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新思维综合英语(1) Unit 10(6672),Unit10 Learning objectives,How to talk about the size of an apartment 如何谈论公寓大小 How to ask about apartments 如何询问公寓情况 How to talk about transportation 如何谈论交通,Lesson 66 Is it still available?,Debbie is looking for an apartment. Her friend Hiro is helping her.,Focus Questions,A 1. What is the apartment, which Hiro finds in the newspaper, like? 2. Why doesnt Debbie want the apartment? 3. Where is the one-bedroom for $650 a month?,B 1. Whats more about the one-bedroom apartment for $650 a month? 2. How is the public transportation? 3. Will Debbie accept the studio apartment? Why or why not?,Language points in the dialogue,How does this sound? 1. “这个听起来怎样?”一般来说这句话是个引子,好让对方注意自己接下来要说的话。人们有时也会说Listen作为开场白。 2. sound在这里是一个半系动词,后面接表语,如:It sounds great to me. 对表语提问的时候要用how。如:How are you feeling now? I feel better.,Sunny one-bedroom near transportation, centrally located 1. Sunny, 晴朗的,能晒到太阳,朝阳的 2. one-bedroom一居室(一间卧室加一间客厅,有厕所和厨房) 3. near transportation 交通方便 4. centrally “中心地”,这里表示市中心。 Its just what Im looking for. 句中what Im looking for做表语,相当于the one that Im looking for,这里的关系代词that可以省略。 to look for“寻找”,区别于find“找到”。,Its $850 a month including utilities. Including utilities means that the cost of services such as water and electricity are included in the amount charged for the rent. 水电等设施的费用已包含在房租内了。 Does it say how much it is? 这个句型是第十单元的语法重点,叫做embedded questions,嵌入式问句。这个句子中,特殊疑问句how much is it被嵌在另一个疑问句does it say中。这个时候被嵌入的问句需要用陈述句形式表达出来,也就是说how much is it放在does it say后面应该变为how much it is。,本课的两段对话中还出现了下列嵌入式疑问句: (In Dialogue A) (1) Does it say how much it is? (2) Do you have any idea where that is? (In Dialogue B) (3) Do you happen to know how often it runs during rush hour? (rush hour = peak hour高峰期) 学习一个常用句型:Do you know + 嵌入式疑问句。以上三句话可变成: (1) Do you know how much it is? (2) Do you know where that is? (3) Do you know how often it runs during rush hour? I cant afford to pay that much. 1. to afford to do something 有经济能力去做某事 2. that much意思是such a large sum of money。,Maybe you should look for a roommate. 1. 给他人提建议,经常会用should,you should do something这样的结构,如果前面加上maybe听起来会更委婉一些。如:Maybe you should find someone who can help. 也许你应该找个人帮忙。 2. roommate 室友。后缀mate 表示“同伴”。如:schoolmate 同学 classmate 同班同学。 No, Id rather have my own place. Id rather do something, 宁愿做某事 Id = I would 表达自己的喜好;宁可不做某事 Id rather not do something。对话中用到would rather 的句子有: (In Dialogue A) - Maybe you should look for a roommate. - No, Id rather have my own place.,(In Dialogue B) (1) - Do you have a car? - Yes, but Id rather not drive to work. (drive to work 开车上班) (2) Id rather not live on the first floor. Now here is a one-bedroom for $650 a month on Oak Street. Do you have any idea where that is? 在具体的某某街道用介词on,泛指在街上用介词in,即in the street。 Its off Washington, near the park. off = near,指不在华盛顿,而是在华盛顿附近,如:Were staying in a hotel off the airport expressway. 我们住在离机场高速公路很近的一个宾馆里。,Answers to the Focus Questions,A: 1. What is the apartment, which Hiro finds in the newspaper, like? It is a sunny one-bedroom near transportation, centrally located. 2. Why doesnt Debbie want the apartment? Its $850 a month and Debbie cant afford to pay that much. 3. Where is the one-bedroom for $650 a month? Its off Washington, near the park.,B: 1. Whats more about the one-bedroom apartment for $650 a month? There are three rooms and a bath. The living rooms pretty large about eighteen by twenty-three feet. The bedroom and kitchen are smaller. Theres parking available. 2. How is the public transportation? The Number 1 bus stops a block away. 3. Will Debbie accept the studio apartment? Why or why not? No, because it is not available until November 1st and Debbie cant wait that long.,B Im calling about the apartment you advertised. Is it still available? 1. call, 打电话, 可以作及物动词, 也可以作不及物动词。I called you yesterday. 昨天我给你打了电话。 Ill call again later. 稍后再给你打电话。to call + about something 打电话询问某事。 2. available: (1) that can be used or obtained 可用的,可以得到的;(2) free to be seen, talked to, etc. 有空的,可会见的,可与之交谈的。如:Im available in the afternoon. 我下午有空。 Could you tell me more about it? 用could you tell me来询问信息,口头交流和书面文中都很常见。用could不用can,很委婉的说法。tell somebody about something, 告诉某人某事。 sure回答请求,表示没问题。,The living rooms pretty large about eighteen by twenty-three feet. 1. there be 句型表示“存在”,与have有区别。have表示拥有,归属。如:(1) There is a wood bridge over the river. 河面上有一座木桥。(2) I have a brother who works in Finland. 我有一个哥哥,在芬兰工作。There be中be动词根据后面名词的单复数而变化。 2. Bath 浴室,洗澡。如:I took a bath after doing exercise. 锻炼后我洗个了澡。,3. living room 起居室。 4. pretty: adv. fairly, moderately, 相当,颇为。pretty much, almost, 几乎,差不多。如:The car is pretty much new. 这辆车几乎是全新的。 5. eighteen by twenty-three, 18 X 23, 注意介词by来表示长乘以宽。 6. Foot,“英尺”,复数是feet。 1英尺 = 30.48厘米。,How close is it to public transportation? The Number 1 bus stops a block away. 1. public transportation 公共交通 2. Stop 停站,靠站 3. a block away 一街区以外(说明交通比较方便)。 完整地说,这句话是: The Number 1 bus stops a block away from your apartment.,
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