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Welcome to our school,The Alphabet,英语语音专题,International Phonetic symbols(国际音标),What are phonetic symbols?,the system or pattern of speech sounds used in a particular language,?,语音最小单位是音素。语言的语音都是由四十八个不同的音素相互组合而成的。,How many phonetic symbols are there?,_, i: i e ,a: : u: u, : ,单元音 vowels (12个),单元音 : i: i e ,he see, read,is, it, sit,red, bed, head,hat, bag, can, apple, : a: ,clever, ruler, panda,girl, shirt, work,love, us, duck,中元音,class, park, hard, : u u: ,sorry, shop, what,morning, call, ball,classroom, book,football,ruler, soup, shoe,后元音,双元音, ei ai i u au ,play, game, great,five, try, goodbye,boy, toy, point,old, hello, coat, show,about, now, town,i e u ,hear, year, deer, really,there, chair,sure, tour, poor,辅音28个,_, p b t d k g , f v sz, h w j , t d , tr dr tsdz,m n l r , ,p b pear bear pen - Ben pig - big,t d tie die tear dear touch Dutch,k g Kate gate could good coat goat,3.摩擦音 f If , fish.v very, clever. Thank ,Think. This,that s son ,sit z size does,2.鼻音 m some, milk, mum? n know , new . listening ,song., sure, she, pleasure, television h have , hot, r read, write,4.破擦音 t teacher, children , chair.d Job ,orange. tr tree ,truck street. dr drive ,drink. ts students ,shirts.dz hands.,5) 舌边音: l love, let 6) 半元音: w wall, what j yes yellow,The Alphabet,以元音音标开头的可数名词前,用“an“表示“一个”.,如:一个苹果 an apple一个鸡蛋 an egg一个主意 an idear一个桔子 an orange一把雨伞 an umbrella,粗略总结:以元音字母a,e,i,o,u开头的单词前用“an”表示一个。,Parts of speech 词类 / 词性,名词 noun (n.) 人和事物的名称 代词 pronoun (pron.) 代替名词的词 形容词adjective (adj.) 修饰名词的词 数词numeral (num.) 表示多少和第几的词 动词 verb (v.) 表示动作和状态 副词 adverb adv. 修饰动词 ,形容词和副词的词 冠词article (art.) 说明名词所指的人或物 介词 preposition(prep.)表示名词与其它词的关系 连词conjunction (conj.) 连接词、短语和句子的词感叹词interjection (inter.) 表示感情的词,Sentence patterns,Simple sentence 简单句I like apples.Jane and I often swim in summer.He comes and says hello to me every day.,Compound sentence 并列句 We help them and they help us.,Complex sentence 复合句He said that he would visit you.,1. Declarative sentence 陈述句My bag is pink.,2. Interrogative sentence 疑问句What colour is your bag?,3. Imperative sentence 祈使句Lets begin.,4. Exclamatory sentence 感叹句What a fine day it is today!,Types,常用句型,1. There be (is / are) + 名词 +介词短语There is a tree in front of the house.There are some flowers in the vase. 2. 1) 主语(n.& pron.)谓语(vi.) + 状语(adv./prep.短语)This machine works well.2) 主语连系动词(link v.)表语(a./ad./ prep.短语)My bag is pink. You are a doctor.3) 主语谓语(vt.) 宾语(n.& pron.)I have an English book.,否定结构be + not助动词 do, does, did, will等not+实义动词,一般疑问句把 be, have和助动词 放在主语前Are you listening to me?Have you any ball-pens?Do you enjoy sports?,特殊疑问句用疑问代词 /疑问副词:who, whose, which, what, where what time/ when, why, how,1. What refers to things.What is your favorite sport? 2. Where refers to places.Where do you live? 3. When refers to times.When do you get up everyday? 4. How old refers to ages.How old are you? 5. How many refers to numbers.How many people are there in your family?,Simon lives in Newcastle upon Tyne. Edwin works as an architect. Simon wants to be an engineer. Simon parents own a Chinese restaurant. May is 12 years old. May has an elder sister and a younger brother. My favorite hobby is playing the piano. I want to be a teacher when I grow up. Simon writes a letter to his pen friend.I go to bed at 10:00pm. everyday.,
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