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英语竞赛小作文 Practical writing,Autobiography (自传),Outline 出生情况(时间、地点、性别); 受教育情况; 工作或学习经历;个人成长; 将来的追求,Model 1,My name is Liu Bao. I was born in Honghu on Feb.14, 1965. my father is a worker in a factory producing clothes and shoes. My mother is a middle school teacher. My brother owns a small bookshop near a college. Most of my family members help hi run the bookshop when we have time!At the age of thirteen, I came to Jingzhou to attend a secondary school. I stayed with my grandmother. For the first time I realized that nowhere is better than home. My grandmothers house is much larger than that of ours and furnished with modern furniture. However, I still miss my parents, brothers and sisters.,One thing l learned in those days ( of leaving away from ) home alone is that all parents love their children so much that they even sacrifice their own time to take care of their dear children. I hope I will be ale to treat my parents well when the grow old. I owe my knowledge to my teacher Miss Lin who made me study hard, especially in English. During the summer vacation, she gave me free tutoring in her house. I learned to read English newspapers and magazines and this opened my eyes to a lot of interesting things.,I remember my teacher once said that “ There is no shortcut in learning anything.”I also learn to write simple letters and exchange correspondence with penpals in foreign countries. Some of them even came to Jingzhou to see me. We read those letters together and had much fun talking to each other. I showed them our happy life and was told about their homelands. I believe that this is a good way to promote friendship on a people-to-people basis.,I began to teach in an institute two years ago, but I soon found that it wouldnt do me much good to continue teaching, because I had little chance to learn more about the wider world. I dont mind working hard every day but I want to learn more and meet more people.,Resume,Outline : 1) Name, address, telephone number2) Experience 3) Education 4) Personal data,格式,Name , Address, Telephone Number(name) _(address)_(telephone Number)_,Education _ _ _Experiences _ _ _Personal Data _ _Affiliations(社会关系) _,格式,Resume(Name)_ ( Address)_ (Telephone)_Objective:_ Experiences _,Education:_ Personal Data:_( 使用此格式时,经历和学历两项内的日期不再另列,而是在写在本段经历或学历的开端或末尾.),Model 1,Zhang MingChina Three Gorges UniversityJingsha, Hubei ProvinceThe Peoples Republic of ChinaTelephone: 88888888,Experiences 1987present English TeacherJianghan Petroleum InstituteTeaching students grammar, reading skills ,listening skills,writing skills Education 1983 1987: B.A. English Language and LiteratureJPI. Jingzhou, Hubei, China 1980 1983 Honghu Senior Middle SchoolHonghu, Hubei, China,Personal Data Sex: Male Date of Birth: July 10, 1965 Place of Birth: Honghu, Hubei, China Marital Status: Married with one child Health: Excellent,Model 2RESUME Personal Details: Name: Zhang Ping Sex: male Home Address Room 103, Building 4Jinggzhou Institute of Foreign languages,Telephone : (0716) 8422400 Date of Birth: April 11,1965 Height: 160cm Weight : 56kg Hobbies: Volleyball, Reading, Foreign Languages: French, English,Education : 19781981 Middle School of Attached to JingzhouInstitute of Foreign Languages 19811983 Jinzhou Secondary School of Radio Technology 1983 1985 Department of Secretarial Studies, Jingzhou Institute of Foreign Languages Work History: None,Application Letter,求职、应征信是用来直接向某一单位(公司)求取一份工作的申请信。它们没有统一的格式,写求职信时要注意以下几点: 1)同所有的书信一样,应写得认真、有礼貌,对所求职单位加以褒赞,并表示对该单位的向往之情,希望得到该单位工作; 2)应详细介绍自己的情况,包括受教育、专业、工作履历、家庭、婚姻等各方面的情况; 3)应写清楚求取工作种类、工作级别,给别人一个考虑选择的机会;,4)应写明自己的联系地址、电话等,最好附上一个已写明邮编、地址的回邮信封,以便对方同你取得联系,并能及时回信; 5)如有必要,应随信附上有关的求职、应征材料(如求职推荐信、个人简历、在校时成绩单等),并在信后说明。,Model 1,Zhang MingThree Gorges UniversityYichang, Hubei, ChinaP.O.BOX: 443002Phone: (0717)6395578Nov. 25, 2006 Dear Sir,I am looking for a position as a full-time secretary in your company.As a graduate with a B.A. in English literature from Three Gorges University, I am able to write letters and reports in English for overseas correspondence and briefing purpose.,
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