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Shoulder,The glenohumearal joint has a greater range of motion than any other joint in the body.The small size of the glenoid fossa and the relative laxity of the joint capsule renders the joint relatively unstable and prone to dislocation.MR is the best imaging modality to exam patients with shoulder pain and instability.,glenohumearal li:nohju:mrl盂肱的;glenoid fossagli:nd;fs关节窝; laxitylkst 松弛的,coracoacromial arch krkkrml喙肩弓;喙肩韧带 biceps tendonbaiseps tendn二头肌腱; supraspinatusspr:spnets冈上肌; labrumlebrm唇; glenohumearal ligament 盂肱韧带 subscapularissbskpjlers 肩胛下肌; infraspinatusi:nfrspnets冈下肌; teresteri:z圆的;,tubercletju:bkl结节; bicipital groovebaisipitl ru:v结节间沟; rupture rpt(r)断裂; rotator cuffruteit kf腱轴;,Look for an os acromiale. acromialkrumil肩峰,Notice that the supraspinatus tendon is parallel to the axis of the muscle. This is not always the case.,Notice that the biceps tendon is attached at the 12 oclock position. The insertion has a variable range.,sublabialsblebl盂唇下 foramen fremn孔; glenohumearal ligament 盂肱韧带;,recessrses 隐窝 sublabial foramen 盂唇下孔,The fibers of the subscapularis tendon hold the biceps tendon within its groove.,At this level study the middle GHL and the anterior labrum. Look for variants like the Buford complex.,congenitalkndentl先天的;,Notice the fibers of the inferior GHL. At this level also look for Bankart lesions,Notice coracoacromial ligament,coracoacromialkrkkrml喙肩韧带,Study the superior biceps-labrum complex and look for sublabral recess or SLAP-tear.,Study the attachment of the IGHL at the humerus; Study the inferior labral-ligamentary complex.; Look for HAGL-lesion (humeral avulsion of the glenohumeral ligament).,Notice rotator cuff muscles,Notice MGHL, which has an oblique course through the joint and study the relation to the subscapularis tendon.,Notice shape of the acromion,acromionkrmjn肩峰,sublabia sblebl盂唇下; 盂唇下孔、盂唇下隐窝、buford复合体,
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