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,本课件由互联网搜集经中华培训学会编辑整理。 衷心感谢原创学者的辛勤劳动和无私奉献!知识在分享中创造价值, 智慧在传播中展现意义!,Module 1 An Overview of Personal Selling,Evolution of Personal Selling,Early Origins of Personal Selling Industrial Revolution Era (1700s Europe; 1850s US) Post-Industrial Revolution Era (1800s Europe; 1900 US) Canned Sales Presentation The War and Depression Era Professionalism: The Modern Era,Characteristics of Sales Professionalism,Customer Orientation Use of Truthful and Nonmanipulative Tactics Focus on Long-Term Satisfaction of Customer and Selling Firm,Cost/Sales Call,$80-$242/ call,Contributions of Personal Selling Salespeople and Society,Salespeople as Economic Stimuli Salespeople and Diffusion of Innovation,Contributions of Personal Selling Salespeople and the Employing Firm,Salespeople as Revenue Producers Market Research and Feedback Salespeople as Future Managers,Contributions of Personal Selling Salespeople and the Customer,Are honest Understand general business and economic trends, as well as the buyers business Provide guidance throughout the sales process Help the buyer to solve problems Have a pleasant personality and a good professional image Coordinate all aspects of the product and service to provide a total package,Industrial buyers prefer to deal with salespeople who:,Classification Of Personal Selling Jobs,Sales Support Personnel Missionary Salespeople Detailer Technical Support Salespeople New Business Pioneers Order-getters,Existing Business Order-takers Insider Sales (non-retail) Direct-to-Consumer Sales (retail) Combination Sales Jobs,Characteristics Of Sales Careers,Job Security Advancement Opportunities Immediate Feedback Prestige Job Variety Independence Compensation Boundary-Role Effects,Boundary-Role Effects Role Stress,Role Conflict Role Ambiguity Role stress must be dealt with to insure maximum sales productivity,Qualifications And Skills Required For Success By Salespeople,Empathy To see things as others would see them Ego Drive Determination to achieve goals Ego Strength Self-assured and self-accepting Interpersonal Communication Skills Including listening and questioning Enthusiasm In general, and for sales as a career Additional Characteristics Related to a Given Sales Job,Managing the Sales Force,(1:26),Module 2 Understanding Buyers,Types of Buyers,Consumer Markets Business Markets,Distinguishing Characteristics of Business Markets,Buyers are Larger but Fewer in Number Derived Demand Higher Levels of Demand Fluctuation Purchasing Professionals Multiple Buying Influences Close Buyer-Seller Relationships Supply Chain Management,The Buying Process (Figure 2.1),Recognition of the Problem or Need,The Buying Process (Figure 2.1),Recognition,Determination,The Buying Process (Figure 2.1),Recognition of the Problem or Need,Phase One Recognition of the Problem or Need: The Needs Gap (Figure 2.2),Complex Mix of Business Buyer Needs (Figure 2.3),Phase Two Determination of Characteristics of the Item and the Quality Needed,Phase Three Description of Characteristics of the Item and the Quality Needed,Phase Four Search for and Qualification of Potential Sources,Phase Five Acquisition and Analysis of Proposals Evaluating Suppliers and Products,Multi-Attribute Model Assessment of Product or Supplier Performance (P) Assessing the Relative Importance of Each Characteristic (I),Phase Five Acquisition and Analysis of Proposals Multi-Attribute Model of Adhesives by GM Buyers,Phase Five Acquisition and Analysis of Proposals Employing Buyer Evaluation Procedures to Enhance Selling Strategies,Modify the Product Offering Being Proposed Alter the Buyers Beliefs about the Proposed Offering Alter the Buyers Beliefs about the Competitors Offering Alter the Importance Weights Call Attention to Neglected Attributes,Phase Six Evaluation of Proposals and Selection of Supplier,Phase Seven Selection of Order Routine,Phase Eight Performance Evaluation and Feedback,Phase Eight Performance Evaluation and Feedback,Understanding Post-Purchase Evaluation and the Formation of Satisfaction,(Figure 2.4) Complex Mix of Business Buyer Needs,Buyers Level of Satisfaction,63% Level of Influence On Buyers Satisfaction,37% Level of Influence On Buyers Satisfaction,Phase Eight Performance Evaluation and Feedback,Understanding Post-Purchase Evaluation and the Formation of Satisfaction The Growing Importance of Salespeople in Buyers Post-Purchase Evaluation,Types of Purchasing Decisions Buying Situation,Straight Rebuy Buying Situation Routinized Response Behavior Modified Rebuy Buying Situation Limited Problem Solving New Task Buying Situation Extensive Problem Solving,Types of Purchasing Decisions Three Types of Buying Decisions (Exhibit 2.6),Types of Purchasing Decisions Three Types of Buying Decisions (Exhibit 2.6),Types of Purchasing Decisions Three Types of Buying Decisions (Exhibit 2.6),Types of Purchasing Decisions Three Types of Buying Decisions (Exhibit 2.6),Organizational Buyer Behavior Buying Center,
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