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pros & cons of free trade,Contact Us Lorem ipsum dolor, 03663, State, Country P. 123 456 7890 / emaildomain.com,Definition,4,of,6,Contact Us Lorem ipsum dolor, 03663, State, Country P. 123 456 7890 / emaildomain.com,定义:自由贸易(Free Trade)是指国家取消对进出口贸易的限制和障碍,取消本国进出口商品各种优待和特权,对进出口商品不加干涉和限制,使商品自由进出口, 在国内市场上自由竞争的贸易政策. Free Trade refers to the state canceled the import and export trade restrictions and barriers, cancel all kinds of preferential treatment and privileges of import and export commodities,free competition trade policy.,Dr.Hoffman,trade of goods without taxes or other trade barriers the absence of trade-distoring policies that give some firms,households,or factors of production an advantage over others free access to markets and market information free movement of labor between and within countries free movement of capital between and within countries,3,of,6,Contact Us Lorem ipsum dolor, 03663, State, Country P. 123 456 7890 / emaildomain.com,自由贸易下,由于进口廉价商品,国民开支减少。Free trade, due to import cheap goods, national cutbacks,自由贸易有利于提高利润率,促进资本积累 is helpful to improve profitability, promote the capital accumulation,通过国际分工发挥比较优势使本国资源得到最佳配置。the international division of labor enhancing international competitiveness by restructuring export make domestic resources to get optimum allocation.,可以降低成本,提高收入水平,增加资本积累,使经济得以不断发展。 decrease the cost and increase the income level, increase the capital accumulation, make the economy continuous to develop,The pros,一些产业出现“马太效应”,不利于和谐健康的产业发展some industry appear “Matthew effect“, is not conducive to harmony healthy industry development.,The cons,本国的一些发展缓慢的产业可能被淘汰出局,应该适当培植它们的竞争力,直到这些产业成长起来。 some slow development of industry may be eliminated, we should cultivate their competitiveness, appropriate until these industries grow up.,自由贸易下可能会存在一些不正当竞争,使一些幼稚企业的生存环境变得恶劣. Free trade under there may be some unfair competition, makes some naive enterprise survival environment is bad.,2,of,6,Contact Us Lorem ipsum dolor, 03663, State, Country P. 123 456 7890 / emaildomain.com,www.bigidea.com,SAMPLES OF,free trade,1.发展现状,中国一东盟ASEAN 自由贸易区,2.存在的问题,5,of,6,Contact Us Lorem ipsum dolor, 03663, State, Country P. 123 456 7890 / emaildomain.com,www.bigidea.com,6,of,6,Contact Us Lorem ipsum dolor, 03663, State, Country P. 123 456 7890 / emaildomain.com,1、中国和东盟 自由贸易区的建立具有其必然性 (1) 优越的地缘关系。地理邻近国家经贸往来便利 不仅运输成本相对较低 而且可节约大量时间成本。 (2)优势互补的经济关系。 (3)源远流长的文化交流。 (4)日益改善的政治关系,2、中国一东盟 自由贸易区的建设呈现出较好的态势 (1)自由贸易谈判积极开展 (2)双边贸易迅速增长 (3) 中国与东盟双 向投资全面升温,(二)中国一东盟 自由贸易区存在的问题 (1)产业结构相似 市场竞争激烈 (2)内需不足 (3) 外资分配问题。 (4) 要素流动 自由度不高,缺乏主导货币 (5)投资规模小,规模经济效益不明显 ,企业治理结构不完善 (6)内河以及陆上交通运输不方便,proscons,conclusion,THANKYOU,Contact Us Lorem ipsum dolor, 03663, State, Country P. 123 456 7890 / emaildomain.com,国庆jie快乐,
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