守秘密keep ones shirt on 保持冷静knickers in a twist 为琐碎的事恼火knock ones socks off 让人万分惊讶laugh up ones sleeve 暗自发笑line one s pocket中饱私囊live in each others pockets 形影不离lose your shirt 丧失全部(大部分)财产money burns a hole in sbs pocket 花钱如流水off the cuff 即兴而为old hat 过时的,陈腐的思想on sbs coattails 沾光only the wearer knows where the shoe pinches 当事者才知道其中的辛苦pass round the hat 凑钱;募捐pull up your socks 鼓足干劲努力干put a sock in it 住嘴put it on the cuff 赊账put your thinking cap on 仔细思量put yourself in sbs shoes 设身处地为他人着想put ones shirt on sth 孤注一掷(早期美国移民很穷,一件衬衫是非常宝贵的)smarty pants 自作聪明的人take ones hat off to sb 向某人脱帽致敬throw down the gauntlet 提出挑战(中世纪骑士间挑战下战书的方式)too big for your boots 自认为很重要tough as old boots 顽固;强硬under ones belt 为其所有(包括经验)an iron fist in a velvet glove 外柔内刚,口蜜腹剑wear sackcloth and ashes 有点负荆请罪的意思,公开表示忏悔wear the trousers 在婚姻中处于决策地位
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