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1河南罗山县河南罗山县 20172017 高考英语阅读理解一轮精编题(三)高考英语阅读理解一轮精编题(三)2016 高考训练题-阅读理解。阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项。 A young man returns to his hometwon of Aractataca, Colombia. He visits the house where he lived as a child. Here, he remembers the most important memories of his childhood. Standing in front of his old house, the young man makes an important decision. He says to himself, “I will start my life over again. I will become a writer.”This man is the world famous writer. Gabriel Garica Marquez.Gabriel Garcia Marquez was born on March 6,1928. During his early life, Garcia Marquezs grandmother and grandfather told him many stories. His grandmother would tell him legends as if they were real. Garcia Marquez says that his grandmothers way of storytelling later influenced his own methods.When Garcia Marquez was about 20 years old, he left Aracataca and attended university in Bogota. He began studying law because this was what his father wanted him to study. However, Garcia Marquez was not happy.During this time Garcia Marquez returned to Aracataca. It was on this visit that he realized he must stop studying law. And he recognized that he must return to the dream of his childhood-writing. For the next few years, Garcia Marquez wrote for many different newspapers. And in 1955, he published his first book called “Leaf Storm”.For many years, Garcia Marquez knew he wanted to write about his grandfathers house in Aracataca. To write this book, Garcia Marquez and his wife had to sell almost all of their possessions to survive. But their act was worth it. The book, “One Hundred Years of Solitude” was immediately successful. And this book created a path for Garcia Marquezs future success.In 1982, Gabriel Garcia Marquez was given the Nobel Prize in Literature for his book “One Hundred Years of Solitude”, making him the first Colombian and the fourth Latin American to win a Nobel Prize in Literature.1. Who influenced Garcia Marquezs writing style?A. His grandfather. B. His grandmother. C. His father. D. His wife.2. Garcia decided to take up writing .A. when he worked for a newspaper B. under the influence of his familyC. when he graduated from college D. after a visit to his hometown3. Garcias book “One Hundred Years of Solitude” .A. was written in the 1950s B. enjoyed a quick success2C. helped Garcia lead a better life D. was about Garcias grandfather4. What do we know from the text about Garcia Marquez?A. He is the first Latin American to win a Nobel Prize in Literature.B. His book “Leaf Storm” marked his great success in literature.C. He wrote for newspapers before publishing his own books.D. He followed his fathers wish to become a writer.参考答案 1-4、BDBC 【广东省深圳市广东省深圳市 20142014 高考英语第一次调研考试高考英语第一次调研考试】Neil Kerwin became American Universitys(AU) 14th president in September 2007. Kerwin joined AU in 1975 and has held numerous department and leadership positions, including head of the School of Public Affairs. In this interview, he speaks about developing leadership among AU students and inspiring them to public service and the lessons he has learned as the president of American University.“The longer I do this kind of work, the clearer it is to me that leadership is a collective activity. This happens here at American University hundreds of times every day at every level of the doing and managing hard work to reach those goals. Simply, leadership cannot be the field or responsibility of one person or a small group at the top. At its best, it is up to the organization.”“A presidents role is to make that clear, ensure itit happens, and provide space, ideas, encouragement and acknowledgment of accomplishments. Vision(有远见卓识) is important, but one that colleagues have not contributed to or are not widely shared will not serve the purpose. I have also learned delegation(授权) is also important to success and that it is a process of constant adjustment, not a single act. No one is perfect in the work we do, and by recognizing this, youre developing a healthy culture that supports reform. And, of course, none of this relieves the president of most responsibility for the institution, and the need to be clearly and visibly accountable.”“Another lesson is that crises(危机) assume a life of their own. They are a great time to learn and a bad time to plan. It is when times are good and stable that you need to 3examine the things that are of the greatest risk to your organization in the long term. As a leader, you must be able to provide the energy and motivation among your employees to ask these difficult questions, because difficult times will come.”41According to Neil Kerwin, leadership mainly depends on .Athe president himselfBstudents in the universityCsmall group at the topDthe organization itself42In the third paragraph, “ it ” means .Athe managementBthe leadershipCthe responsibilityDthe institution43What a
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