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系动词翻译练习,英译汉 run: to become different in a particular way 1. The river ran dry during the drought. 这条河在干旱期间断流了。 2. Supplies are running low. 物资供应渐趋不足。 3. Weve run short of milk. 我们牛奶不够了。,continue 1. I want you to continue as project manager. 我要你留任项目经理。 2. She will continue in her present job until a replacement can be found. 在找到替换人员之前,她将继续做她目前的工作。 seem, 1. You seem happy today. 今天,你好像很高兴 2. Do whatever seems best to you. 你觉得什么最好,就做什么。,stand: to remain still 1.Mix the batter(面糊) and let it stand for twenty minutes. 搅好面糊以后,放上二十分钟。 standing pools of rainwater 雨水洼,1. He remains single after Singles Day. 2. The desk feels hard 3.The leaves have turned yellow. 4.The report sounds interesting. 5. Mrs Brown looks very healthy. 6. At the age of fifteen he became a famous pianist. 7. Children, keep quiet please. 8. You smell smelly after playing basketball. 9. His theory proved (to be) practical later. 10. The result turned out (to be )good,1. He remains single after Singles Day. 光棍节后他还是单身。 2. The desk feels hard 书桌摸起来很硬。 3.The leaves have turned yellow. 树叶已经变黄了。 4.The report sounds interesting. 这个报告听起来很有意思。 5. Mrs Brown looks very healthy. 布朗先生看起来很健康。,6. At the age of fifteen he became a famous pianist. 他在十五岁成为一名著名的钢琴家。 7. Children, keep quiet please. 孩子们,请保持安静。 8. You smell smelly after playing basketball. 打完篮球后你会很臭。 9. His theory proved (to be) practical later. 后来,他的理论被证明很实用。 10. The result turned out (to be )good. 结果变得很好。,
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