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Lavida朗逸上市 经销商市场推广指导手册,2008年6月15日,内部文件,区域市场及竞品定位分析 品牌定位及目标客户群描述产品定位目标客户群描述 LAVIDA朗逸上市市场推广指导上市阶段区域传播行程VI规范及广告模版经销商上市活动模版CRM指导 上市文件/物料清单及到达时间,目录,Lavida朗逸主要竞争对手市场表现,单位:千辆 Unit:1000,5月改款上市 垂直切换 Excelle NB GP will launch in May,Totally replaces previous one,07年9月改款上市 Peugeot 307 GP launched in Sep. 2007,4月新一代上市 老款继续销售 New Elantra NB launched in April with old generation keeps selling,New Corolla 178,EX 58,New 100,新宝来3季度上市 New Bora (Model X) will launch in Q3,New 42,Lavida朗逸主要竞争对手车型销量结构,车型销量结构分布Model Mix,307,伊兰特、凯越、宝来销量主要集中在低端车型卡罗拉、思域、明锐销量主要集中在高端车型,数据来源:2007年上牌数,*,*,* 速腾、明锐为1.8T发动机,Lavida朗逸主要竞争对手私人用户特征 - 年龄、性别,年龄分布 Age,性别 Gender,竞争对手消费者年龄主要集中在30-39岁 Most users of competitive models are from 30 to 39 years old 307、Civic和Focus的消费者较为年轻,30岁以下比重较高 Peugeot 307, Civic & Focus NB have more young users below 30 years old.,Civic, New Corolla & Corolla EX have large proportion of female users,数据来源:2007年上牌数 Data source: Registration figure 2007,Lavida朗逸主要竞争对手私人用户特征 - 学历、婚姻状况,高等学历(%) High education (%),婚姻 Marital state (%),*高等学历指大专以上学历 High education refers to college education or above,大多已婚有子女(子女未成家) Most users are married with kids,Lavida朗逸主要竞争对手私人用户特征 - 职业、收入,职位 Occupation(%),平均家庭年收入 (万元) Average household income (RMB 10,000),单位性质 Company nature (%),私营业主和中层管理人员的比例较高。平均家庭年收入在12万以上,其中,Focus NB消费者收入较高 Private owners and mid-level managers covers large proportion; average household incomes are over RMB120,000; Focus NB users enjoy higher income among those competitor users 主要在国有企业和民营/私营企业工作。 A large part of users are employed by state-owned enterprise or they are self-employed / enterprise owners,Lavida朗逸主要竞争对手私人用户特征 - 购置属性,车辆用途 Usage(%),家庭拥有车的数量 Number of vehicles in each Family(%),这辆车的购置属性 Vehicle Ownership (%),多数是第一次买车,其中Peugeot 307和Focus NB用户首次购车的情况最多。Most are first buyers, esp. Peugeot 307 and Focus NB users. 车辆用途主要是家用。Mainly for domestic use.,Corolla,Focus NB,Peugeot 307,Octavia,沉稳 Calm & steady-going 务实 Practical 有条不紊 systematical and in order,稳妥 Prefer solid & safety position 理智 Rational 追求自由安逸的生活 Pursue free and cozy life,实际 Realistic 爱现 Self-presenting 安于现状 Easy to satisfy,成功/成就 Success/ achievement,生活/享受 Life/Enjoyment,时尚/潮流 Fashionable/stylish,传统/稳重 Traditional/ steady-going,勤奋/上进 Diligent/ progressive 既重内在又重外表 Caring about both quality and appearance 追求高品质的生活 Pursue high quality life,Elantra NB,踏实/谦让 Surefooted/modest 大众化 Ordinary 追求简单平和的生活 Pursue a simple and peaceful life,Excelle NB,拼搏/有闯劲Endeavoring/Pioneering 实际/重视物质享受 Realistic/Materialized 追求自我实现和别人认可 Pursue self-realization & approval from others,Lavida朗逸主要竞争对手私人用户特征 - 个性和价值观,主要竞争对手消费者在各RSSC的用户结构,主要竞争对手包括 Main competitors includes:Peugeot307,Excelle NB, Elantra NB, Focus NB, Tiida NB, Corolla EX, New Corolla, Civic, Octaiva, Cerato,A级三厢消费者以私人为主 Most purchasing of A NB vehicles are for private use.,数据来源:2007年上牌数 Data source: Registration figure 2007,主要竞争对手消费者在各RSSC的年龄段分布,主要竞争对手包括 Main competitors includes :Peugeot307, Excelle NB, Elantra NB, Focus NB, Tiida NB, Corolla EX, New Corolla, Civic, Octaiva, Cerato,华南、江苏、浙闽、京津RSSC的消费者39岁以下比例相对较高;Huanan, Jiangsu, Zhemin and Jingjin RSSC has large proportion of customers younger than 39 years old,数据来源:2007年上牌数 Data source: Registration figure 2007,Lavida朗逸在各RSSC区域市场潜力,全国平均 National average 9.3%,2007年A级三厢民用车市场及SVW大众品牌表现 A NB private/business vehicle market situation and SVW performance in Y2007,数据来源:2007年上牌数 Data source: Registration figure 2007,单位:千辆 Unit:1000,Lavida朗逸在各RSSC区域市场潜力及主要竞品表现 A级三厢民用车,*红色表示SVW表现较弱的地区 Red mark refers SVW has weak performance in these regions.,数据来源:2007年上牌数 Data source: Registration figure 2007,14,Backup,Lavida朗逸在各省市场潜力,全国平均 National average 9.3%,数据来源:2007年上牌数 Data source: Registration figure 2007,单位:千辆 Unit:1000,2007年A级三厢民用车市场及SVW大众品牌表现 A NB private/business vehicle market situation and SVW performance in Y2007,Lavida朗逸在各省市场潜力及主要竞品表现(1) A级三厢民用车,16,*红色表示SVW表现较弱的地区,地区按A级三厢容量大小降序排列 Red mark refers SVW has weak performance in these regions. Regions are listed in decreasing order of market volume.,数据来源:2007年上牌数 Data source: Registration figure 2007,Lavida朗逸在Top 50城市市场潜力及主要竞品表现(2) A级三厢民用车,17,数据来源:2007年上牌数 Data source: Registration figure 2007,*红色表示SVW表现较弱的地区,地区按A级三厢容量大小降序排列 Red mark refers SVW has weak performance in these regions. Regions are listed in decreasing order of market volume.,卡罗拉和凯越的车型销量结构,New Corolla,Excelle,1.6 GL MT 132,800,1.6 GL AT 144,800,1.8 GL-i MT 144,800,1.8 GL-i AT 154,800,1.8 GLX-i MT 156,800,1.8 GLX-i AT 166,800,1.8 PREMIUM 179,800,1.8 PREMIUM Navi 199,800,1.6 MT Com 107,800,1.6 MT Lux 117,800,1.6 AT Lux 127,800,1.8 MT Lux 121,800,1.8 AT Lux 131,800,*数据来源:2008年1季度上牌数数据,明锐和速腾的车型销量结构,Mingrui,Sagitar,1.6 MT (Classic124,900 Comfort134,900),1.6 AT (Classic 136,900 Comfort 146,900),1.8L TSI (Comfort 166,900 Elegance 185,900 Navi 208,000),2.0 MT Comfort 139,900,2.0 AT Comfort 151,900,1.6 MT Bas 138,800,1.6 AT Bas 149,800,2.0 MT Comfort 157,800,2.0 MT Comfort 169,800,1.8T MT (Com velvet Seat 169,800 Com leather Seat 173,800 Lux 177,800),
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