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,UNIT 8 Jet Lag: Prevention and Cure,课文简介:,我们许多人在国际旅行时都有过时差反应。 科学家们发现,时差综合症是我们体内的生理调节机制在不同的环境中发生变化所引起的。实际上,有两套时间调节系统在相互作用,它们在新时区内需要一段时间才能重新设定。 值得庆幸的是,我们可以通过调节环境定时和改变饮食睡眠来减少时差带来的不便.,Word study,lag: v/n.走得慢,落后 After I get over jet-lag, Ill call you. 我倒过时差后给你打电话。 Hes lagging behind a bit, and I think wed better wait for him to catch us up. 他有点落后了,我想我们最好等他赶上来吧。 There is often a lag between becoming affected by this illness and its first signs. 受这种疾病的感染和出现最初症状之间经常会间隔一段时间。 His actions lagged behind his thinking. 在他的思想和行动之间存在很大差异。,overcome: v. 战胜,克服,Support from his family and his own survivor instincts have helped him overcome obstacles. 家人的支持和求生的本能帮助他克服了障碍. The learner of a second language has many obstacles to overcome. 学第二语言的人有许多障碍要克服。 First of all, we should overcome ourselves in order to overcome difficulties. 要战胜困难,首先要战胜自己。,internal a. 内部的,内在的,国内的,The bullet passed through his back and several internal organs and he died later in hospital. 子弹射穿了他的背部以及若干内脏,结果他死在了医院里。 The bank says it will conduct its own internal investigation into the disappearance of the money. 这家银行说他们会就这笔款项的失踪在银行内部展开调查。,external a. 外在的,在外的,The external walls of the house are in need of repair. 这栋房子的外墙需要修缮了。 The doctor thinks her injuries are all external. 医生认为她的伤都是外伤。You shouldnt judge people solely by their external appearances. 你不应以貌取人。,discrepancy n. 差异,不一致,There are several discrepancies between the original estimates of the cost and the actual bills. 最初估计的费用与帐单之间有几处不一致的地方。 The committee is reported unhappy about the discrepancy in numbers. 据说委员会对数字上的出入很不满。,feasible: a. 可行的,可能的,Your plan sounds quite feasible. 你的计划听起来是可行的。 Now that we have the extra resources, the scheme seems feasible. 既然我们有了额外的财力,这一方案就可行了。 The plan seems to be feasible. 这个计划似乎是可行的。,assumption: n. 假定,设想,承担,采取,派生词:assume v. 假定,设想 His assumption proved to be wrong. 他的设想被证明是错的。 You will assume your new duties tomorrow. 你们明天开始执行新任务。,neutral a. 1. 中立的;2. 中性的 neutrality n.中立,中性,She is /stays/remains/keeps neutral in this argument; she doesnt care who wins. 在这场辩论中她保持中立,不在乎谁赢谁输。 He is a rather neutral character. 他的品性平平。,promote: vt. 促进,发扬,提升,派生词:promotion n. 促进,发扬 He certainly ought to be promoted. 他的确应该被提升。 The company is promoting their new sort of soap on television. 公司正在电视上为这种新香皂促销。 We should promote the mutual understanding between the two countries. 我们要增进两国之间的相互了解。,1 effect on: 对 的作用,影响 It had an almost immediate effect on his thinking. 这事几乎立刻对他的想法有了影响。 Violent TV programs have a bad effect on children. 暴力电视节目对孩子有不好的影响。 相似词组: influence on: 对有影响。,2 to blame on: 把 归咎于 He blamed his failure on his teacher. 他把他的失败怪在老师的头上。 They blamed the failure of the action on George. 他们把此次行动失败归咎于乔治。 相关词语: to blame for The accountant was blamed for his error. 这个会计由于出错而受到谴责。,3 to advantage: 有利地,有效地 More practice will be to your advantage. 多练习对你有利。 It is to your advantage to invest wisely. 明智地投资对你很有利。 The model is seeking a chance to display herself to advantage. 那位模特正在寻找一个机会来有利地显示自己。,4 now that: 既然,由于 Now that you have come you may as well stay. 既然你来了还是待着吧。 Now that oil is scarce, the fate of the motorcar is uncertain. 由于石油短缺,汽车将来的命运如何就难以预料了。,5 to leave alone: 不管,不理;听其自然 Leave me alone take your hand off my arm. 别动我 松开我的胳膊。 I should leave that question alone if I were you. 如果我是你的话,我不会去碰这个问题。,6 out of step: 步伐不一致,不协调 That boy was out of step during most of the parade. 在游行检阅的大部分时间里,那个男孩的步伐都与别人的不合拍。 Im not good at dancing I always get hopelessly out of step. 我不善长跳舞总是踩不上点,已经无可救药了。 He is out of step with modern life. 他同现代生活不合拍。,Text analysis,1. The problem of Jet Lag is one every international traveler comes across at some time. 喷气飞机时差综合症是每个乘坐国际航班旅行的人在某个时候会碰到的问题 one是代词,代替a problem,后面every international traveller comes across at some time是定语从句,修饰先行词one,定语从句前省略了关系代词that或which;come across意思是“(偶然)遇到“;at some time相当于sometimes,意为“有时“。,2.But do you have to suffer? Understand what it is, and how a careful diet can minimize its worst effects, and your flights will be less stressful. Understand what it is这是个祈使句,相当于一个条件状语从句:If you understand what it is,Paragraph 2,1. The effects of rapid travel on the body are actually far more disturbing than we realize. 乘飞机旅行对身体的影响实际上远比我们意识到的更令人焦灼不安。 此句是个比较结构。disturbing 是分词式的形容词,比较级是more disturbing,far 用来修饰比较级。effect(影响)后面与介词on搭配,表示“对的影响“,另有influence和impact后面可与介词on搭配;far可用来修饰比较级,可以替换为much或a lot或a great deal。,2. Jet Lag is not a psychological consequence of having to readjust to a different time zone.时差不适症并不是人需要调整到另一时区而产生的心理症状。 adjust to是固定搭配,意思是“调整、适应“,故有readjust to。 3. It is due to changes in the bodys physiological regulatory mechanisms, specifically the hormonal systems, in a different environment.它的起因是人体的生理调节机制,特别是激素分泌系统,因环境的改变而发生了变化。 due to意思是“由于、因为“,通常用作表语成分。,Paragraph 3,1. Confused? 是不是被弄糊涂啦? 该句是Are you confused?之省略。 2. So was John Foster Dulls, the American Secretary of State, when he flew to Egypt to conduct negotiations on the Aswan Dam. He later blamed his poor judgement on Jet Lag.美国国务卿约翰福斯特杜勒斯从美国飞往埃及谈判阿斯旺水坝问题时就被弄糊涂了。他后来把自己在谈判中判断失误归咎于时差综合症。 blame on 意思是“把归咎于“;另有blame sb for sth,意为“因为某事而责怪某人“,
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