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Problem of world population,The worlds most populous country-China,At the end of 2014, Chinas total population of 13.6782 people (excluding the Hongkong Special Administrative Region, the Macao Special Administrative Region and the Taiwan region), an increase of 710 over the previous year. Among them, the male population of 70079 people, the female population of 64703 people, the male population is 5376 more than women, the urban population of 74916 people, rural population of 61866 people. Chinas population has accounted for more than 30% of the worlds population, and Chinas population accounts for about 19% of the worlds population, and 12% of the worlds population. The population of China is 30 times more than two countries in Western Europe, about Africa and Latin America. If all the people in China are standing in a row, they can rotate around the earths equator more than 40.,Population growth trend and density distribution in China,what about other countries,World population,Population density distribution map of Europe,Europes total population of 7.9 (1990, including the Asian part of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, not including the European part of Turkey), the worlds total population of 16.7%, after Asia, ranking second in all continents. Average population density is the first place in all continents, and the average population density is 1.2 times higher than the world average.,india,India population is currently about 1210193422 people, and China is now an average of 1600 births, deaths from 900 to 1000 or so, the population grew by less than 700 million a year, the natural population growth rate of 5/1000, Indias population growth rate of almost three times that of us, a year can increase more than 1000 million people. By the end of 2014, China is 13.678 billion population, India by 12.5 billion count, in view of Chinas future ten years population growth rate is lower and lower, even fully open second year also increased not 100 million live births, and the increasing population of India, ten years is possible.,second adult population,The impact of population growth,1 the impact of population growth on natural resources Of the earth, Sheung Shui, a total of 13.8 million KM3, which 96.53% above into the salt water of the sea, the total amount of the earths fresh water supply for 0.35 billion KM3, accounted for only 2.53% of the total global water. Three quarters of them were in the south, the Arctic ice caps and glaciers. Therefore, humans can readily use freshwater accounted for about 20% of all the fresh water in the. And direct from the river and lake water accounted for only 0.5% of all freshwater, can for direct human use and easy to obtain fresh water resources are very limited. Because the growth and living standards of the population is increasing day by day, some areas in some countries, the demand for water has reached the limits of supply capacity in the region. 2 food issues, land issues With the increase of population, human demand for food is increasing. According to the International Food Policy Research Institute estimated, now world grain growth not be able to catch up with the population growth rate in 1985 after the population growth rate unchanged, each year will be a shortage of 100 million tons of grain and protein quality of 50 million tons, there will be more countries people have to be in a state of hunger and malnutrition.,3 impact on climate Population growth, due to respiratory, burning, industrial development, such as NOX, SO2, CO2 increased, causing acid rain and photochemical smog, greenhouse effect, etc., in recent years, the global surface temperature increased in the 10 years, 1988, an increase of 0.34 degrees Celsius, the rise of 20302050, estimated to 1.54.5 years, the global average temperature than in the past century, 5 degrees Celsius 4 impact on urban environment At present, the average proportion of the worlds urban population is 42.2%, while the proportion of urban population in developed countries is 79%, the urban population in China in 1990 accounted for 26.2%, about 3 people a year between 19821990 billion, increasing by 4.35%, higher than 3.99% in 4981 increasing speed, in 2000, Chinas population than the city of 35.7%., population urbanization is inevitable the law of social development, but due to the excessive concentration of population, leading to crowded housing (by the end of 90, Chinas total urban households without housing households, about 8000000 households, 1988 statistics, the per capita housing area more than 2M2 in a poor households there are 55 households).2002 statistics, the city residents in our country the average living area of 21.3m2. traffic jam on the other, is a big problem in the city, according to statistics of the 295 city bus speed, Tianjin first countdown, Beijing second, Chinas major city rate decreased year by year, water shortage, environmental pollution (air, noise, Garbage, health, green space). The reasons for the expansion of population, the urban population is caused by the difficulty of employment,
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