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Unit7,Throughout his career, Truman Capote remained one of Americas most controversial and colorful authors, combining literary genius with a penchant for the glittering world of high society. Watch the movie clip and discuss the following questions.,Pre-reading Activities - Audiovisual supplement 1,Audiovisual supplement,Cultural information,He did not seem to be the person that you will make a friend with. From the way he carries himself and the way he speaks, we can probably draw the conclusion that he is a gay. He paid the train conductor to compliment him, which shows that he is vain and flamboyant.,1. How would you describe Capote?,Pre-reading Activities - Audiovisual supplement 2,Audiovisual supplement,Cultural information,2. Will the knowledge of Capote being an outrageous and offensive person have any effect on your impression of his novels?,Yes. A great writer should first of all be a great man. Capote in private is quite different from the one that is behind the public mask. With this understanding in mind, I will have a different perspective when reading his novels. No. Although he was a social climber, a back stabber, and his behavior was frequently offensive if not downright disgusting, he was also a writer of uncommon grace and sensitivity, who has created many unforgettable images of people and places.,a.b.,Pre-reading Activities - Audiovisual supplement 3,Audiovisual supplement,Cultural information,From Capote,Video Script1,Audiovisual supplement,Cultural information,I figured youd missed it. Im sorry. Thats all right. I thought I was heading to Kansas by myself. God, Im glad you agreed to come. Youre the only one I know with the qualifications to be both a research assistant and a personal bodyguard. Thank you. Now Im nervous. Yes? Mr. Truman Capote and Miss Nelle Harper Lee? Thats us.,Nelle: Capote: Nelle: Capote: Nelle: Capote: Train Conductor:Capote:,Video Script2,Audiovisual supplement,Cultural information,Where would you like these, sir? You can put that right there between the doors. What all did you bring? Just a few things. Thank you greatly, sir. Thank you. Youre welcome. Its an honor to have you with us, sir. And I hope you wont mind me saying, but I thought your last book was even better than the first. Thank you.,Train Conductor: Capote: Nelle: Capote: Train Conductor: Nelle: Capote: Train Conductor:Capote:,Video Script3,Audiovisual supplement,Cultural information,I mean, just when you think theyve gotten as good as they can get. Thank you very much. Maam. Youre pathetic. What? You paid him to say that. You paid him to say that. How did you know? “Just when you think theyve gotten as good as they can get”? I thought that was a good line. Do you think that was too much? Yeah, a bit.,Train Conductor: Capote: Train Conductor: Nelle: Capote: Nelle: Capote: Nelle: Capote: Nelle:,1. List of some common musical instruments,Cultural information1. 1,Audiovisual supplement,Cultural information,1) Stringed Instruments 弦乐器Viola 中提琴 Cello 大提琴Guitar 吉他 Violin 小提琴Harp 竖琴,2) Keyboard Instruments 键盘乐器Piano 钢琴 Pipe organ 管风琴,Cultural information 1.2,Audiovisual supplement,Cultural information,3) Percussion Instruments 打击乐器 Triangle 三角铁 Drum 大鼓 Cymbal 钹 Gong 锣Tambourine 铃鼓 Xylophone 木琴 Dulcimer 扬琴 Chimes/Tubular bell 管钟,4) Wind Instrument 管乐器;吹奏乐器Brass Instruments 铜管乐器 French horn 法国号 Bugle 单号/军乐号Cornet 短号 Trumpet 小号,Cultural information 1.3,Audiovisual supplement,Cultural information,Woodwind Instruments木管乐器 Clarinet 单簧管 Bassoon 低音管/巴松管 Flute 长笛 Oboe 双簧管 Saxophone 萨克斯 Accordion 手风琴 harmonica 口琴,Cultural information 2.1,Audiovisual supplement,Cultural information,2. List of some musical termsThis is a list of musical terms that are likely to be encountered in printed scores, music reviews, and program notes.,cycle 套曲: a set of songs intended to be performed as a group suite 组曲: an instrumental piece consisting of several shorter pieces sonata 奏鸣曲: a piece of music for one instrument or for one instrument and piano, usually divided into three or four parts,Cultural information 2.2,Audiovisual supplement,Cultural information,symphony 交响曲: an elaborate musical composition for full orchestra, typically in four movements, at least one of which is traditionally in sonata form concerto协奏曲: a musical composition for a solo instrument or instruments accompanied by an orchestra, especially one conceived on a relatively large scale overture 序曲: an orchestral piece at the beginning of an opera, suite, play, oratorio, or other extended composition,Cultural information 2.3,Audiovisual supplement,Cultural information,prelude 前奏曲: an introductory piece of music, most commonly an orchestral opening to an act of an opera, the first movement of a suite, or a piece preceding a fugue impromptu 即兴曲: a short piece of instrumental music, especially a solo, that is reminiscent of an improvisation accompaniment 伴奏: the part of a piece of music that supports the tune or someone singing solo 独奏;独唱: a piece of vocal or instrumental music or a dance, or a part or passage in one, for one performer,
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