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Motivation at Classic Hospitality,Team members,Introduction,The hospitality industry in general has a terrible record of employee loyalty. Because the jobs are often viewed as low-paying service jobs, turnover is unbelievably high.,Introduction,But Classic Hospitality views jobs at its hotels differently. It has its successful ways to attract good employees and to encourage the best employees to stay. Although there is a lot of competition, Classic Hospitality believes that it can motivate this group of individuals and keep them.,Introduction,Classic Hospitality succeed becuase its concentration on motivation and advanced methods to keep its loyal employees. Lets study its methods and connect them to our current theories.,Question1:If you were interested in working in the hospitality industry,would you consider a job at Classic Hospitality? Why or why not?,Yes.Although my work may involve days of boredom punctuated by hours of tedium. But Classic Hospitality offers me internal advancement, bonuses, recognition, and even transportation assistance, which will make me feel motivated to pay a great deal of efforts into work, which is exactly the thing I value if I was interested in working in the hospitality industry as esteem needs and physiological needs are dominate for me.,Despite of the fierce competition, the atmosphere there are vigorous and enthusiastic, and whether you can be prompted depends on your ability and enterprise rather than other unfair methods. Besides, I can share my happiness in work and campaigns launched by my company with my family.,Question2: How many activities in this case can you tie into specific motivation theories? List the activities, the motivation theory, and how the activities apply.,Theory1: Maslows Hierarchy of need-As the managers realized their employees is low paied and the advancement is so unbelievable, the basic needs should be esteem needs and physiological needs. So Classic Hospitality recoganize them for their good performance,and give them more payment.,Activity1:Classic Hospitality offers employees bonuses if over a six-month period a staff member has achieved a 95 percent or greater effectiveness rating, in addition that it also offers recognition and even transportation assistance.,Theory2: Herzbergs Motivation Theory- Classic Hospital realizes that its important to enhance salary and benifits level for well-performing employees as its a hygiene factor that may lead to dissatisfaction if not providing adequate.,Theory3: Expectancy Theory- Classic Hospitals more pay if better performance hierarchy ensure that employees will pay a lot of effort to accomplish a good performance and they believe they will get a reward for their good performance, thus consolidating their belief to work harder.,Theory1:Herzbergs Motivation Theory- Classic Hospital provide its employees not only salary or benifits, but also satisfying motivators such as career advancements and growth if behaved well enough at current post.,Activity2: The chance of internal advancement in Classic Hospitality if excellent performance is achieved in current post.,Theory2: Expectancy Theory-Classic Hospital takes personal attractiveness into account. There must exist some employees pursuing self-achievement and not only satisfied staying in current stable position. Classic Hospital provides a chance for them!,Activity3:Each year the organization holds an annual holiday party, inviting employees, their spouses, and children to attend as a way of saying thanks for the hard work theyve done.,Theory1: McClellands Three-Needs Theory-As the employees are busy and tired for their work , affiliation must be a dominate need for them. Each year the organization holds an annual holiday party, inviting employees, their spouses, and children to attend as a way of saying thanks for the hard work theyve done. Whats more , the employees also have the need for power, so the company will give them a prompotion of position.,Theory2: Herzbergs Motivation Theory-As the work itself isnt attractive or interesting, Classic Hospital thinks of ways to give its employees recognition and resposibility, making them thinking that the organization cares for them and they are resposible for the organizations growth.,Question3:Do you believe that bonus programs, such as an extra weeks pay if 95 percent effectiveness of a job is achieved, transportation assistance, and the like, would work in other types of jobs? If so, which ones, and why? If not, why not?,Its hard to say. Whether an activity is effective is depend on the need of the employees. As we can see, employees in Classic Hospitality have low payment, so they have the needs of money and extra payment. If the situation is like this , then there is no doubt that it is use-full for the company to use this kind of method to motivate them, that is, the method can work in part of other types of jobs to some extent, such as service industry, for the reason that the way is helpful to motivate employees to be loyal and work harder to attain their reward or advancement.,
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