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Part Four,Language Study,ENTER,I. Word Study II. Phrases and Expressions III. Word Building,Language Study,Contents,Word Study,Word list:,congregate curse desolate devout dung escalate,forsake lure revealshunwearywring,Word Study,congregate,v. to assemble; to get togetherExamples:The famous singer was congregated by a crowd of enthusiastic fans. A congregation of wild geese flied south.a congregate prison 集体监狱,adj. congregaten. congregation,Word formation,To be continued on the next page.,Word Study,Examples:congregational singing 会众唱歌Congregational Church 公理会congregationalism (基督教)公理制,congregational adj.,Identify these words.,Lesson 10 The Telephone,Word Study,curse,v./ n to appeal to some supernatural power; to bring evil or injury to sb. you hate Examples: She cursed terribly. 她大肆咒骂。 curse and swear 恶言辱骂 call down curses upon sb. 祈求上天降祸于某人 be under a curse 受诅咒遭殃 lay sb. under a curse 诅咒某人,Word Study,desolate adj. / v. deserted; made unfit for habitation,Examples: She was desolate after her parents died. The land was desolated by floods. We were desolated to hear the news of her death.,More examples,To be continued on the next page.,desolate land a desolate old house the desolate poor a desolate life desolate memories,desolate,Word Study,Translation,不毛之地废旧的房屋悲惨的穷人沉闷的生活令人沮丧的回忆,Word Study,Examples:a devout admirer devout thanks,devout,adj. devoted to divine worship or service,Synonyms,pious,fervent,earnest,Word Study,dung,n. solid waste material passed from the bowels of animals (esp. cows and horses) sth. often mixed with soil to make the soil produce more plants dungy adj.,Synonyms,excrement manure,Word Study,Examples: escalate the arms race escalating price/pressure If we surrender on this small issue, they undoubtedly will escalate their demands.escalator 自动扶梯,v. to increase in intensity or extent,escalate,Translation,逐渐增强 逐渐上升 扩大,Word Study,forsake,v. a. to quit or leave entirelyb. to give up or renounce (a habit, way of life, etc.),Examples: forsake the theater forsake a bad habit an old forsaken house He was forsaken by his friends.,Synonyms,abandon desert,Word Study,lure,v. to attract, draw or recall n. anything that attracts; power of attracting,Synonyms,alluredecoyenticetempt,Examples:The hunter lured the fox into a trap. Large firms lure customers away with slick advertisement. The beaches have become a lure for walking, especially in the early evening.,Word Study,reveal,v. a. to make known; to discloseb. to lay open to view; to expose/show/ display/exhibit,Examples: Investigation has revealed him to be a criminal. She drew the curtains aside to reveal a beautiful garden. Their faces revealed anger and alarm.,Translation,揭露揭示 展示显示,cf. revealing,To be continued on the next page.,Word Study,Examples:a revealing dress a revealing conversation/experienceWe listened to him for two solid hours, but he had nothing very revealing to say.,revealing adj.,Translation,暴露身体的 有启迪作用的,exposing parts of the body that are usually covered giving information or insight about sth. previously concealed,Word Study,shun,v. to keep away from; to take pains to avoid Examples: He was shunned by his former friends. Most medical graduates shun posts in geriatric medicine.,cf. shunt 转移;摆脱,疲劳的 沉闷的,Word Study,weary adj.,Examples: She took on a weary look with 30 days, continuous fighting. Programs on TV have degenerated into weary repetition of each other. He has been weary of/with power politics.,Translation,绞出,拧出 强行索取 使痛苦,Translation,Word Study,Examples: The worker wrings the water from the towel. The robber intends to wring money out of/ from the old man. The sight of the orphan child wrings our hearts.,wring,The end of Word Study.,v. to clasp and twist or squeeze as in distress,List:,call sb. names chime in escalate into incorporate into/with,5. keep sb. out of ones hair 6. keep track of 7. talk sb. out of sth. 8. trail off,Phrases and Expressions,Examples:,call sb. names,Translation,Phrases and Expressions,call each other names call sb. by name in name in ones own name in the name of make ones name to ones name under the name of use sb.s name,谩骂某人 名叫,直呼其名 在名义上 用自己的名义,擅自 在名下,代表;为了;依凭 使某人成名、出名 在自己名下,属自己所有 用 的名字,以的名义 援引某人的话,Examples: “I remember another incident,” someone chimed in. Her expectation chimes in with the belief of many others. The artists illustration chimes in perfectly with the text.,chime in,a. 插话 b. 协调,一致,融合,Phrases and Expressions,to break into/ enter (a conversation); to interrupt to be compatible; to agree with,Example: The demonstration has escalated into a large uprising.,escalate into,Phrases and Expressions,to increase in intensity, magnitude, etc.,Examples: The company incorporated with others. Paints incorporate with the oil. I incorporated the old plan with the new one.,
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