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,初三英语中考备考复习的建议,把简单的事情做好,就是不简单!,众所周知,初三是整个初中阶段的重要一年,也是最关键的一年。而初三英语的复习过程就是对初中阶段所学知识进行归纳、总结、强化和提高的过程。如何有效地做好初三英语中考备考的复习,是每一位初三毕业班英语教师和全体学生最为关注、最急需解决的问题。以下建议是本人历年在指导学生进行初三英语中考备考复习的具体做法,希望对初三毕业班教师,乃至初中英语教师有一定的帮助。,一、树立信心,明确目标信心是动力,目标是方向。我们知道初三英语中考复习内容多、时间紧、任务重。学生在学习中将会遇到许多困难,因此,信心十足,目标明确是成功地进行英语复习的一个重要因素。英语复习切不可盲目,除了老师要明确各阶段的教学目标外,还要帮助学生本人根据自己的实际制定一个切实可行、周密有效的计划。,三年教学侧重点整体安排,初一集中突破词汇 字母顺序、词类词性、话题分类、(听力伴随、阅读跟进、仿写) 初二集中突破语法 时态对比、从句类比(强化阅读、写作训练) 初三系统整合复习 教材的泛化处理与能力的全面训练,确立各阶段教学目标,整体安排初中英语 三年教学,确立各阶段教学目标,整体安排三年教学 初一要过语音关(音标)、书写关,强调单词的记忆。(集中识词)要求学生掌握五个元音字母在重读开音节词和闭音节词及其与其它字母组合的读音规律。 / :/ er her / h: / serve / s:v / ir first / f:st / girl / g:l / or work / w:k / word / w:d /ur fur / f: / purse / p:s /ear early / :l / learn / l:n /,值得注意的是:单词教学原则是“音形义”,而 且是“词不离句、句不离文、文不离法,法不离篇。”,确立各阶段教学目标,整体安排三年教学 2. 初二要突破语法,强化阅读,强调背诵。Unit 1, Section A, 3a (P3)At 9:00 a.m. yesterday, bus No. 26 was _ _ Zhonghua Road _ the driver saw an old man _ on the side of the road. A woman next to him was _ _ help. He expected most or all of the passengers_ _ _ and wait for the next bus. But to his surprise, they all agreed _ _ with him.,going,along,when,lying,shouting,for,to,get,off,to,go,确立各阶段教学目标,整体安排三年教学 2. 初二要突破语法,强化阅读,强调背诵。Unit 2, Section B, 2b (P14)Id like _ _you _ giving money to Animal Helpers. Im sure you know that this group was _ _ to help disabled people like me. You helped _ _ it _ for me _ _ Lucky. Then one day last year, a friend of _ helped _ out. She talked to Animal Helpers _ getting me a special trained dog. She also thought a dog might _ _ _. I love animals and I was _ _ the idea of having a dog.,to,thank,for,set,up,to,make,possible,to,have,mine,me,about,cheer,me,up,excited,about,确立各阶段教学目标,整体安排三年教学3. 初三要进行系统复习,全面训练学生的答题能力。,初三英语教师应研究近几年的中考试题,把握重点,熟悉题型及评分标准,在复习的过程中有针对性地对学生进行指导,提高答题的准确性和得分率,这是教师应有的职责。,教师职责: 熟悉题型; 清楚考试范围(词汇、句型、语法); 掌握考点形式和解题方法,将其渗透到平时教学当中; 设法减轻学生负担,把学生现有的水平发挥到极致; 教授学生解题的方法,训练其解题能力。,正确的方法,可以达到事半功倍的效果。,IIV. 听力 (四大题) V. 单项选择(语音辩音、单选) VI、完形填空 VII、情景对话 VIII、阅读理解(四篇 ,D篇为任务型读写 ) IX、词汇 A)选用方框内所给词的适当形式填空 B)根据句意及首字母或汉语提示补全单词 X、写作 书面表达,2016年省中考英语科题型:,考点知识:,1. 词法:词类的用法、词形变化(词性转换、前后缀) 2. 句法:固定句型(句子种类、类型) 3. 语法:时态、语态,常见的考点有:,例如,语法、词性转变 通常会出现在词汇题目中 (2016年中考词汇A) country, her, eleven, love, introduction,为此,教学中应引导学生注意词性转变、固定搭配等 语法知识的训练和积累。,76. Pandas are so _ that they are popular with many people. 77. Mr. Wangs home is on the _ floor of this building. 78. China is one of the biggest _ in the world. 79. Welcome to our city! Let me _ some places of interest to you. 80. Is this new watch Anns? Yes, its _.,lovely,countries,introduce,hers,eleventh,例如,在教授非谓语动词如v-ing和动词不定式时,教师可以忽略其语法意义,只要求学生记住它的语法形式,将其作为一类固定搭配即可。告诉学生,在做固定搭配题目时可以不必理会句子中出现的陌生单词。,例题: I would like_ something for my mother, for Mothers Day is comingbuy B. buying C. to buy,同时可告诉学生同义句表达:want to do, feeling like doing,教师不是只把教材和知识点教完,而是要精心设计和挑选有质量的练习题,循序渐进地训练学生的解题能力,把学生现有的水平发挥到极致,让学生考出最高水平。常言道:授之以鱼不如授之以渔。在教学中,老师要对学生加强学习策略和解题技巧的指导,培养他们做题的好习惯。1、完形填空的考点主要是词、句的固定搭配, 上下文语境的使用,通识知识的应用等。2、阅读理解的考点主要有细节理解、猜词、推 测、文章主旨等。,Dear Sally, Could you please listen to me carefully? I know you had a fight with your mother last night and you are still 41 now. These days, you didnt go to bed until 11 pm. After doing your homework, you always 42 for a long time. You said it was your way to relax. In fact, not enough 43 made you very tired. You even fell asleep in class. What was worse, you 44 the English test. Last night, your mother told you not to play computer games and she wanted you to go to bed 45 . What did you do? In a very 46 voice, you told her you were doing your homework on the computer. Then you closed your door and 47 to talk to her. Maybe you dont realize you have hurt 48 . She loves you so much. She is worried about not only your study, but also your 49 . Im sure she doesnt mind whether youll say sorry or not, 50 at least you should say something like “Good morning”. As long as(只要) you say something, your mom will feel better. I know you love her, too. I hope you will be happy again.Dad 41. A. glad B. calm C. angry 42. A. watched TV B. played computer games C. listened to music 43. A. food B. water C. sleep 44. A. failed B. passed C. had 45. A. late B. early C. quietly 46. A. loud B. low C. soft 47. A. decided B. agreed C. refused 48. A. her B. him C. me 49. A. meals B. computer C. health 50. A. while B. but C. or,
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