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- 1 -2014 高考英语分类基础热身练:单词基础自主回顾.课标单词1_跑道(n.)2_表现(vi.)3_保证(vt.)4_购买(vt.)5_具体的;特定的(adj.)6_得分(vi. & vt.)7_特性;品德;品性(n.)trackperformguaranteepurchasespecificscorequality8_胜利(n.)9_戏剧性地(adv.)10_抗议(vi.)11_费力的;棘手的;困难的(adj.)12_退休(vi.)_退休(n.)13_优势;长处(n.)_(反义词)劣势,不利条件(n.)14_冠军(n.)_冠军地位,锦标赛(n.)victorydramaticallyprotesttoughretireretirementadvantagedisadvantagechampionchampionship15_宣布(vt.)_宣布,声明(n.)16_竞争者;对手(n.)_竞争,对抗(vi.)_竞争,竞赛(n.)declaredeclarationcompetitorcompetecompetition- 2 -.常用短语1_站起身2_由某人决定3_每十秒钟4_比有优势5_正在增加6_七分之六7_根据,依据rise to ones feetbe up to sbevery ten secondshave an advantage overon the increasesix out of sevenaccording to8_拾起,捡起9_和竞争pick upcompete with.重点句型1But _ this sense of failure _ made him determined to succeed in his new life.但就是这种失败感使他决心在新的生活中取得成功。答案:it was; that2If you go into a school or university anywhere, _ you will see students in Li Ning tracksuits with the familiar logo.如果你走进任何一个地方的中学或大学校园,都有可能看到身穿印有那个熟悉标志的李宁运动服的学生们。答案:the chances are3. He isnt as famous as the others.他不如其他的运动员著名。_. He was a real sportsman, _ hes not very well known.那不是问题的实质。尽管他不是很出名,但他是一个真正的运动员。答案:Thats not the point; even if.模块语法1_ long the sentence is, youd better recite it.A. However B. WhateverC. No matter D. Although答案:A2I hope youve got your own dictionary, _ if you havent you may have to borrow one.A. because B. so thatC. ever since D. when- 3 -答案:A3I was so familiar with her that I recognized her voice _ I picked up the phone.A. the moment B. afterC. before D. while答案:A4Why not look up the new word in a dictionary _ you dont know it?A. if B. thatC. though D. whether答案:A5_ wont be long _ National Day comes.A. There; since B. This; agoC. It; before D. That; after答案:C6_ you may be right, I cant agree completely.A. While B. AsC. If D. Since答案:A7I havent seen Mary for _ long that Ive forgotten what she looks like.A. such B. veryC. so D. too答案:C考点探究解密考 点 解 读 1perform vt.& vi. 表现;表演;履行精讲拓展:perform (vi.) well in 在中表现很好perform a part 扮演一个角色perform a task 执行任务perform ones duties 履行职责perform an operation 实施手术performance n. 表演put on a performance 演出误区警示:performance 表示“演出”时为可数名词,如:They have given many performances of the play.这出戏他们已演出多次了。朗文在线:The advice service performs a useful function.咨询服务发挥了有用的作用。Our team performed very well on Saturday.星期六时我们队表现得很好。命题方向:perform 作及物动词用表示“表演”的用法以及名词形式 performance的用法。活学巧练:完成句子(1)Li Ming _ well in the last match.- 4 -李明在上次比赛中表现很出色。(2)What play will be _ tonight?今晚演什么戏?performedperformed2advantage n. 优势,长处He always takes full advantage of the mistakes made by his rivals.精讲拓展:at an advantage 有利地;占优势gain/win/have an(the) advantage over 胜过;优于take advantage of sth./sb.乘机利用某事/欺骗某人to ones advantage/disadvantage 对某人有利/不利disadvantage n. 不利条件put sb. at a disadvantage 置某人于不利境地turn to advantage 使转化为有利be of advantage to 对有利have/win/gain an advantage over 胜过,优于with an/the advantage over 胜过,优于give sb. an advantage 使某人处于更有利的地位B11have the advantage of 比强,胜过B12disadvantage n不利条件误区警示:advantage C n利益,优点,长处U n优势;便利,方便朗文在线:For certain types of work wood has advantages over plastic.对于某些类型的制品来讲,木头要强于塑料。Candidates with computer skills will be at an advantage.具有电脑技能者优先。I took advantage of the good weather to paint the shed.我趁天气好给棚屋刷上油漆。命题方向:advantage 作名词的用法, take advantage of 和 have an advantage over句型及反义词 disadvantage的用法。活学巧练:翻译句子(1)There are several advantages in city life.答案:(1)都市生活有几个优点。(2)The Internet has both advantages and disadvantages.答案:(2)因特网既有好的方面,也有不好的方面。(3)In the first half, we had the advantage over the opposing team.答案:(3)前半场,我们比对方队占优势。3declare vt. & vi.宣布;宣告;申报精讲拓展:declare against sth. 声明反对某事declare in favor of sth. 声明赞成某事declare off 宣布作废;毁约;宣布退出declare oneself 发表意见,表明态度;宣布自己的身份- 5 -declare sth. open 宣布开幕declare war (on/against sb.) 对宣战declare sb. the winner 宣布某人为获胜者declaration n. 宣布,宣言,声明declarer n. 宣告者declarative adj. 宣言的,公布的B11declaratory adj. 宣言的,公布的朗文在线:The doctor finally declared that the man was dead.医生最终宣布该男子死亡。Ali was declared the winner of the fight.阿里被宣布为这场拳击赛的获胜者。Well I declared! What a pretty little village!我的天!多美的小村庄啊!命题方向:declare 后接 open作宾补的用法,以及与相关单词间的词义辨析。活学巧练:翻译句子(1)The government has declared a state of emergency.答案:(1)政府已宣布进入紧急状态。(2)He declared that he was in love with her.答案:(2)他声称他已爱上了她。(3)The moment the 28th Olympic Games _ open, the whole world cheered.Adeclared B. have been declared
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