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NEWS REPORT,BY-,08011102,Yang Chenglong,1.the Issue Of the South China Sea,huang yan island,the focus of the issue is the confrontation (对峙) between China and the Philippines,On April 20, Chinas most advanced, most complete equipment, the most endurance(设备齐全) of fishery boats(渔政船) - China 310 ships arrived in the Huangyan Island waters.,The Philippines the daily examiner newspaper菲律宾每日问询者报,In the Philippines in confrontation(对峙) with China into day 10, the China sent a powerful warship(军舰)toHuangYan Island, with weapons and equipment.,Filipinos(菲律宾民众) hold an anti-China procession(反华游行) in front of the Chinese Consulate(中国领事馆),Whats the people in that country repond to it?,the Filipinos strongly requires China not to interferen(干扰) the waters near the Phillips。,Obviously,that is not the truth!,The global times Fishing boat 310 is neither by ships disguised himself, but also other dimention, according to the regulations it didnt equipped with any weapons环球时报记者曾跟随渔政310船出过海。据了解,不同于用南海救助舰改装而成的渔政311船,渔政310船既不是由军舰改装,也和其他渔政船一样,按规定没配备任何武器。,The British broadcasting company (BBC)Fishing boat310 is Chinas largest tonnage, the fastest dimention, Chinas first ship equipped with the helicopter dimention.(渔政船)英国广播公司报道说,渔政310船是中国吨位最大、速度最快的渔政船,也是中国第一艘配备直升机的渔政船。(a more objective point),April 20, 2012, the United States and the Philippines hold a “shoulder to shoulder -2012” joint military exercises. (美菲2012“肩并肩”联合军演),On that day, more than 6,000 American and Filipino soldiers participated in the annual military exercises, including 4,500 U.S. soldiers, 2,300 Filipino soldiers. The exercise lasted two weeks, the exercise site contains more than one, including the western province of Palawan.(巴拉望省),Chinas “Liberation Army Daily“, April 21, a commentators article said that The behind behalf of the thinking of the United States and the Philippines joint military exercises will lead the South China Sea to the military confrontation, and the use of force to resolve the Crossroads “.中国解放军报21日发表评论员文章说,美国和菲律宾联合军事演习“背后代表的思维将会把南海问题引向军事对抗、武力解决的歧路”。,the lianhezaobaoAs for the United States in the exercise “ Its not only a massive pulling the performance of other countries“, the article says this is not only in order to keep up appearances to the Philippines, but also for its return to the Asia-Pacific.新加坡联合早报指出,至于美国在此次军演中“既派重兵,又拉别国”的表现,文章认为,这不仅是为了给菲律宾“撑场面”,更是出于其重返亚太战略的需要.,2. China and Russia held “joint maritime -2012 Sino-Russian military exercise ” (“海上联合-2012”的中俄海上联合军事演习”),The military exercise held in the Yellow Sea near Qingdao, China. This is the most extensive joint military exercises between the two navies at the largest subjects.(规模最大、科目最丰富), the Japanese weekly news This action shows that China does not want to use military force to resolve the south China sea issue, but it has already started to do the worst plan.日本周刊新闻评论说,这表明中国不希望用武力解决南海问题,但已经开始做最坏打算。,Japans asahi may television station(日本朝日电视台) “The confrontation(对峙)between China and Philippines maywell present us a coming war!“,This is Japans consistent(一贯的)attitude towards China ,it does like to see the trouble on China.,Chinese Defense MinisterLiang Guanglie(中国国防部长梁光烈),China will take Military actions according to diplomatic needs中国的军事行动要根据外交需要,China,A Mighty (威武的)man!,The Chinese Government spokesman said: we hope the Philippine side joint efforts with the Chinese side, things ease off as soon as possible. This internationalization can only further complicate the issue, extension, does not help to resolve the situation at all. The Philippine side not on selected edges line up involvement of other States or other countries.中国政府发言人 我们希望菲方与中方共同努力,使事态尽快缓和下来。将这一问题国际化只能使其进一步复杂化、扩大化,丝毫无助于事态解决。菲方不要拉其他国家卷入或要求其他国家选边站队。,One famous foreign analysts believe that China is naturally reluctant (不情愿)to call in the South China Sea, but it does not exclude(不排除) small type(小规模战), even so, accurate analysis of the United States and other countries how to respond to the region is important. And even if it is small, and there must be a way. Is Navy or air force(海军还是空军)? Is a small cold or hot war? I believe that this is the Chinese armed forces to be prepared.我相信这都是中国军队做好准备的。,
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