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Unit 4 How do you get to school,Section A,Section B,selfcheck,Warming up,Warming up,Look at the dialogue then practise like this:,A: Look, That is my fathers car.,B: Where is he going?,A: He is going to work.,B: Does he drive to work every day ?,A:Yes, By the way, how does your father go to work ?,B: Oh, by bus.,A: How about your?,Section A,1a Look at the picture. Make a list of how the students get to school in the morning. Then add other ways to get to school.,1. take the subway 3. 5. 7. 2. 4. 6. 8.,ride a bike,take a bus,walk,take a taxi,Take the train,by boat,go in a parents car,拓展,go for a walk take a walkhave a walk,都表示“散步”,Example: 我每天晚饭后都要去散步。,I go for a walk after supper every day.,I take a walk after supper every day.,I have a walk after supper every day.,take 的用法有很多,take 和交通工具连用时表“乘”的意思,如:take a bus 乘车 take a taxi 打的 take the/a train 乘火车 take the/a subway 乘地铁,How do you get to school?,如: 你怎么去上班的? How do you go to work?,How 对方式提问,get to “到达“后跟地点名词,如:get to the south of Italy,若get to 后的地点是副词,则省to,get home get there get here,1b Listen and write the numbers next to the correct students,In the picture above.,1. Bob 3. Paul 5. John,2. Mary 4. Yang Lan,3,2,4,5,1c pairwork,Look at the picture. How do students get to school in the morning?,Make conversations.,A: How does Bob get to school?,B: He takes the train.,2a Listen and repeat.,32,40,41,50,60,70,80,90,100,2b Listen and correct number next to the word.,forty-six,thirty-three,seventy-two,ninety-nine,One hundred and five,fifty-eight,sixty-one,eight-four,46,33,72,99,105,58,61,84,2c Listen and check ( ) the kinds of transportation that you hear.,1.,2.,3.,4.,5.,f,a,e,c,Listen again. Match the times with the kinds of transportation.,10 minutes b. 15 minutes c. 25 minutes d. 30 minutese. 35 minutes f. 40 minutes g. 50 minutes h. 55 minutes,2d PAIRWORK,Make a conversation about how you get to school.,It + takes sb. +时间 + to do,做某事花了某人多少时间,如:做作业花了我半天时间,It took me half a day to do my homework,在英语中表花费的词还有很多,如:pay, spend, cost 等,人+ pay + 金钱 + for + 物 . 表示某人花钱买某物。,如:她要花50元买这本字典,Shes paying 50 yuan for the dictionary,如:他玩了两小时电子游戏,He spent two hours (in) playing computer games,Sb.+ spend +时间/金钱 on sth.,她买那条裙子花了150元,She spent 150 yuan on the skirt.,Sb + spend +时间/金钱 (in) doing sth.,3a Read the passage and answer the questions.,Q:,1. How does he get to school?,2. How long does it take?,3. How far is it from his home to school?,1、be about .from距.大约有(远),如:小明的家距我家有10米远。,Xiao Mings home is about 10 metres from mine.,2、一日三餐前有形容词修饰时要加不定冠词,若没有则不加。,如:,have supper,have breakfast,have lunch,have a big supper,have a quick breakfast,判断正误,He got up late, so he had quick breakfast and went to school.,3、leave for 是动身去,Shes leaving for Beijing tomorrow.,如:她明天要离开上海去日本,Shes leaving Shanghai for Japan tomorrow.,如:他明天要去北京,leave A for B 是离开A到B,4、around 在这里相当于about “大约”的意思。,如:教室里大约有30个学生。,There are around thirty students in the classroom.,5、ride ones bicycle to 相当于 go to by bike 骑车去,如:Dave 每天骑车上学,Dave rides his bicycle to school every day.,Dave goes to school by bike every day.,6、take 在这里表“花费”,如:用半小时踢足球,Playing soccer takes half an hour.,7、taketo带某人或某物去,如:他明天要带我们去动物园,Hes taking us to the zoo tomorrow.,如:请把这些书带到教室去。,Take the books to the classroom, please.,3b PAIRWORK,Look at the pictures. Ask and answer questions.,A: How do you get to school?,B: I take the subway.,A: How far is it from your home,to school ?,B: Its three miles.,A: How long does it take you,to get from home to school ?,B: It takes 25 minutes.,fromto可联结并列的时间或地点,如:从上午10点到下午3点,from 10 AM to 3 PM,从北京到上海,from Beijing to Shanghai,How 对方式提问,如:你打算怎么去的北京?,How are you going to Beijing?,How long 对时间的长短(时间段)提问,如:看这部电影要多长的时间,How long does it take to see the movie?,How far 是对距离的远近提问,如:北京距上海有多远?,How far is it from Beijing to Shanghai?,那个超市距这儿有多远?,How far is the supermarket from here?,section,B,1a Match the words with the pictures,1. bus stop,3. bus station,2. train station,4. subway station,b,a,c,d,1b. PAIRWORK,Suppose you use two kinds of transportation to get to school(bus,train, subway, walking, bike, etc.). Tell how you get to school.,A: How do you get to school?,B: Well, I ride my bike to the subway station.,Then I take the subway.,2a Listen and check( ) the things that Thomas wants to know.,Thomas wants to know,where Nina lives.,how far from school she lives.,how long it takes to get to school.,how she gets to school.,what she thinks of the transportation.,think of 关心;想起;考虑,
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