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1岳阳市君山区岳阳市君山区 20172017 高考英语阅读理解一轮编选高考英语阅读理解一轮编选【2015 高考复习】阅读理解The interview had been going on for about 20 minutes and everything seems to be going well.Then,suddenly,the interviewer asks an unexpected question, “Which is more important,law or Dove?”Job applicants in the West increasingly find themselves asked strange questions like this.And the signs are that this is beginning to happen in China.Employers want people skilled,enthusiastic and devoted.So these are the qualities that any reasonably intelligent job applicants will try to show no matter what his or her actual feelings are.In response,employers are increasingly using questions which try and show the applicants true personality.The question in the first paragraph comes from a test called the Keirsey Personality Sorter.It is an attempt to discover how people solve problems,rather than what they know.This is often called an aptitude test (能力倾向测验)According to Mark Baldwin many job applicants in China are finding this type of questions difficult.When a Chinese person fills out an aptitude test he or she will think there is a right answer and they may fail because they try to guess what the examiner wants to see.This is sometimes called the prisoners dilemma.Applicants are trying to act cleverly in their own interest.But they fail because they dont understand what the interviewer is looking for.Remember that in an aptitude test,the correct answer is always the honest answer.【语篇解读】 本文讲述了现代企业招聘面试中的能力倾向测试并为求职者提供了回答此类问题的技巧。1The writer wrote the passage to_.Agive you a piece of advice on a job interviewBtell you how to meet a job interviewerCdescribe the aptitude test Dadvice you how to find a job解析 写作目的题。通读全文可知,本文意在为面试者提供建议。答案 A2Why do the interviewers ask such questions?AThey want to discover what the interviewees know.BThey are curious about the answers.CThey try to discover the ability of the interviewees solving problems.DThey just ask questions without thinking much.解析 细节理解题。根据第四段中的“It is an attempt to discover how people solve 2problems,rather than what they know.”可知答案为 C 项。答案 C3According to the writer,in an aptitude test,Chinese job applicants should_.Anot tell the truthBlearn to tell what they really thinkCbe more enthusiasticDtry to find out what the examiner really want to know解析 细节理解题。根据最后一段的最后一句“Remember that in an aptitude test,the correct answer is always the honest answer.”可知,在能力倾向测验中,求职者应该给出一个诚实的答案。答案 B4From the passage we know that_.Ajob applicants are always asked such questionsBmore Chinese applicants fail to find a jobCapplicants should not act as reasonably as a prisonerDthe aptitude test is becoming popular worldwide解析 推理判断题。根据文章第二段的内容可知,西方的求职者们不断发现他们被问到类似这样的奇怪问题,而且有迹象表明这种情况在中国也开始出现。由此可推知 D 项正确。答案 D阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A.B.C 和 D 项中,选出最佳选项。 Chocolate soap is supposed to be good for the skin. But its not so good for the tongue. Unfortunately for the US soldiers of World War II, the chocolate bars the army gave them tasted like they were intended for use in the bath.In the armys defense, it wasnt trying to win any cooking awards. In fact, it specifically ordered that its chocolate bars not be too delicious, so soldiers wouldnt eat them too quickly. These bars were created for survival, not taste. “They were awful,” John Otto, a former army captain in World War II said. “They were big, thick things, and they werent any good. I tried em, but I had to be awful hungry after I tried them once.”As unappealing as the chocolate bars were to some, others liked them. Samuel Hinkle, the chemist who created the chocolate bars, pointed out that the number of bars made were far greater than the army needed. “It soon became obvious that the generous American soldiers were sharing their valued possessions with their foreign friends, whether soldiers of other 3countries or local citizens.”The bars turned many hungry Europeans into friends of the United States. “People wanted them,” said Otto. “Youd give them to kids. In some places they were very hungry. And they sure helped relax people about American soldiers.”Otto said he never saw a European turn his or her nose up at the chocolate. “It was food,” he said. “At that time, everyone was very hungry. I saw German kids standing outside the U.S. army kitchen. They werent begging, just standing there very politely. When we were done, the kids would eat the food out of the garbage. They were that hungry.”Other Europeans did not see chocolate until well after the war ended. “We didnt see any Americans where I was,” said Elizabeth Radsma, who was 25 years old when the Germans occupied her country, the Netherlands. “Even after the war, we saw only English. Maybe the Americans gave out some chocolate in the big cities, but we were only in a small town. Before the British, we saw only German soldiers. But chocolate? Dont make me laugh! Maybe in my dreams!”A soldier in the field might have responded “Be careful what you wish for” and then gratefully bit down on
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