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Quiz 1,Part I. 听力(15%)(每空1词,每词1分,共15个词) (B1) represent. (B2) protesting about (B3)contact (B4)mass media. (B5)Up-to-date (B6)inform (B7)sort of (B8)fights for (B9) lay stress (B10)continuous,Part II. 词汇与结构 (40%)(每题1分),1-5 ABDBC 6-10 CDBAC 11-15 ADBBC 16-20 ABADA 21-25 DDACD 26-30 DBCAB 31-35 ACCBC 36-40 AACCB,Part III 阅读理解(20%)(每题2分)41-45 ABDAD 46-50 DCBCAPart IV. 仔细阅读 (10%)(每题1分)51-55 G J A E M 56-60 K C F H I,翻译,问题: 1. 短语成句,或者句中出现2跟或多个谓语动词 2. 题目中给出的关键词用得不恰当 3. 词性混用 pursue pursuit,3. belief faith混用 belief may or may not imply certitude in the believer my belief that I had caught all the errors. faith almost always implies certitude even where there is no evidence or proof an unshakable faith in God.,Part V翻译 (15%)(每小句3分),约翰做自由撰稿人的时机选择的实在太差。他挣的钱远比不上全职工作时的收入,但他还是难以抵御这种诱惑。(部分同学问题较大,表达不清)Johns timing to be a freelance writer is really terrible. He is not making anywhere near as much money as he did when he was employed full time, but he still can not resist the temptation.,因为他追求的不是那种豪华的生活,而是能给他带来内心满足的自由创作的写作生涯。 Because what he wants to pursue is not an extravagant life, but just a career of creative writing that can bring him inner contentment.,曾经有过一段时间他写的文章没人采用,致使他几乎身无分文,但幸运的是,通过自己的努力,他最终度过了最困难的时期。 There was a time that his articles were rejected and he was just about broke, but fortunately, he finally got through the most difficult time by his own hard work.,他说自己并不后悔,因为这个决定主要不是为了钱,而是为了自己的梦想和信念。 He says he has no regrets because this decision is not primarily for money, but for his own dream and belief. Primarily 位置在句中位置较混乱,因此,当他为一些报纸杂志写些自己感兴趣的文章时,他知道,他找到了自己一直在寻求的生活方式。 So when he is writing articles of his own interest for various newspapers and magazines, he knows that he has found just what he was looking for.,
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