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高考英语专题复习,情景交际用语,考纲解读,交际用语是高考每年必考的项目,其选材来自同学们的现实生活,具有自然、真实、灵活的特点。同学们平时要多了解英美国家的风土人情、生活习惯,注意对比和研究英汉两种语言文化上的细微差异,逐步提高具体语境下的语言应变能力,从而提高解答交际用语题的水平。交际用语主要考查教学大纲中所规定的常用会话套语。考查的方式以应答为主,提问为辅;以中英文化差异明显的语言交流项目为重点考查对象。,情景交际用语高考常考查的五大类:,结合比较历年高考试题,将常见的情景交际用语归纳如下:,一、“没关系;不要紧;没问题;别提了”类 二、pleasure类 三、all right 类 四、“祝愿;祝贺”类 五、Go ahead,Help yourselfHerebe类,Test 1:,-Would you mind my coming and having a look at your new garden?My little sons curious about roses you grow.-_.Youre welcome.A. Yes, I do B. Never mind C. Yes, please D. Not at all,一、“没关系;不要紧;没问题;别提了”类, Never mind意为“没关系;不要紧;不用费事”,常用于以下几种场合:1)当别人向你致歉时;2)请对方放心或安慰对方时注意:由于受字面意思的影响,很多学生把Never mind用于对DoWould you mind的否定回答. 对DoWould you mind表示“不介意”时常用No, not at all;of course not;certainly not;No, please;No,go ahead等;表示“介意”的回答为You had better not;Youd rather not;Im afraidnot;Im sorry,but等.,Forget it 意为“没关系;不要紧;别提了”,通常用于以下场合:1)当别人向你致歉时;2)不同意对方要求的委婉拒绝 No problem意为“没问题”。通常用于对别人的请求表示同意.类似的表达还有:All right;OK。 It doesnt matter相当于No matter,意为“没关系;不要紧”,通常用于对别人道歉的答语.,高考链接:,1. -I dont have any change with me.Will you pay the fare for me?-_. A. Thats fine B. Nothing serious C. Never mind D. No problem2.-Im terrible sorry.I broke your glass.-_ AThats right BBad luck CSorry DYou can forget it3.-Im sorry I broke your mirror.-Oh, really ?_.AIts OK with me BIt doesnt matterCDont be sorry DI dont care,二、pleasure类,Its a pleasure to do 意为“很高兴做”,相当于PleasedNiceGlad to do. Its a/my pleasure=A pleasure=My pleasure,意为“不用谢;没关系;这是我乐意做的”,通常是对thank you 的回答. With pleasure=YesCertainly,意为“当然可以;愿意效劳”。类似的答语还有:All right;OK;No problem;Id like to等,主要用于对别人的请求表示乐意去做的场合。,高考链接:,1-Could you do me a favor and take these books to my office? -Yes,_ A for pleasure BI could Cmy pleasure Dwith pleasure 2-Its been a wonderful evening.Thank you very much.-_! AMy pleasure BIm glad to hear that CNo, thanks DIts OK.,三、all right 类,Thats all right意为“不用谢;没关系”,主要用于对感谢或歉意的礼貌回答。 That right意为“对了;正确”,表示对对方的意见、看法或行为肯定的答复。相反说法为Thats wrong。 All right=OK,意为“行;可以”,通常用于对对方的建议或请求表示同意。4. sb.sth. be all rightOK表示“身体好;一切正常”5.感谢的礼貌回答有Thats all right;Thats OK;Not at all;Youre welcome;Dont mention it;It is a pleasureA pleasureMy pleasure;Im glad you enjoy等;6. 对歉意的礼貌回答有:Thats all right;It doesnt matter;Never mind;Forget it ;ThatsIts nothing等。,高考链接,-James,Im sorry I used your computer when you were away this morning.-_. AThats all right BIts a pleasure CYou are welcome DDont mention it,四、“祝愿;祝贺”类,当听到令人高兴的事时,通常用Im glad to hear that来应答;否则用Im sorry to hear that来应答。 当对方向你表示祝愿时,常用The same to you 或You,too来回答。但对Happy birthday to you的回答常用Thank you。 当对方在某项活动,如考试、比赛时,向对方表示祝福用Good luck。 当对方在某方面取得成就或成功时,常用Congratulations 来表示。,高考链接:, Tom:Mike,our team will play against the Rocket this weekend.Im sure we will win . Mike:_. ACongratulations BCheers CBest wishes DGood luck -I had a really good weekend at my uncles. -_. AOh,thats very mice of you BCongratulation B Its a pleasure DOh,Im glad to hear that -Have a nice weekend! -_. AThe same to you BYou do too CYou have it too DThe same as you -I came out first in the English Listening and Speaking Competition -_. ACongratulations BGood luck CGood for you DIm glad to,五、Go ahead,Help yourself,Herebe类,Go ahead表示鼓励对方做某事,意为“请吧;请说吧;请开始吧;请尽管用”。注意:在回答May I use或I wonder if I can use时,如借用的东西可以拿走,就用Here you are,反之用Go ahead。 Help yourself可表示“请随便吃、喝”外,还可表示“请自己动手做或拿”。 3.Here it is表示“给你;在这儿”特指提到的单数名词。Here they are表示“给你;在这儿;他们来了”特指上 文提到的是复数名词。Here you are表示“给你;在这儿;你们来到了”,特指上文提到的是单数或复数名词,也可以指另外提供的事物。 Here we are表示“这儿有我们所需要的;我们到了”。,高考链接:,-Could I ask you a rather personal question? -_. A. Yes,dont worry BOf course,go ahead C. Yes,help yourself DOf course,why not -Do you think I could borrow your dictionary? -_. AYes,you may borrow BYes,you could CYes,go on DYes,help yourself,1What about talking with others while learning spoken English?In my opinion, _.Ait makes sense Bits out of the question Cits up to you Dits hard to say【解析】题意:“和别人交流来练习英语口语怎么样?”“在我看来,这样行。”it makes sense“这样有意义;行得通”; its out of the question“不可能”; its up to you“由你来决定”; its hard to say“很难说”。【答案】A,2I think the Internet is playing an important role in our daily life. Dont you think so?Yes. _.AGreat minds think alike BEarly birds catch worms CFacts speak louder than words DNo pains, no gains【解析】Great minds think alike“英雄所见略同”; Early birds catch worms“早起的鸟儿有虫吃”; Facts speak louder than words“事实胜于雄辩”; No pains, no gains“不劳无获”。【答案】A,3Which would you prefer, cocoa or coffee?_.AYes, please BNeither, thanks CAs you like DYes, both【解析】题意:你喝热可可饮料还是咖啡?都不要,谢谢。问句是特殊疑问句,不必使用yes或no来回答,由此可排除A、D两项;As you like“随你的便”,语意不恰当。【答案】B,
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