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Caves of Aggtelek Karst and Slovak Karst,The Caves of Aggtelek and Slovak Karst (4825-4840N, 2015-2100E) are World Heritage Sites located on the international border between southern Slovakia(斯洛伐克) and northeastern Hungary(匈牙利).,Geographical Location,Dolines,The Caves of Aggtelek Karst and Slovak Karst topographically comprise limestone plateaus dissected by deep river valleys .,Jiuzhai gou is composed of three valleys arranged in a Y shapeRize valleyZechawa valleyShuzheng valley,Caves included are :,Baradla and Domica complex,Gombasek Cave,Silica Ice Cave,Dobinsk Ice Cave,Ochtinsk Aragonite Cave,Jasovsk Cave,the Worlds highest Stalagmite (石笋) 32.7m,The territorys height is considered above sea level,How did they form?,The caves and cave systems exhibit a rare combination of tropical and glacial climatic effects, enabling geologists to study its geological history over tens of millions of years,Spring,Summer,Autumn,Winter,The flora is representative of both Pannonian(潘诺尼亚的) and Carpathian(喀尔巴阡山脉的) elements. Approximately 70% of the territory consists of deciduous woodland(落叶林) dominated by hornbeam(角树) and oak(橡树).,The fauna includes wolf, lynx(猞猁), red deer(赤鹿), roe deer(狍), wild boar(野猪), wild cat and badger(獾). Nesting bird species include: rock bunting(白颊鸟), black stork(黒鹳), corncrake(长脚秧鸡), imperial eagle(鹰), dipper(河鸟), Ural owl(猫头鹰), saker falcon(隼), short-toed eagle, honey buzzard(秃鹰).,
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