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中国三农网 http:/www.zg3n.com.cn,Manure and Odor Management Systems for Swine Operations 猪场的粪便和臭气管理系统,作者:Steve Pohl Agricultural Engineer 农业工程师,1-2,Environmental Impact of Swine Manure 猪粪对环境的影响,中国三农网 http:/www.zg3n.com.cn,Environmental Benefits of Manure 猪粪对环境的好处, N leaching potential减少氮沥滤作用 soil erosion & runoff减少土壤侵蚀和径流 soil carbon . 土壤的碳增加 crop productivity提高作物生产率 Replace energy intensive N fertilizer & limited resource P fertilizer能够省下因制造无机氮肥导致的巨大能耗,还能节约磷肥资源,中国三农网 http:/www.zg3n.com.cn,Summary of potential manure contaminants of water quality, the associated environmental risk, and most common pathway to water. 小结:粪便物质对水质的污染 、有关的环境危害以及对水质最常见的污染途径,Surface runoff 地表水径流,Unsaturated ZoneWater Table 地下水位 Sand & Gravel AquiferBedrock,Leaching to groundwater沥滤入地下水,Well casings井壁保护层,Private Well,Precipitation,1,3,4,Ammonia deposition氨沉降,5,Macropore flow大孔流,1-5,What are the Pathways by which Manure Contaminates Water? 粪便造成水污染的途径,化粪池,不饱和区,地下水位,含水沙土层,基岩,储粪罐,私人水井,降雨,中国三农网 http:/www.zg3n.com.cn,Planning and Evaluation of Manure Storage 对储粪设施的规划和评述,20-7,中国三农网 http:/www.zg3n.com.cn,Why Do We Store Manure? 为什么要储存粪便?,To reduce the need for frequent hauling and land spreading 避免频频装运和施肥 To allow land spreading at a time when soil and climatic conditions are suitable在土壤和气候条件都适宜时进行施肥 To allow nutrient application at or near the crops growing season 在接近和正处于作物栽培季节时进行施肥,中国三农网 http:/www.zg3n.com.cn,Manure Storage Types 储粪设施的类型,中国三农网 http:/www.zg3n.com.cn,Commonly Used Manure Storage Facilities 通常应用的储粪设施,Based primarily on type and consistency of manure 主要根据粪便的类型和质地 Solid 固体 Slurry 粪浆 Liquid 液体,中国三农网 http:/www.zg3n.com.cn,系统类型,带圈舍的 敞开式牧场,舍饲,稀释,固体物,径流,处理和储存,固体物 多于15%,粪浆 415% 固体物,厌氧发酵池 04% 固体物,土质储粪池 02% 固体物,农田施肥,施肥机,植被过滤,抽吸灌溉设备,真空罐或 重型泵槽车,去除 固体物,中国三农网 http:/www.zg3n.com.cn,Under-floor Deep Pit Manure Storage 地下深坑储粪坑,地下储粪坑,真空抽吸口,中国三农网 http:/www.zg3n.com.cn,Totally Slatted Deep Pit (3 meters deep) Finishing Barn 全条板深坑(3米深)-肥育舍,中国三农网 http:/www.zg3n.com.cn,Shallow Gutter Manure Storage 浅储粪槽,18 meters,18米,(两端出口),(一端出口),Slurry Manure Storage粪浆储存 Outside Tanks 户外储粪罐,Usually concrete or glass-lined steel tanks.通常是水泥结构或是内衬玻璃的钢板结构 Manure may be pumped or flow into tank by gravity. 粪便可用泵抽吸入罐或者靠重力流入罐内 Agitation is necessary. 需要进行搅动 Tanks may be covered for odor control. 可将罐盖上,以防臭气四散,中国三农网 http:/www.zg3n.com.cn,Slurry Manure Storage粪浆储存 Earthen Basins土质储粪池,Usually less costly than tanks建造成本低于储粪罐 Can accommodate some lot runoff 可容纳露天牧场的一部分径流水 Requires soils investigation and seal construction需要调查土层情况并建造密封层 Mowing and berm maintenance required需要对护道进行保养并修剪护道区的植被,Slurry Manure Storage粪浆储存 Earthen Basins土质储粪池 (continued) (续),Some basins are fully or partially lined with concrete.有些土质储粪池全部或部分内壁衬以水泥 Constructed ramps provide access with loading and hauling equipment. 要建造斜道,供装运设备进入 Basins may be emptied with mechanical loading equipment.可配备机械装运设备,20-17,中国三农网 http:/www.zg3n.com.cn,Advantages of Slurry Manure Storage 粪浆储存的优点,Less volume (higher solids content) than lagoons.所需容量(固体物质含量高)小于发酵池 Adaptable to tank storage, either underfloor or aboveground.可储存于储粪罐,储粪罐可建造在地下,也可在地面以上 Tanks may becovered for odor control.若用储粪罐,则可加盖以防臭气四散 Less nutrient loss than lagoons.养分的损失小于发酵池 Manure may be handled hydraulically.可用水压设备抽吸粪便,中国三农网 http:/www.zg3n.com.cn,Disadvantages of Slurry Manure Storage 粪浆储存的缺点,May be higher odor potential than lagoons or solid manure.臭气大于发酵池 或固体粪便 Gases from poorly ventilated underfloor pits may affect animals.通风不良的地下储粪坑中产生的有毒气体有害于动物 Toxic or combustible gases can accumulate in enclosed areas.密闭区域内可积聚起有毒或可燃气体,中国三农网 http:/www.zg3n.com.cn,Hauling many loads of manure may be time consuming and labor intensive.多次装运既费时又费工 Potential for odor and/or runoff if slurry is surface spread without injection or incorporation. 如果田间施肥时仅施于土表,则易于散发臭气并随径流水流走,Disadvantages of Slurry Manure Storage 粪浆储存的缺点 (continued) (续),中国三农网 http:/www.zg3n.com.cn,Liquid Manure Storage Lagoons 液粪发酵池,Commonly used when some treatment needed for handling or reduced odors常用于需要进行处理以便于装运及减少臭气的场合 Contain a permanent treatment volume for bacteria留有永久性的处理空间供细菌活动 Earthen structures larger than slurry facilities土质结构,大于粪浆储存设施,Liquid Manure Storage Lagoons 液粪发酵池 ( continued) (续),Site and soils investigation required.需要对建造地点的土壤和地质情况进行调查 Properly constructed seal is necessary to control seepage.必须建造密封层以防渗流 Designed on basis of temperature as well as manure volume.根据温度和粪便量进行设计 Perform better in warmer climates.天气温暖时性能较好,20-22,中国三农网 http:/www.zg3n.com.cn,Liquid Manure Storage Lagoons 液粪发酵池 ( continued) (续),Source of dilution water facilitates prefilling lagoon at startup开始时要先用稀释水灌注粪池 Helps maintain treatment volume during periods of dry weather有助于在天气干旱时保持处理空间 Reduces effects of salt buildup in lagoons可减轻池内积聚盐类,中国三农网 http:/www.zg3n.com.cn,Advantages of Liquid Manure Storage Lagoons 液粪发酵池 的优点,May be least cost per unit of storage单位储存容量的成本较低 Ability to store large amounts of manure and/or lot runoff 能够储存大量粪便和牧场径流水 Provides some treatment of manure, reducing odors and degrading solids能对粪便进行一定的处理、减少臭气并分解其中的固体物 Enables handling of manure with pumping and spreading equipment能用泵和分离设备对粪便进行处理,
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